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2016 Hyde Park Pilgrim Run



November 24, 2016 in Kansas City, MO


Results By

5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25] [all]

4897 Emily Ward F5559 561 13/44 263/605 37:16 12:02
4341 Barbara Bederman F5559 562 14/44 264/605 37:16 12:02
4273 Jace Mitchell M1014 563 27/41 299/479 37:17 12:02
4746 Lillian Leeson F1014 564 23/41 265/605 37:17 12:02
4726 Rami Husein M2529 565 34/48 300/479 37:19 12:03
4725 Beittany Husein F2529 566 28/63 266/605 37:19 12:03
4371 Christeen Cresswell F5054 567 20/57 267/605 37:20 12:03
4516 Jennifer Payne F3539 568 30/63 268/605 37:22 12:04
4685 Sam Kidder M1519 569 21/32 301/479 37:25 12:05
4029 Jim Hesse M4549 570 16/31 302/479 37:28 12:06
4686 Jill Zurovsky Hawkins F4549 571 18/46 269/605 37:30 12:06
4408 Lilly Frazier F1014 572 24/41 270/605 37:30 12:06
4976 Dustin Allen M3034 573 43/56 303/479 37:32 12:07
4724 Alyssa Rogers F2529 574 29/63 271/605 37:34 12:08
4039 Jennifer Rarey F4044 575 27/54 272/605 37:34 12:08
4481 Wayne Tompkins M7074 576 5/8 304/479 37:35 12:08
5053 Sean Quijano M1014 577 28/41 305/479 37:39 12:09
5052 Mitchell Quijano M1014 578 29/41 306/479 37:39 12:09
5086 Cari Walsh F5054 579 21/57 273/605 37:41 12:10
4508 William Brazeal M6064 580 12/22 307/479 37:41 12:10
5084 Tom Walsh M4549 581 17/31 308/479 37:41 12:10
5048 Madeline Dean F5559 582 15/44 274/605 37:42 12:10
4486 Patricia Siemann F2529 583 30/63 275/605 37:44 12:11
4742 Denise Dowd F5559 584 16/44 276/605 37:48 12:12
5031 April Lisanti F3539 585 31/63 277/605 38:04 12:17
4667 Sam Berry M1519 586 22/32 309/479 38:05 12:18
5001 Taesha Spire-Sweet F3539 587 32/63 278/605 38:05 12:18
4109 Finn Delgado M1014 588 30/41 310/479 38:06 12:18
4324 Sara Buck F4044 589 28/54 279/605 38:09 12:19
4327 William Bouvel M3539 590 33/50 311/479 38:09 12:19
4038 Marina Mahler F2529 591 31/63 280/605 38:09 12:19
4325 Alex Buck M1014 592 31/41 312/479 38:09 12:19
4329 Jasmine Callaway F1014 593 25/41 281/605 38:10 12:19
4107 Sara Delgado F4549 594 19/46 282/605 38:12 12:20
4792 Scott Stordahl M4549 595 18/31 313/479 38:17 12:22
4555 Harriett Navarre F6064 596 11/33 283/605 38:18 12:22
4185 Patricia Farmar F6064 597 12/33 284/605 38:19 12:22
4252 Doranne Hudson F6064 598 13/33 285/605 38:20 12:23
4801 Christina Long F3539 599 33/63 286/605 38:20 12:23
4538 Gayla Hattaway F6064 600 14/33 287/605 38:27 12:25

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