CNO Financial Monumental Marathon - 2021



November 6, 2021 in Indianapolis, IN

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Half-Marathon - Results

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7654 Lindsay Dotterweich F 30-34 517 24/401 111/2681 22:49 7:22 444 44:50 7:14 442 1:04:15 6:55 440 44:51 3:38 441 1:34:55 7:15
6813 Dustin Nichols M 40-44 518 45/330 407/2456 23:20 7:32 521 45:31 7:20 500 1:05:04 7:00 492 45:32 3:41 497 1:34:58 7:15
7604 Erich Watry M 35-39 519 50/284 408/2456 24:00 7:45 622 46:40 7:31 594 1:06:04 7:07 542 46:42 3:46 589 1:34:58 7:15
7782 Rachel Sinders F 35-39 520 19/361 112/2681 23:17 7:31 505 46:05 7:26 550 1:05:52 7:05 530 46:07 3:44 545 1:34:59 7:15
7074 Scott Groves M 50-54 521 20/233 409/2456 23:19 7:32 514 45:29 7:20 492 1:05:07 7:01 496 45:31 3:41 491 1:35:01 7:15
7029 Amanda Schoonveld F 25-29 522 29/378 113/2681 23:21 7:32 526 46:16 7:27 566 1:06:04 7:07 543 46:18 3:44 561 1:35:02 7:15
7195 Tim Peterson M 50-54 523 21/233 410/2456 23:38 7:38 567 - - - 1:06:10 7:07 547 46:18 3:45 562 1:35:04 7:16
7546 Chase Stuart M 40-44 524 46/330 411/2456 23:07 7:28 478 45:28 7:20 488 1:05:13 7:01 502 45:30 3:41 485 1:35:05 7:16
7495 Joe Gramelspacher M 35-39 525 51/284 412/2456 23:49 7:41 597 45:59 7:25 541 1:05:32 7:03 516 46:00 3:43 535 1:35:06 7:16
7087 Matthew Cain M 30-34 526 67/342 413/2456 23:19 7:32 518 45:31 7:20 499 1:05:03 7:00 491 45:32 3:41 493 1:35:13 7:16
7268 Brandon Kingman M 35-39 527 52/284 414/2456 23:07 7:28 479 45:16 7:18 476 1:05:02 7:00 487 - - - 1:35:16 7:16
7931 Jared Bailey M 35-39 528 53/284 415/2456 23:12 7:29 489 45:25 7:19 482 1:05:04 7:00 494 45:27 3:40 479 1:35:16 7:17
7465 Kiran Kareti M 45-49 529 33/281 416/2456 24:01 7:45 623 46:40 7:31 593 1:06:14 7:08 552 46:41 3:46 588 1:35:19 7:17
7878 Stephen Ayon M 30-34 530 68/342 417/2456 22:51 7:23 448 44:58 7:15 453 1:04:34 6:57 458 45:00 3:38 451 1:35:20 7:17
15048 John Sparzo M 50-54 531 22/233 418/2456 23:43 7:39 588 46:18 7:28 567 1:05:56 7:06 531 46:19 3:45 563 1:35:23 7:17
8634 Noah Smith M 20-24 532 48/152 419/2456 23:28 7:34 544 46:26 7:29 576 1:06:02 7:06 539 46:27 3:45 572 1:35:26 7:17
7911 Jen Schweigert F 40-44 533 14/400 114/2681 22:48 7:22 440 44:52 7:14 447 1:04:48 6:58 466 44:53 3:38 445 1:35:26 7:17
7376 Melissa Wirth F 35-39 534 20/361 115/2681 23:40 7:38 577 46:23 7:29 575 1:05:57 7:06 532 46:25 3:45 571 1:35:27 7:17
6982 Tori Wigginton F 25-29 535 30/378 116/2681 23:39 7:38 569 45:58 7:24 538 1:05:24 7:02 509 45:59 3:43 533 1:35:28 7:17
