Hardcore 5K



December 31, 2022 in Kewanee, IL


5K - Results

13065 Benjamin Ader M 25-29 5029 305/307 2417/2456 3:29:36 16:00
15001 Robby Alexander M 25-29 35 17/307 35/2456 1:08:27 5:14
15161 Brian Allen M 25-29 1517 169/307 1017/2456 1:52:53 8:37
11939 Isaac Andresky M 25-29 905 124/307 663/2456 1:43:36 7:55
7229 Cale Armstrong M 25-29 259 68/307 221/2456 1:25:00 6:30
10599 Kessashun Arthur M 25-29 1642 179/307 1085/2456 1:54:40 8:45
7732 Christian Arvin M 25-29 748 107/307 559/2456 1:40:23 7:40
7426 Dalton Atchison M 25-29 187 57/307 166/2456 1:20:55 6:11
12655 Tyler Ault M 25-29 3650 269/307 2011/2456 2:24:15 11:01
7180 Matthew Austin M 25-29 265 69/307 226/2456 1:25:42 6:33
6906 Brent Bacus M 25-29 2529 217/307 1525/2456 2:06:00 9:37
9882 Dave Bailey M 25-29 1548 173/307 1035/2456 1:53:20 8:39
207 Logan Barrett M 25-29 41 21/307 41/2456 1:08:57 5:16
7950 Dominic Basciano M 25-29 115 45/307 107/2456 1:16:11 5:49
8074 Trevin Bender M 25-29 357 82/307 299/2456 1:29:34 6:50
10578 Zach Benge M 25-29 2958 241/307 1738/2456 2:12:12 10:06
209 MacCoy Benzen M 25-29 95 44/307 90/2456 1:14:00 5:39
9837 Kevin Biggs M 25-29 2691 228/307 1603/2456 2:08:22 9:48
11536 Chris Bill M 25-29 3921 274/307 2101/2456 2:30:18 11:28
210 Johnny Binzak M 25-29 26 12/307 26/2456 1:07:30 5:09
6966 Brant Birrenkott M 25-29 1527 170/307 1023/2456 1:52:59 8:38
7926 Alex Bishop M 25-29 168 54/307 147/2456 1:19:36 6:05
8788 Troy Black Pace M 25-29 1321 153/307 907/2456 1:50:14 8:25
7929 Justin Blake M 25-29 440 87/307 354/2456 1:32:45 7:05
8637 Mathew Bowden M 25-29 1257 148/307 870/2456 1:49:13 8:20
7827 Nick Boyd M 25-29 230 62/307 198/2456 1:23:23 6:22
10959 Sean Bradley M 25-29 1794 186/307 1162/2456 1:56:31 8:54
10128 Joseph Brasco M 25-29 2939 240/307 1730/2456 2:11:56 10:04
12118 Taylor Brazelton M 25-29 4733 300/307 2340/2456 3:04:13 14:04
8040 Tyler Brinks M 25-29 89 40/307 84/2456 1:13:27 5:37
10662 Kyle Brinkworth M 25-29 2185 206/307 1357/2456 2:01:03 9:14
8795 Tyler Brock M 25-29 3351 260/307 1904/2456 2:18:24 10:34
15038 Tyler Brockhouse M 25-29 504 92/307 396/2456 1:34:35 7:13
7503 Andrew Bryan M 25-29 296 74/307 253/2456 1:27:20 6:40
7156 Nathan Buchanan M 25-29 987 134/307 720/2456 1:45:13 8:02
8539 Jacob Butler M 25-29 1907 191/307 1225/2456 1:57:44 8:59
7889 Taylor Caldwell M 25-29 94 43/307 89/2456 1:13:55 5:39
9033 Zack Campbell M 25-29 1274 150/307 881/2456 1:49:26 8:21
7104 Stephen Caren M 25-29 734 106/307 550/2456 1:40:05 7:39
