Little Rock Marathon - 2013

10K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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9682 Martia Wilby WALK 1044 84/169 716/865 1:40:13 16:10
9934 Susan Ponds F5054 1045 46/49 717/865 1:40:24 16:12
9441 Kelly Risner WALK 1046 85/169 718/865 1:40:25 16:12
9329 Lisa Murray F4044 1047 96/106 719/865 1:40:25 16:12
8988 Katherine Gordon WALK 1048 86/169 720/865 1:40:27 16:12
9530 Jennifer Smith WALK 1049 87/169 721/865 1:40:46 16:16
9886 Mitchie Shillingford F2529 1050 109/118 722/865 1:40:49 16:16
9080 Emily Hithe F3539 1051 116/130 723/865 1:40:54 16:17
9070 Gail Hester F6064 1052 9/11 724/865 1:40:57 16:17
8934 Stacy Fletcher F4549 1053 58/62 725/865 1:41:14 16:20
9836 Karen Trousdale WALK 1054 88/169 726/865 1:41:36 16:24
9493 Erica Shackelford F2529 1055 110/118 727/865 1:41:38 16:24
9494 Julia Shackelford F5559 1056 23/27 728/865 1:41:38 16:24
8706 Donna Brown F3539 1057 117/130 729/865 1:41:39 16:24
8709 Morgan Brown F1014 1058 10/12 730/865 1:41:39 16:24
8759 William Carromero M4044 1059 39/40 329/359 1:41:40 16:24
9381 Helen Petit WALK 1060 89/169 731/865 1:41:49 16:26
9563 Brandy Stewart F3539 1061 118/130 732/865 1:42:09 16:29
9081 Gayla Hodges F5054 1062 47/49 733/865 1:42:12 16:29
9539 Diane Smithson F4549 1063 59/62 734/865 1:42:12 16:30
9133 Susan Jennings WALK 1064 90/169 735/865 1:42:25 16:31
9722 Jo-Ed Woodward WALK 1065 91/169 736/865 1:42:25 16:32
8920 Yvonne Faisst WALK 1066 92/169 737/865 1:42:28 16:32
9921 Sheneatha Livingston F3539 1067 119/130 738/865 1:42:32 16:33
9543 Terry Solis WALK 1068 93/169 739/865 1:42:40 16:34
9214 Sydney Lenox F2024 1069 52/54 740/865 1:42:42 16:34
9213 Maya Lenox F1519 1070 19/19 741/865 1:42:43 16:35
9109 Daniel Hoyt WALK 1071 94/169 330/359 1:42:54 16:36
8825 Tammy Cronan F2529 1072 111/118 742/865 1:43:00 16:37
8843 Missy Daprano F3034 1073 113/125 743/865 1:43:01 16:37
9327 Cherri Murray F2529 1074 112/118 744/865 1:43:02 16:38
9368 Melissa Parsley F2529 1075 113/118 745/865 1:43:03 16:38
9408 Mason Price M2024 1076 33/35 331/359 1:43:03 16:38
8768 Hannah Champlin F2024 1077 53/54 746/865 1:43:03 16:38
9265 Ashley McCafferty F2529 1078 114/118 747/865 1:43:04 16:38
9726 Carter Warden M0109 1079 6/6 332/359 1:43:15 16:40
9844 Jessica Warden F3034 1080 114/125 748/865 1:43:15 16:40
8835 Linda Czirr WALK 1081 95/169 749/865 1:43:18 16:40
9039 Stephanie Harrington F4044 1082 97/106 750/865 1:43:23 16:41
10079 Vivian Nolen WALK 1083 96/169 751/865 1:43:25 16:41

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