Little Rock Marathon - 2013

10K - Results

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9925 Darlene Dillon F7579 1100 2/2 764/865 1:45:34 17:02
9216 Bettie Leonard F6569 1101 6/7 765/865 1:45:35 17:02
8620 Joyce Arey F6569 1102 7/7 766/865 1:45:35 17:02
9541 Sarah Smithson F2529 1103 115/118 767/865 1:45:52 17:05
9342 Teresa Nimmo WALK 1104 105/169 768/865 1:46:01 17:06
9341 Alex Nimmo WALK 1105 106/169 337/359 1:46:01 17:06
9606 James Thrasher M5054 1106 32/32 338/359 1:46:04 17:07
8625 Melanie Bainter F4044 1107 98/106 769/865 1:46:07 17:07
9401 Virginia Porta WALK 1108 107/169 770/865 1:46:09 17:08
8607 Janice Allison WALK 1109 108/169 771/865 1:46:17 17:09
9005 Ann Grimes WALK 1110 109/169 772/865 1:46:30 17:11
9061 April Henard WALK 1111 110/169 773/865 1:46:50 17:14
9062 Rita Henard WALK 1112 111/169 774/865 1:46:50 17:14
8927 Rachel Finley WALK 1113 112/169 775/865 1:47:00 17:16
9487 Paul Schultz M7079 1114 3/3 339/359 1:47:11 17:18
9066 Charles Henley M7579 1115 1/1 340/359 1:47:13 17:18
8609 Helen Amaro WALK 1116 113/169 776/865 1:47:24 17:20
9251 Cecilia Martin WALK 1117 114/169 777/865 1:47:24 17:20
9616 Stephanie Troyer F3539 1118 122/130 778/865 1:47:27 17:20
9507 Russell Shipman M4044 1119 40/40 341/359 1:47:28 17:20
9378 Teresa Perciful WALK 1120 115/169 779/865 1:47:52 17:24
8879 Laurie Driver WALK 1121 116/169 780/865 1:47:53 17:24
10089 Devan Walker WALK 1122 117/169 781/865 1:48:01 17:26
8603 Kim Ainsworth WALK 1123 118/169 782/865 1:48:01 17:26
9928 Kyla Farler F3034 1124 117/125 783/865 1:48:09 17:27
10015 Kara Hilburn F3034 1125 118/125 784/865 1:48:10 17:27
9932 Tina Lephiew WALK 1126 119/169 785/865 1:48:10 17:27
8765 Jean Cern WALK 1127 120/169 786/865 1:48:19 17:29
8823 Leigh Ann Cribbs WALK 1128 121/169 787/865 1:48:23 17:29
8959 Julie Geerdes F3539 1129 123/130 788/865 1:48:23 17:29
9477 Rhonda Sanders F5054 1130 48/49 789/865 1:48:41 17:32
9210 Lisa Legardye WALK 1131 122/169 790/865 1:48:44 17:33
9164 Mary Kennedy WALK 1132 123/169 791/865 1:48:48 17:33
9312 Jamie Moody WALK 1133 124/169 792/865 1:48:48 17:33
9951 Jeremy Lapington M3539 1134 40/41 342/359 1:48:48 17:33
10087 Anna Grimmelsman WALK 1135 125/169 793/865 1:48:49 17:33
9465 Jules Rose F1014 1136 11/12 794/865 1:48:54 17:34
9577 Edward Swaim M4549 1137 29/30 343/359 1:48:54 17:34
9576 Anna Swaim F4044 1138 99/106 795/865 1:48:54 17:34
9728 Jessica Wright F3034 1139 119/125 796/865 1:49:00 17:35

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