8070 Caio Carvalho Ellero M 25-29 351 80/307 295/2456 1:29:29 6:50
15012 Kameron Casey M 25-29 67 31/307 66/2456 1:10:57 5:25
6877 Donis Castillo M 25-29 3995 278/307 2121/2456 2:32:11 11:37
15140 Paul Cento M 25-29 1457 165/307 977/2456 1:52:06 8:34
15024 Thomas Chabrecek M 25-29 354 81/307 296/2456 1:29:30 6:50
7751 Garrick Chan M 25-29 79 35/307 77/2456 1:12:15 5:31
9726 Joshua Chapman M 25-29 3499 265/307 1959/2456 2:21:15 10:47
8649 Will Claywell M 25-29 708 103/307 532/2456 1:39:30 7:36
7710 Andres Cockrell M 25-29 432 86/307 349/2456 1:32:29 7:04
10762 Harry Cole M 25-29 4752 301/307 2345/2456 3:05:04 14:07
7842 Josh Compton M 25-29 2620 222/307 1572/2456 2:07:25 9:44
8296 Dylan Cook M 25-29 3618 267/307 2000/2456 2:23:40 10:58
12490 Olivia Covington M 25-29 4797 302/307 2356/2456 3:07:25 14:18
12193 Geoff Cramer M 25-29 4253 285/307 2205/2456 2:40:48 12:16
12528 Kyle Crane M 25-29 4274 286/307 2209/2456 2:41:31 12:20
6826 Chase Cresgy M 25-29 1396 158/307 945/2456 1:51:22 8:30
8365 David Dalton M 25-29 1363 156/307 930/2456 1:50:56 8:28
8300 Caleb Dawson M 25-29 1108 139/307 783/2456 1:47:15 8:11
8769 Aaron Dea M 25-29 1729 184/307 1129/2456 1:55:43 8:50
7550 Micah Dean M 25-29 512 94/307 403/2456 1:34:46 7:14
216 Cass Dedert M 25-29 82 38/307 80/2456 1:12:51 5:34
7857 Drew Dickerson M 25-29 497 91/307 390/2456 1:34:18 7:12
7322 Nathanial Dickey M 25-29 824 118/307 609/2456 1:42:01 7:47
217 Matthew Dietrich M 25-29 65 29/307 64/2456 1:10:51 5:25
11266 Nate Dixon M 25-29 4304 288/307 2220/2456 2:42:33 12:24
7121 Nicholas Dorner M 25-29 909 125/307 666/2456 1:43:39 7:55
8522 Carson Dreyer M 25-29 1429 160/307 964/2456 1:51:47 8:32
7994 MacK Duffin M 25-29 754 108/307 560/2456 1:40:28 7:40
7418 Robert Dunay M 25-29 989 135/307 721/2456 1:45:13 8:02
218 Haran Dunderdale M 25-29 33 16/307 33/2456 1:08:08 5:12
219 Nathan Dunn M 25-29 6 2/307 6/2456 1:04:17 4:55
8994 Jason Dyer M 25-29 939 128/307 684/2456 1:44:11 7:57
9581 Brett Eandi M 25-29 965 132/307 705/2456 1:44:47 8:00
7145 Luke Ebeyer M 25-29 896 122/307 657/2456 1:43:30 7:54
7188 John Eckhart M 25-29 933 127/307 680/2456 1:44:08 7:57
7914 Andrew Eerdmans M 25-29 240 64/307 204/2456 1:23:50 6:24
10863 Adam Egerton M 25-29 1657 180/307 1093/2456 1:54:48 8:46
220 Jameson Ehret M 25-29 57 27/307 57/2456 1:10:10 5:22
221 Michael Ellenberger M 25-29 38 19/307 38/2456 1:08:39 5:15
7371 Kyle Eller M 25-29 51 25/307 51/2456 1:09:50 5:20
7901 Eric Engelbrecht M 25-29 138 50/307 124/2456 1:18:01 5:58
