Little Rock Marathon - 2013

10K - Results

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9392 Brenda Pledger WALK 746 15/169 469/865 1:20:45 13:02
9985 James Bienvenu M5559 747 17/20 278/359 1:20:47 13:02
10025 Sherri Barnard F5559 748 15/27 470/865 1:20:52 13:03
8966 Michelle Gillespie F3539 749 80/130 471/865 1:20:53 13:03
8900 Jana Edwards F3539 750 81/130 472/865 1:20:53 13:03
10142 Katie Kubisty F2024 751 43/54 473/865 1:21:02 13:05
10141 Terri Kubisty F5054 752 29/49 474/865 1:21:04 13:05
10127 Eric Ramsey M2024 753 31/35 279/359 1:21:11 13:06
10128 Molly Ramsey F2024 754 44/54 475/865 1:21:12 13:06
9800 Jill Bleed F3034 755 82/125 476/865 1:21:12 13:06
9358 Jannetta Palmer F5054 756 30/49 477/865 1:21:17 13:07
9030 Lisa Harberhurtt F5054 757 31/49 478/865 1:21:25 13:08
9935 Michael Woolfolk M4044 758 33/40 280/359 1:21:29 13:09
9092 P Honeycutt F6064 759 4/11 479/865 1:21:31 13:09
9849 Ray Dunlap M5054 760 24/32 281/359 1:21:33 13:10
9697 Marissa Williamson F4044 761 70/106 480/865 1:21:40 13:11
8870 Amanda Dobbins F2529 762 84/118 481/865 1:21:41 13:11
9284 Brian McMillan M4044 763 34/40 282/359 1:21:42 13:11
9003 Pamela Griffin F3539 764 82/130 482/865 1:21:44 13:11
8763 Bobby Casey M3539 765 35/41 283/359 1:21:51 13:13
9741 Monica Young F3539 766 83/130 483/865 1:21:54 13:13
9911 Brenda Duhamel F4549 767 41/62 484/865 1:22:06 13:15
9910 Joanna Terhune F4549 768 42/62 485/865 1:22:06 13:15
9799 Sarah Prudhomme F3034 769 83/125 486/865 1:22:08 13:15
8769 Sharon Champlin F4549 770 43/62 487/865 1:22:09 13:15
10056 Porsche Loring F3034 771 84/125 488/865 1:22:17 13:17
9593 Alison Terry F2529 772 85/118 489/865 1:22:18 13:17
9933 Terrie Hawkins F3539 773 84/130 490/865 1:22:21 13:17
9395 Martha Poe F3034 774 85/125 491/865 1:22:26 13:18
9456 Misty Rogers F3539 775 85/130 492/865 1:22:28 13:18
8865 Gary Denton M4044 776 35/40 284/359 1:22:31 13:19
9134 Arita Jewart F5559 777 16/27 493/865 1:22:37 13:20
9135 Leigh Jewart F2529 778 86/118 494/865 1:22:37 13:20
9989 Lidia Lebron F4044 779 71/106 495/865 1:22:41 13:21
9442 Emily Robbins F3034 780 86/125 496/865 1:22:41 13:21
9051 Christy Hartung F3539 781 86/130 497/865 1:22:52 13:22
9397 Debra Polston F5559 782 17/27 498/865 1:22:52 13:22
9398 Sara Polston F2024 783 45/54 499/865 1:22:53 13:23
9483 Talan Scherm M0109 784 3/6 285/359 1:22:54 13:23
9038 Kristen Harrington F3034 785 87/125 500/865 1:22:57 13:23

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