2024 Bee BUZZ Run

1-Mile Overall--Searchable Format

In-person and virtual 4-Mile Run/Walk and 1-Mile Run/Walk. All proceeds to benefit the restoration of the Bee States Ballroom


April 21, 2024 in Bee, NE

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1-Mile Overall--Searchable Format - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 31 of 31
number of records per page: [10] [25] [all]

158 Mary Beth Smith F6069 54 3/9 35/55 18:55 18:55
152 Renie Schaben F6069 55 4/9 36/55 19:09 19:09
153 Tony Schaben M6069 56 4/4 20/29 19:09 19:09
127 Nikki Kozisek F3039 57 9/10 37/55 19:17 19:17
132 Carol Maca F6069 58 5/9 38/55 19:19 19:19
121 Jeff Koenig M3039 59 3/3 21/29 19:19 19:19
165 Connie Wilken F7079 60 1/4 39/55 19:20 19:20
92 Bob Dahms M8084 61 1/2 22/29 19:28 19:28
105 Shirley Hoffbauer F5059 62 8/12 40/55 21:31 21:31
149 Doreen Rech F6069 63 6/9 41/55 21:33 21:33
151 Ronald Roby M5059 64 1/4 23/29 21:34 21:34
176 Lehman Honeycutt M5059 65 2/4 24/29 22:02 22:02
156 Susan Sisel F5059 66 9/12 42/55 22:02 22:02
154 Melody Schaefer F6069 67 7/9 43/55 22:03 22:03
90 Sharon Codr F5059 68 10/12 44/55 22:03 22:03
91 Colleen Coufal F6069 69 8/9 45/55 22:08 22:08
161 Suzy Vollstedt F7079 70 2/4 46/55 22:08 22:08
87 Kris Bourke F6069 71 9/9 47/55 22:09 22:09
144 Karlee Odvody F3039 72 10/10 48/55 22:11 22:11
103 Todd Hoffart M5059 73 3/4 25/29 23:13 23:13
100 Angela Hejl F5059 74 11/12 49/55 23:14 23:14
164 Lizzie Wagner F0110 75 11/12 50/55 23:20 23:20
150 Joan Roby F5059 76 12/12 51/55 23:41 23:41
104 Ellie Hoffbauer F2029 77 2/2 52/55 23:47 23:47
136 Roger Marquis M8084 78 2/2 26/29 23:47 23:47
135 Kathy Marquis F7079 79 3/4 53/55 23:47 23:47
99 Matt Haacker M4049 80 2/3 27/29 25:14 25:14
97 Andromeda Haacker F0110 81 12/12 54/55 25:19 25:19
124 Scott Kovar M5059 82 4/4 28/29 31:31 31:31
123 Judy Kovar F7079 83 4/4 55/55 31:31 31:31
173 Gregory Kovar M4049 84 3/3 29/29 31:36 31:36

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