10327 Brock Erb M 25-29 3344 259/307 1902/2456 2:18:16 10:33
10380 Alex Etchison M 25-29 3039 248/307 1770/2456 2:13:28 10:11
11766 Taylor Evans M 25-29 4574 296/307 2306/2456 2:56:03 13:26
223 David Evans M 25-29 39 20/307 39/2456 1:08:46 5:15
8423 Jon Flanary M 25-29 1298 151/307 894/2456 1:50:00 8:24
9653 Zak Flowers M 25-29 3862 272/307 2080/2456 2:29:02 11:23
10332 Connor Flynn M 25-29 4348 291/307 2234/2456 2:44:27 12:33
12682 Randall Fodrea M 25-29 2146 203/307 1340/2456 2:00:15 9:11
8467 Tyler Funk M 25-29 1121 140/307 790/2456 1:47:27 8:12
7493 Tyler Gabriele M 25-29 161 53/307 141/2456 1:19:25 6:04
224 Daniel Gagne M 25-29 81 37/307 79/2456 1:12:39 5:33
7456 Tony Gao M 25-29 139 51/307 125/2456 1:18:02 5:58
15203 Maximiliano Garcia M 25-29 3534 266/307 1973/2456 2:21:59 10:50
6998 Paul Garcia M 25-29 1150 142/307 805/2456 1:47:52 8:14
7768 Tony Gatter M 25-29 291 73/307 249/2456 1:26:43 6:37
10725 Michael Gebhart M 25-29 2919 238/307 1723/2456 2:11:37 10:03
8762 Kyle Geiss M 25-29 1722 183/307 1127/2456 1:55:40 8:50
9754 Trevor Gentner M 25-29 2497 215/307 1510/2456 2:05:34 9:35
10721 Luke Gibson M 25-29 2208 208/307 1371/2456 2:01:37 9:17
7237 Alex Ginglen M 25-29 267 70/307 228/2456 1:25:46 6:33
7964 James Golebie M 25-29 250 66/307 214/2456 1:24:33 6:27
7621 Alexander Greene M 25-29 716 104/307 537/2456 1:39:38 7:36
8063 Jake Griffey M 25-29 822 117/307 607/2456 1:41:57 7:47
10995 Maxwell Gross M 25-29 1499 168/307 1006/2456 1:52:40 8:36
6958 Daniel Gustas M 25-29 2988 243/307 1752/2456 2:12:44 10:08
8810 Brandon Guth M 25-29 797 111/307 588/2456 1:41:21 7:44
8417 Benjamin Haberly M 25-29 1857 189/307 1202/2456 1:57:14 8:57
7056 Austin Hagemann M 25-29 1206 145/307 839/2456 1:48:32 8:17
9038 Kyle Hamilton M 25-29 2249 209/307 1386/2456 2:02:12 9:20
11476 Kaleb Hampton M 25-29 3997 279/307 2122/2456 2:32:16 11:37
10509 Aaron Hanson M 25-29 3878 273/307 2086/2456 2:29:18 11:24
9286 Steven Harris M 25-29 3422 262/307 1932/2456 2:19:39 10:40
10451 Shane Hartwig M 25-29 2008 194/307 1270/2456 1:58:44 9:04
11303 Tyler Hatchett M 25-29 3924 275/307 2102/2456 2:30:24 11:29
9052 Stephen Hawkey M 25-29 1819 188/307 1177/2456 1:56:46 8:55
10846 Jimmy Hayden M 25-29 2439 213/307 1475/2456 2:04:59 9:32
8251 Drew Hedges M 25-29 2132 201/307 1333/2456 2:00:07 9:10
7359 Brandon Heid M 25-29 1094 138/307 776/2456 1:47:01 8:10
7258 Tate Heiple M 25-29 289 72/307 247/2456 1:26:41 6:37
226 Adam Hendrickson M 25-29 70 32/307 69/2456 1:11:04 5:26
