Michael Treinen Foundation 15th Annual Turkey Trot

5K Run/Walk


November 24, 2022 in Noblesville, IN


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5K Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1350 Pj Youngman M 50-59 612 49/52 300/318 58:34 18:52
1255 Sawyer Smith M 13-19 613 72/72 301/318 58:35 18:52
747 Heather Becker F 50-59 614 49/52 313/340 58:51 18:57
748 Rachel Becker F 30-39 615 26/30 314/340 58:55 18:58
1158 Andrew Penski M 30-39 616 33/34 302/318 59:15 19:05
1019 Jennifer Kelsey F 40-49 617 66/68 315/340 59:21 19:07
1353 Sarah Zink F 40-49 618 67/68 316/340 59:22 19:07
765 Kathryn Bond F 60-UP 619 20/22 317/340 59:24 19:07
764 Cody Bond M 20-29 620 53/57 303/318 59:27 19:08
1115 Jamie Morris F 30-39 621 27/30 318/340 59:27 19:08
1260 Chloe Snyder F 13-19 622 76/80 319/340 59:44 19:14
1257 Aiden Snyder M 20-29 623 54/57 304/318 59:46 19:15
1453 Thalia Siefert F 13-19 624 77/80 320/340 1:00:13 19:23
1199 Steph Roberts F 30-39 625 28/30 321/340 1:00:30 19:29
1394 Jeffrey Musselman M 20-29 626 55/57 305/318 1:00:33 19:30
1513 Dan Nickander M 60-UP 627 17/19 306/318 1:00:34 19:30
1393 Jaima Musselman F 50-59 628 50/52 322/340 1:00:35 19:30
1514 Madi Nickander F 20-29 629 60/62 323/340 1:00:35 19:30
1512 Cory Olson M 30-39 630 34/34 307/318 1:00:37 19:31
1395 Rex Musselman M 50-59 631 50/52 308/318 1:00:37 19:31
1149 Lindsey Olson F 30-39 632 29/30 324/340 1:00:41 19:32
1392 Drew Musselman M 20-29 633 56/57 309/318 1:00:55 19:37
1122 Kristina Mudd F 30-39 634 30/30 325/340 1:01:32 19:49
971 Maya Hill F 13-19 635 78/80 326/340 1:01:43 19:52
1103 Kevin Moloney M 50-59 636 51/52 310/318 1:01:45 19:53
1250 Bette Smith F 50-59 637 51/52 327/340 1:01:45 19:53
805 Maddie Clark F 01-12 638 17/19 328/340 1:01:51 19:55
801 Alaynah Clark F 13-19 639 79/80 329/340 1:01:59 19:57
1175 Darren Ratcliffe M 50-59 640 52/52 311/318 1:02:14 20:02
1174 Charlie Ratcliffe M 20-29 641 57/57 312/318 1:02:17 20:03
1176 Evelyn Ratcliffe F 13-19 642 80/80 330/340 1:02:28 20:07
803 Jeffrey Clark M 40-49 643 48/49 313/318 1:02:28 20:07
806 Rebekah Clark F 40-49 644 68/68 331/340 1:02:30 20:07
1542 Carrie Kelb F 20-29 645 61/62 332/340 1:02:30 20:07
1107 Callie Moosbrugger F 01-12 646 18/19 333/340 1:02:32 20:08
1544 Barbara Kelb F 60-UP 647 21/22 334/340 1:02:33 20:08
1543 Karl Kelb M 60-UP 648 18/19 314/318 1:02:34 20:08
1108 Daniel Moosbrugger M 40-49 649 49/49 315/318 1:02:42 20:11
939 Morris Guyer M 60-UP 650 19/19 316/318 1:02:56 20:16
940 Teresa Guyer F 60-UP 651 22/22 335/340 1:02:56 20:16

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