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2018 Nebraska State Fair Marathon - Marathon Relay Results

           Nebraska State Fair Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K & 1M
                              August 25, 2018
                             Grand Island, NE
                     Official Overall Results - Relay
Place Tea No.   Team                                    Category   10k     20 Mile Gun     Time       
===== === ===== ======================================= ========== ======= ======= ======= ======= 
    1   1   418 Runtasticos                             COED         53:53 2:54:53 3:41:59 3:41:34 
    2   2   430 Wearyless Runners                       COED         53:42 2:49:01 3:42:54 3:42:21 
    3   3   415 Probe Broz                              COED         54:53 2:56:04 3:45:07 3:44:45 
    4   4   425 The 'Mike's'                            COED       1:00:54 2:54:30 3:52:44 3:51:46 
    5   1   411 Kiss My Asphalt                         FEMALE       53:31 2:58:04 3:58:56 3:58:06 
    6   5   421 Team Geritol                            COED       1:02:17 3:08:46 3:59:42 3:58:24 
    7   2   405 Girls On The Run                        FEMALE       55:07 3:03:08 4:00:30 3:59:50 
    8   6   412 Mini 1                                  COED         59:28 3:15:13 4:02:26 4:01:41 
    9   7   404 Farmers and Babes                       COED       1:08:38 3:10:59 4:03:44 4:02:53 
   10   8   408 I Thought You Said Rum!                 COED         57:34 3:05:25 4:04:24 4:03:32 
   11   1   422 Team Thomas                             MALE         54:45 3:02:57 4:09:22 4:08:43 
   12   9   429 Undertrained and Over Confident         COED         58:38 3:03:12 4:10:53 4:09:39 
   13   3   419 Sandhillers                             FEMALE     1:09:14 3:07:42 4:13:08 4:12:52 
   14  10   423 The Beerlievers                         COED         53:47 3:07:19 4:15:39 4:14:39 
   15   4   403 Eletech                                 FEMALE     1:00:56 3:17:36 4:16:24 4:15:49 
   16   5   426 The Young and the Rest of Us            FEMALE     1:06:09 3:22:54 4:21:22 4:20:50 
   17   6   416 Run 4 Fun                               FEMALE       50:50 3:15:04 4:22:27 4:22:14 
   18   7   407 Harbor Floaters                         FEMALE       58:59 3:16:47 4:25:18 4:24:14 
   19   8   402 Dirty 30's                              FEMALE       54:21 3:22:44 4:26:57 4:25:41 
   20  11   420 Team Delta                              COED       1:04:12 3:18:10 4:31:35 4:31:05 
   21  12   413 Mini 2                                  COED       1:00:08 3:21:30 4:32:46 4:32:01 
   22  13   406 Grateful Tread                          COED       1:00:42 3:26:02 4:35:39 4:35:05 
   23   9   424 The I Team                              FEMALE     1:08:23 3:32:06 4:46:42 4:45:28 
   24  10   414 Not Fast, Just Furious                  FEMALE     1:15:28 3:41:43 4:50:29 4:49:20 
   25  11   417 Run or Shop Ladies???                   FEMALE     1:12:11 3:53:30 5:03:43 5:03:13 
   26  12   410 Just One More Mile                      FEMALE     1:10:34 4:02:26 5:15:50 5:15:26 
   27   2   401 Blue Yummies                            MALE       1:11:01 3:53:02 5:19:19 5:18:08 
   28  13   409 IBeProFun                               FEMALE     1:20:06 3:51:27 5:26:50 5:25:59 
   29  14   427 Twisted Blisters                        FEMALE     1:20:49 4:33:19 5:39:12 5:39:01 
   30  14   428 Ultramazing                             COED       1:10:41 4:25:15 6:03:14 6:02:01 

results by Precision Race Results LLC, Omaha, NE


           Nebraska State Fair Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K & 1M
                              August 25, 2018
                             Grand Island, NE

                          RELAY RESULTS - FEMALE
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   Time       
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= 
    1    1   411 Kiss My Asphalt                         FEMALE     3:58:06 
    2    2   405 Girls On The Run                        FEMALE     3:59:50 
    3    3   419 Sandhillers                             FEMALE     4:12:52 
    4    4   403 Eletech                                 FEMALE     4:15:49 
    5    5   426 The Young and the Rest of Us            FEMALE     4:20:50 
    6    6   416 Run 4 Fun                               FEMALE     4:22:14 
    7    7   407 Harbor Floaters                         FEMALE     4:24:14 
    8    8   402 Dirty 30's                              FEMALE     4:25:41 
    9    9   424 The I Team                              FEMALE     4:45:28 
   10   10   414 Not Fast, Just Furious                  FEMALE     4:49:20 
   11   11   417 Run or Shop Ladies???                   FEMALE     5:03:13 
   12   12   410 Just One More Mile                      FEMALE     5:15:26 
   13   13   409 IBeProFun                               FEMALE     5:25:59 
   14   14   427 Twisted Blisters                        FEMALE     5:39:01 

           Nebraska State Fair Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K & 1M
                              August 25, 2018
                             Grand Island, NE

                           RELAY RESULTS - MALE
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   Time       
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= 
    1    1   422 Team Thomas                             MALE       4:08:43 
    2    2   401 Blue Yummies                            MALE       5:18:08 

           Nebraska State Fair Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K & 1M
                              August 25, 2018
                             Grand Island, NE

                           RELAY RESULTS - COED
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   Time       
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= 
    1    1   418 Runtasticos                             COED       3:41:34 
    2    2   430 Wearyless Runners                       COED       3:42:21 
    3    3   415 Probe Broz                              COED       3:44:45 
    4    4   425 The 'Mike's'                            COED       3:51:46 
    5    5   421 Team Geritol                            COED       3:58:24 
    6    6   412 Mini 1                                  COED       4:01:41 
    7    7   404 Farmers and Babes                       COED       4:02:53 
    8    8   408 I Thought You Said Rum!                 COED       4:03:32 
    9    9   429 Undertrained and Over Confident         COED       4:09:39 
   10   10   423 The Beerlievers                         COED       4:14:39 
   11   11   420 Team Delta                              COED       4:31:05 
   12   12   413 Mini 2                                  COED       4:32:01 
   13   13   406 Grateful Tread                          COED       4:35:05 
   14   14   428 Ultramazing                             COED       6:02:01