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Christmas in LeClaire Ugly Christmas Sweater 5K



December 3, 2022 in LeClaire, IA


Results By

5k - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25] [all]

290 Ali Traina F3039 104 19/49 57/190 34:54 11:16
19 Katie Bauer F3039 105 20/49 58/190 34:54 11:16
132 Brenda Holesinger F4049 106 12/53 59/190 35:10 11:21
131 Alicia Hoerschelman F4049 107 13/53 60/190 35:14 11:22
36 Kateeya Brown F4049 108 14/53 61/190 35:24 11:26
73 Jamie Diiulio F4049 109 15/53 62/190 35:28 11:27
45 Carol Burton F5059 110 8/35 63/190 35:28 11:27
98 Renee Friedrichsen F5059 111 9/35 64/190 35:34 11:29
72 Kristine Diephuis F5059 112 10/35 65/190 35:40 11:31
27 Jamie Bocox F4049 113 16/53 66/190 35:42 11:31
332 Ryan McCarty M4049 114 10/15 48/78 35:43 11:32
186 Kim McCubbin M60UP 115 6/11 49/78 36:02 11:38
21 Jean Bermel F60UP 116 3/17 67/190 36:04 11:38
176 Kelly Lyons F4049 117 17/53 68/190 36:06 11:39
129 Meredith Hodgson F4049 118 18/53 69/190 36:07 11:39
34 Lori Brockhouse F5059 119 11/35 70/190 36:12 11:41
22 Joseph Bezely M60UP 120 7/11 50/78 36:13 11:41
80 Stacy Dykstra F4049 121 19/53 71/190 36:20 11:44
10 Alyssa Anderson F3039 122 21/49 72/190 36:33 11:48
118 Amari Harris F2029 123 7/14 73/190 36:39 11:50
104 Tessa Gallentine F3039 124 22/49 74/190 36:43 11:51
166 Dani Lauritzen F2029 125 8/14 75/190 36:51 11:54
208 Melinda Morgan F4049 126 20/53 76/190 36:53 11:54
190 Molly McDermott F3039 127 23/49 77/190 36:57 11:55
189 Amanda McDermott F4049 128 21/53 78/190 36:57 11:56
330 Payton Winslow F0111 129 2/7 79/190 37:04 11:58
196 Lorine McNamara F5059 130 12/35 80/190 37:08 11:59
329 Kristin Winslow F3039 131 24/49 81/190 37:28 12:06
87 Baylie Farmer F1219 132 12/15 82/190 37:32 12:07
281 Greg Sullivan M60UP 133 8/11 51/78 37:39 12:09
271 Christi Stacy F5059 134 13/35 83/190 37:39 12:09
172 Megan Lewis F4049 135 22/53 84/190 37:47 12:12
300 Matt Voelcker M5059 136 7/12 52/78 38:05 12:17
156 Oliver King M0111 137 3/7 53/78 38:27 12:24
179 Lucy Manis F60UP 138 4/17 85/190 39:10 12:38
265 Carol Simpson F5059 139 14/35 86/190 39:30 12:45
133 Jeremy Hoppe M3039 140 9/13 54/78 39:31 12:45
46 Joshua Carlson M1219 141 15/16 55/78 39:41 12:48
240 Meghan Purcell F4049 142 23/53 87/190 40:02 12:55
339 Emily Andes F3039 143 25/49 88/190 40:03 12:56

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