10596 Andrew Her M 25-29 1638 178/307 1083/2456 1:54:37 8:45
15142 Patrick Hermiller M 25-29 807 115/307 595/2456 1:41:35 7:45
227 Brian Hernan M 25-29 29 14/307 29/2456 1:07:43 5:10
11256 John Hesser M 25-29 2908 236/307 1716/2456 2:11:30 10:02
7921 Kevin Hill M 25-29 338 78/307 287/2456 1:29:06 6:48
10126 Jeremy Hochstetler M 25-29 1465 166/307 983/2456 1:52:08 8:34
8502 Jacob Hodges M 25-29 2893 234/307 1708/2456 2:11:11 10:01
229 Maximilian Hoffman M 25-29 23 9/307 23/2456 1:07:09 5:08
15425 Brian Hogle M 25-29 3493 264/307 1955/2456 2:21:01 10:46
8370 Ryan Hohl M 25-29 1536 172/307 1028/2456 1:53:08 8:38
9527 Gabriel Hovermale M 25-29 2168 205/307 1349/2456 2:00:49 9:13
230 Michael Howell M 25-29 66 30/307 65/2456 1:10:56 5:25
10816 Shaun Hughes M 25-29 2792 232/307 1660/2456 2:09:43 9:54
7065 Michael Humphrey M 25-29 124 48/307 113/2456 1:17:05 5:53
10107 Isaac Iaquinta M 25-29 3292 257/307 1875/2456 2:17:21 10:29
10973 Ethan Jackson M 25-29 4214 283/307 2190/2456 2:39:04 12:08
7448 Niko Jeftich M 25-29 43 22/307 43/2456 1:09:03 5:17
11004 Duston Johnson M 25-29 3144 255/307 1817/2456 2:15:06 10:19
7338 Adam Johnson M 25-29 902 123/307 661/2456 1:43:34 7:54
7648 Eric Johnson M 25-29 544 96/307 424/2456 1:35:34 7:18
9361 Evan Jolgren M 25-29 3988 277/307 2119/2456 2:32:08 11:37
5491 David Katz M 25-29 5078 307/307 2433/2456 3:37:54 16:38
232 Ryan Kearns M 25-29 80 36/307 78/2456 1:12:24 5:32
233 Jack Keelan M 25-29 21 7/307 21/2456 1:07:04 5:07
11425 Kaleb Keeling M 25-29 2653 225/307 1585/2456 2:07:53 9:46
9387 James Kelly M 25-29 1624 175/307 1075/2456 1:54:28 8:44
11782 Adam Kern M 25-29 2997 244/307 1756/2456 2:12:50 10:08
235 Caleb Kerr M 25-29 12 3/307 12/2456 1:04:54 4:57
9554 Anthony Ketner M 25-29 3379 261/307 1915/2456 2:18:56 10:36
7011 Ian Kincer M 25-29 421 84/307 342/2456 1:32:04 7:02
7959 Louis Kissinger M 25-29 1969 193/307 1256/2456 1:58:17 9:02
8055 Elliott Klauer M 25-29 121 47/307 111/2456 1:16:49 5:52
9728 Kent Kobernus M 25-29 2979 242/307 1745/2456 2:12:38 10:08
12634 Daniel Kobren M 25-29 5076 306/307 2431/2456 3:37:30 16:36
8203 John Kopperman M 25-29 1735 185/307 1134/2456 1:55:48 8:50
7112 Austin Krutzsch M 25-29 1352 155/307 923/2456 1:50:47 8:28
9020 Steve Kubiak M 25-29 1431 161/307 965/2456 1:51:48 8:32
8633 Michael Kulifay M 25-29 802 113/307 590/2456 1:41:31 7:45
11708 Prathamesh Kulkarni M 25-29 4421 293/307 2259/2456 2:47:51 12:49
10630 Richard Lagow M 25-29 2106 200/307 1319/2456 1:59:52 9:09
9717 Derek Lamle M 25-29 2849 233/307 1684/2456 2:10:34 9:58
