Fighting Hunger 5K Run/Walk 2012

5K Competitive Run/Walk


November 3, 2012 in Cincinnati, OH

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5K Competitive Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25] [all]

594 Maggie Carpenter F 01-14 858 42/230 323/1932 31:42.08 10:13
593 Keith Carpenter M 40-44 859 51/104 536/1175 31:43.03 10:13
836 Lauren Harvey F 01-14 860 43/230 324/1932 31:44.07 10:14
1692 Chandi Findley F 40-44 861 43/216 325/1932 31:46.06 10:14
214 Kelly Bush F 40-44 862 44/216 326/1932 31:46.09 10:14
162 Jamie Chorley F 35-39 863 31/196 327/1932 31:47.02 10:14
1024 Cristi O'Hearn F 30-34 864 39/177 328/1932 31:47.05 10:14
1312 Sathya Kothandram M 35-39 865 54/101 537/1175 31:48.01 10:15
508 Leanna Tallman F 30-34 866 40/177 329/1932 31:49.05 10:15
1163 Emily Brunt F 35-39 867 32/196 330/1932 31:49.08 10:15
813 Sue Harder F 50-54 868 22/185 331/1932 31:50.04 10:15
1150 Allisone Bell F 19-24 869 41/122 332/1932 31:50.06 10:15
84 Abby Camerer F 19-24 870 42/122 333/1932 31:50.09 10:16
1192 Carly Conlon F 19-24 871 43/122 334/1932 31:51.03 10:16
110 Sydney Sauer F 01-14 872 44/230 335/1932 31:51.04 10:16
1051 Vaughn Helmer M 30-34 873 50/98 538/1175 31:52.08 10:16
1054 Jennifer Monroe F 30-34 874 41/177 336/1932 31:52.09 10:16
1055 Alex Povkov M 19-24 875 38/63 539/1175 31:53.03 10:16
1560 Rhonda Augustin F 40-44 876 45/216 337/1932 31:54.09 10:17
963 Meg Sullivan F 19-24 877 44/122 338/1932 31:55 10:17
357 Tristan Fields M 15-18 878 64/103 540/1175 31:55.03 10:17
455 Tricia Meyer F 35-39 879 33/196 339/1932 31:55.03 10:17
1620 Michelle Yauss F 45-49 880 33/229 340/1932 31:55.09 10:17
1245 David Gray M 40-44 881 52/104 541/1175 31:56 10:17
437 Leo Taske M 50-54 882 48/110 542/1175 31:56.02 10:17
1340 Holly Lyons F 40-44 883 46/216 341/1932 31:56.08 10:17
1100 Riley Ginn M 01-14 884 77/196 543/1175 31:57.06 10:18
513 Jason Wesley M 35-39 885 55/101 544/1175 31:58.07 10:18
4732 Wendy Wesley F 40-44 886 47/216 342/1932 31:59.07 10:18
495 Angie Millikan F 50-54 887 23/185 343/1932 31:59.07 10:18
250 Kathy Ware F 50-54 888 24/185 344/1932 32:02.03 10:19
692 Zamir Shaikh M 30-34 889 51/98 545/1175 32:02.05 10:19
87 Samuel Woodward M 15-18 890 65/103 546/1175 32:03.03 10:20
83 Jocelyn Barton F 15-18 891 31/121 345/1932 32:03.04 10:20
326 Misha Houston F 35-39 892 34/196 346/1932 32:04.04 10:20
103 Dan D'Agostino M 35-39 893 56/101 547/1175 32:04.06 10:20
323 Lara Bacon F 35-39 894 35/196 347/1932 32:04.07 10:20
1639 Lisa Conner F 25-29 895 34/141 348/1932 32:05.01 10:20
248 Laurie Obrien F 40-44 896 48/216 349/1932 32:05.05 10:20
229 Erin Brown F 25-29 897 35/141 350/1932 32:05.08 10:20

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