7658 Bea Cakmak F 16-19 536 3/63 117/2681 24:04 7:46 632 46:47 7:32 602 1:06:42 7:11 580 46:48 3:47 597 1:35:29 7:18
8982 Rachel Allison F 16-19 537 4/63 118/2681 24:04 7:46 633 46:47 7:32 603 1:06:42 7:11 579 46:48 3:47 598 1:35:30 7:18
7707 Adam Smalley M 30-34 538 69/342 420/2456 23:05 7:27 474 45:15 7:18 472 1:04:53 6:59 470 45:16 3:39 469 1:35:30 7:18
7292 Jennifer Coyne F 35-39 539 21/361 119/2681 23:19 7:32 515 46:09 7:26 554 1:05:51 7:05 529 46:10 3:44 549 1:35:31 7:18
8061 Garry Wylie M 35-39 540 54/284 421/2456 23:20 7:32 525 45:38 7:21 513 1:05:32 7:03 515 45:40 3:41 509 1:35:32 7:18
7215 Chad Baughman M 40-44 541 47/330 422/2456 23:20 7:32 519 45:14 7:18 470 1:04:47 6:58 465 45:16 3:39 468 1:35:32 7:18
7252 Rick Finn M 50-54 542 23/233 423/2456 23:34 7:36 554 46:14 7:27 563 1:06:14 7:08 553 46:16 3:44 559 1:35:32 7:18
8043 Victoria Roessler F 50-54 543 3/216 120/2681 23:36 7:37 560 45:55 7:24 535 1:05:43 7:04 522 45:57 3:43 530 1:35:33 7:18
7648 Eric Johnson M 25-29 544 96/307 424/2456 24:00 7:45 621 46:30 7:30 581 1:06:00 7:06 537 46:31 3:46 577 1:35:34 7:18
7995 Matt Brocks M 35-39 545 55/284 425/2456 23:16 7:31 500 45:51 7:23 525 1:05:34 7:03 518 45:52 3:42 520 1:35:35 7:18
7706 Mike Bersell M 20-24 546 49/152 426/2456 24:12 7:49 651 47:19 7:38 648 1:07:03 7:13 597 - - - 1:35:39 7:18
7580 Dave Floyd M 65-69 547 1/62 427/2456 23:22 7:33 529 45:38 7:21 511 1:05:27 7:03 511 45:39 3:41 507 1:35:42 7:18
8958 Luke Parks M 16-19 548 33/74 428/2456 24:57 8:03 789 48:06 7:45 728 1:08:20 7:21 683 - - - 1:35:43 7:19
7054 Owen Haan M 13-15 549 12/34 429/2456 23:30 7:35 547 46:29 7:30 580 1:06:29 7:09 564 46:31 3:46 576 1:35:44 7:19
7345 Meredith Heiser F 30-34 550 25/401 121/2681 23:05 7:27 475 45:49 7:23 524 1:05:48 7:05 527 - - - 1:35:46 7:19
6871 Mark Schroering M 45-49 551 34/281 430/2456 23:36 7:37 561 45:52 7:24 526 1:05:35 7:04 519 45:53 3:42 521 1:35:47 7:19
6988 Jeff Buckmaster M 50-54 552 24/233 431/2456 22:51 7:23 449 45:15 7:18 471 1:05:14 7:01 503 45:16 3:39 470 1:35:48 7:19
8164 Philip Huang M 35-39 553 56/284 432/2456 23:10 7:29 482 45:30 7:20 496 1:05:09 7:01 498 45:31 3:41 490 1:35:48 7:19
7060 Ruben Falcon M 60-64 554 3/137 433/2456 23:36 7:37 559 46:13 7:27 559 1:06:09 7:07 546 46:14 3:44 554 1:35:49 7:19
7851 Matthew Orlando M 30-34 555 70/342 434/2456 24:05 7:46 635 47:06 7:36 630 1:07:14 7:14 609 47:08 3:48 625 1:35:52 7:19
8058 Mason Vrshek M 13-15 556 13/34 435/2456 23:48 7:41 595 46:58 7:34 623 1:06:19 7:08 557 46:59 3:48 618 1:35:53 7:19

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