238 Patrick Larson M 25-29 22 8/307 22/2456 1:07:06 5:08
15423 Matt Laughlin M 25-29 2778 230/307 1650/2456 2:09:34 9:53
9907 Dat Le M 25-29 1807 187/307 1171/2456 1:56:38 8:54
240 Patrick Lehoux-Gagnon M 25-29 44 23/307 44/2456 1:09:20 5:18
8498 Eric Lemmel M 25-29 2140 202/307 1338/2456 2:00:12 9:11
10453 Maxime Leveque M 25-29 2054 195/307 1297/2456 1:59:21 9:07
7090 Alex Leversen M 25-29 686 102/307 518/2456 1:39:13 7:35
8638 Kevin Lin M 25-29 1486 167/307 996/2456 1:52:28 8:35
12319 Tyler Lingle M 25-29 661 100/307 501/2456 1:38:28 7:31
7127 Cail Lininger M 25-29 798 112/307 589/2456 1:41:23 7:44
4291 Chase Lockwood M 25-29 3012 246/307 1761/2456 2:13:05 10:10
8843 Brad Lowe M 25-29 318 76/307 270/2456 1:28:11 6:44
11776 Zachary Ludwig M 25-29 4419 292/307 2258/2456 2:47:46 12:48
11215 Craig Maschmeyer M 25-29 4581 297/307 2308/2456 2:56:19 13:27
8340 Jacob Massoth M 25-29 2336 210/307 1424/2456 2:03:37 9:26
10923 Marlen Mata M 25-29 2499 216/307 1512/2456 2:05:35 9:35
10558 Austin Matters M 25-29 1234 146/307 856/2456 1:48:49 8:19
10154 Cameron McAllistee M 25-29 3025 247/307 1764/2456 2:13:14 10:10
7638 Ryan McAndrews M 25-29 288 71/307 246/2456 1:26:26 6:36
15049 Jonathan McBride M 25-29 722 105/307 541/2456 1:39:48 7:37
12462 Daniel McClary M 25-29 3146 256/307 1818/2456 2:15:10 10:19
10826 Andy McClean M 25-29 1571 174/307 1047/2456 1:53:37 8:40
8176 Matthew McDivitt M 25-29 1372 157/307 934/2456 1:51:02 8:29
241 Brendan McDonnell M 25-29 37 18/307 37/2456 1:08:30 5:14
7439 Dan McInerney M 25-29 853 120/307 625/2456 1:42:41 7:50
242 Clint McKelvey M 25-29 5 1/307 5/2456 1:03:50 4:53
8793 Adam Mengler M 25-29 876 121/307 644/2456 1:43:05 7:52
11428 Tahan Menon M 25-29 3066 249/307 1784/2456 2:13:49 10:13
8440 Jake Meyers M 25-29 815 116/307 600/2456 1:41:52 7:47
15286 Jaylin Miller M 25-29 2473 214/307 1495/2456 2:05:20 9:34
7588 Cordell Miller M 25-29 515 95/307 405/2456 1:34:51 7:15
8190 Samuel Mimms M 25-29 1896 190/307 1221/2456 1:57:37 8:59
245 Ryan Moncrieff M 25-29 25 11/307 25/2456 1:07:28 5:09
11793 Jonathan Montgomery M 25-29 4125 282/307 2157/2456 2:36:15 11:56
246 Nicolas Morin M 25-29 20 6/307 20/2456 1:06:58 5:07
6918 Reid Morris M 25-29 315 75/307 267/2456 1:28:02 6:43
10169 Dacota Muckey M 25-29 1314 152/307 904/2456 1:50:10 8:25
12125 Keenan Mumma M 25-29 2566 219/307 1546/2456 2:06:41 9:40
7852 Robert Murphy M 25-29 55 26/307 55/2456 1:10:09 5:22
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