Little Rock Marathon - 2013

10K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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10032 Joann Pinter F3034 249 21/125 116/865 1:02:40 10:07
10148 Lorraine Smith F3539 250 21/130 117/865 1:02:42 10:07
9608 Casey Tisdale F3034 251 22/125 118/865 1:02:50 10:08
9259 Kristi Matthews F4044 252 13/106 119/865 1:02:58 10:10
9846 Ivy Noernberg F3034 253 23/125 120/865 1:03:03 10:11
9389 Jerome Pinkham M4549 254 8/30 134/359 1:03:03 10:11
10042 Justin Akin M3034 255 29/53 135/359 1:03:11 10:12
9045 Jonathan Harrison M3539 256 21/41 136/359 1:03:13 10:12
9043 Brooke Harrison F3539 257 22/130 121/865 1:03:14 10:12
9963 Robin Wilcox F3539 258 23/130 122/865 1:03:16 10:13
9835 Riley Adams F2529 259 21/118 123/865 1:03:16 10:13
9837 Ashley Tonguis F2529 260 22/118 124/865 1:03:16 10:13
9515 Robert Sikes M5559 261 3/20 137/359 1:03:17 10:13
8976 Mary Glazener F1519 262 5/19 125/865 1:03:17 10:13
9391 James Pitts M4044 263 16/40 138/359 1:03:17 10:13
10002 Leslie Sample F5054 264 6/49 126/865 1:03:18 10:13
9737 Mark York M3539 265 22/41 139/359 1:03:21 10:14
9002 Amy Griffin F4044 266 14/106 127/865 1:03:22 10:14
9843 Jagruti Bhikha F3539 267 24/130 128/865 1:03:22 10:14
9004 Grant Grigg M3034 268 30/53 140/359 1:03:23 10:14
9279 Kelly McFall F3539 269 25/130 129/865 1:03:23 10:14
10158 John Russ M3034 270 31/53 141/359 1:03:24 10:14
9232 Cindy Looney F4044 271 15/106 130/865 1:03:28 10:15
9444 Cindy Robinson F4549 272 11/62 131/865 1:03:28 10:15
9274 Terri McDade F4549 273 12/62 132/865 1:03:30 10:15
9126 Sanjeev Jain M4549 274 9/30 142/359 1:03:31 10:15
9231 Tim Lomax M5559 275 4/20 143/359 1:03:31 10:15
9803 Brenda Riley F5559 276 6/27 133/865 1:03:32 10:15
8741 Misty Woolf F3539 277 26/130 134/865 1:03:33 10:15
9988 Jay Makan M1014 278 5/8 144/359 1:03:34 10:16
8671 Ashley Bingman F2024 279 17/54 135/865 1:03:37 10:16
9355 Alyssa Osterholm F1519 280 6/19 136/865 1:03:41 10:17
8995 Maddie Gregg F1519 281 7/19 137/865 1:03:41 10:17
9845 Meredith Gann F3539 282 27/130 138/865 1:03:42 10:17
9188 Jordan Kraynik F2024 283 18/54 139/865 1:03:42 10:17
9264 Travis Mays M2024 284 16/35 145/359 1:03:44 10:17
9907 Todd Lekarczyk M5054 285 10/32 146/359 1:03:47 10:18
10007 Rodrigo Rojas M2529 286 21/35 147/359 1:03:47 10:18
9938 Rebekah Sims F4044 287 16/106 140/865 1:03:48 10:18
9638 Gerry Vargo M5054 288 11/32 148/359 1:03:49 10:18

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