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Christmas in LeClaire Ugly Christmas Sweater 5K



December 3, 2022 in LeClaire, IA


Results By

5k - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25] [all]

241 Erin Rangel F4049 223 41/53 151/190 55:49 18:01
158 Paula Kirkwood Swearingen F4049 224 42/53 152/190 55:52 18:02
40 Candace Buikema F5059 225 28/35 153/190 56:00 18:04
143 Jennet Jewell F4049 226 43/53 154/190 57:54 18:41
177 Alexa Mahoney F2029 227 13/14 155/190 58:11 18:46
178 Johnna Mahoney F5059 228 29/35 156/190 58:11 18:47
15 Michael Austin M60UP 229 11/11 73/78 59:28 19:11
108 Lydia Geiszler F3039 230 40/49 157/190 1:00:21 19:28
257 Casey Schneider F2029 231 14/14 158/190 1:00:22 19:29
210 Mariah Morse F3039 232 41/49 159/190 1:02:01 20:01
97 Dusty Freisinger F4049 233 44/53 160/190 1:02:01 20:01
204 Tara Miller F4049 234 45/53 161/190 1:02:10 20:04
23 Dawn Biba F4049 235 46/53 162/190 1:02:10 20:04
85 Vickie Everly F4049 236 47/53 163/190 1:02:10 20:04
333 Michael Merten M4049 237 14/15 74/78 1:03:12 20:24
137 Wyatt Hudson M1219 238 16/16 75/78 1:03:13 20:24
144 Jean Johnson F5059 239 30/35 164/190 1:03:34 20:31
276 Patti Stepp-Mcfate F5059 240 31/35 165/190 1:03:34 20:31
78 Kaden Dykes M0111 241 7/7 76/78 1:03:41 20:33
335 Elizabeth Nichols F3039 242 42/49 166/190 1:03:43 20:34
305 Kacee Weber F4049 243 48/53 167/190 1:03:57 20:38
214 Kim Mulholland F5059 244 32/35 168/190 1:03:57 20:38
125 Ami Henricksen F5059 245 33/35 169/190 1:03:59 20:39
79 Lana Dykes F3039 246 43/49 170/190 1:04:09 20:42
200 Nichole Merten F4049 247 49/53 171/190 1:04:15 20:44
334 Jasmine Merten F0111 248 6/7 172/190 1:04:15 20:44
219 Madonna Novak F60UP 249 13/17 173/190 1:04:26 20:48
114 Judie Gulley F60UP 250 14/17 174/190 1:04:27 20:48
251 Jean Roeder F60UP 251 15/17 175/190 1:04:33 20:50
268 Ella Skorepa F0111 252 7/7 176/190 1:04:56 20:57
101 Abbey Furlong F3039 253 44/49 177/190 1:04:56 20:57
61 Kay Coyne F60UP 254 16/17 178/190 1:07:09 21:40
298 Melinda Verstraete F60UP 255 17/17 179/190 1:07:09 21:40
285 Jennifer Tacker F4049 256 50/53 180/190 1:09:02 22:17
5 Lindsey Allbee-Reid F3039 257 45/49 181/190 1:09:05 22:17
227 Matthew Osen M3039 258 13/13 77/78 1:09:06 22:18
230 Stephanie Owens F3039 259 46/49 182/190 1:09:06 22:18
228 Melissa Osen F3039 260 47/49 183/190 1:09:08 22:18
294 Patty Tucker F5059 261 34/35 184/190 1:10:24 22:43
18 Lisa Barry F5059 262 35/35 185/190 1:10:25 22:43

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