


September 30, 2017 in Fort Wayne, IN

Event Groups

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Half-Marathon - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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9926 Madelyn Miles F 25-29 444 21/116 126/792 1:58:09 43:42 8:45 510 1:30:03 9:01 480 27:38 8:55 356 1:57:41 8:59
9075 Alexandra Beber F 1-14 445 1/4 127/792 1:58:09 43:46 8:46 523 1:30:04 9:01 481 27:37 8:55 353 1:57:41 8:59
9181 Josh Bruick M 35-39 446 45/89 319/703 1:58:15 43:25 8:41 471 1:29:14 8:56 435 28:28 9:11 440 1:57:42 9:00
10245 Madeline Sikes F 25-29 447 22/116 128/792 1:58:14 43:44 8:45 516 1:29:59 9:00 474 27:44 8:57 366 1:57:43 9:00
10015 Alyssa Oprie F 30-34 448 29/147 129/792 1:58:45 46:06 9:14 657 1:32:18 9:14 544 25:28 8:13 180 1:57:46 9:00
10666 Alixandria Tippmann F 20-24 449 12/63 130/792 1:58:22 43:23 8:41 466 1:29:41 8:59 450 28:06 9:04 396 1:57:46 9:00
9091 Anthony Berg M 30-34 450 72/127 320/703 1:58:25 43:26 8:42 473 1:29:27 8:57 444 28:21 9:09 429 1:57:48 9:00
10493 Kim Woenker F 45-49 451 12/68 131/792 1:58:21 43:01 8:37 444 1:29:29 8:57 448 28:23 9:10 432 1:57:52 9:00
10685 Kelly Boatright F 40-44 452 19/113 132/792 1:58:24 44:27 8:54 563 1:30:16 9:02 496 27:38 8:55 354 1:57:54 9:00
10182 Kathleen Scheumann F 65-69 453 1/14 133/792 1:58:18 43:53 8:47 541 1:30:09 9:01 488 27:51 8:59 377 1:58:00 9:01
9555 Jeremy Harper M 25-29 454 45/90 321/703 1:58:26 43:09 8:38 455 1:30:32 9:04 501 27:32 8:53 345 1:58:03 9:01
9556 Scott Harper M 50-54 455 23/68 322/703 1:58:27 43:09 8:38 454 1:30:30 9:03 500 27:34 8:54 350 1:58:04 9:01
9983 Scott Nelson M 30-34 456 73/127 323/703 1:58:36 43:44 8:45 518 1:30:05 9:01 482 28:01 9:03 389 1:58:05 9:01
9262 Michael Colligan M 50-54 457 24/68 324/703 1:58:29 43:48 8:46 528 1:30:09 9:01 489 28:00 9:02 388 1:58:09 9:02
10341 Kimberly Swain F 45-49 458 13/68 134/792 1:58:32 42:09 8:26 382 1:29:02 8:55 426 29:10 9:25 511 1:58:11 9:02
10179 Bradley Schantz M 55-59 459 20/57 325/703 1:58:55 42:49 8:34 431 1:29:25 8:57 439 28:52 9:19 487 1:58:16 9:02
9841 Melissa Lowden F 25-29 460 23/116 135/792 1:58:46 42:37 8:32 423 1:30:05 9:01 483 28:12 9:06 411 1:58:17 9:02
9090 Lana Beregszazi F 30-34 461 30/147 136/792 1:58:34 40:58 8:12 295 1:28:36 8:52 414 29:43 9:36 570 1:58:18 9:02
10689 Aaron Klooze M 45-49 462 33/68 326/703 1:59:12 43:09 8:38 456 1:30:43 9:05 507 27:38 8:55 358 1:58:20 9:02
9259 Connie Cole F 50-54 463 4/60 137/792 1:58:35 42:55 8:35 439 1:29:13 8:56 434 29:08 9:24 509 1:58:21 9:03
9016 Matt Amberg M 25-29 464 46/90 327/703 1:59:01 42:35 8:31 418 1:28:11 8:50 403 30:15 9:46 614 1:58:26 9:03
10128 Daniel Rich M 35-39 465 46/89 328/703 1:59:10 43:20 8:40 463 1:29:48 8:59 455 28:40 9:15 462 1:58:27 9:03
9422 Rose Ford F 55-59 466 6/51 138/792 1:58:59 43:00 8:36 443 1:29:23 8:57 437 29:08 9:24 507 1:58:30 9:03
9183 Stephen Bryden M 40-44 467 44/85 329/703 1:59:00 43:43 8:45 512 1:30:02 9:01 478 28:29 9:12 444 1:58:31 9:03
9130 Fred Bokel M 55-59 468 21/57 330/703 1:59:17 43:31 8:43 484 1:29:46 8:59 453 28:47 9:17 472 1:58:32 9:03
10450 Kayla Wasson F 25-29 469 24/116 139/792 1:58:57 42:32 8:31 415 1:29:23 8:57 438 29:12 9:26 517 1:58:35 9:04
10481 Christa Wiese F 40-44 470 20/113 140/792 1:59:06 44:20 8:52 560 1:30:16 9:02 494 28:21 9:09 426 1:58:36 9:04
9030 Josh Ashby M 30-34 471 74/127 331/703 1:59:14 43:34 8:43 491 1:30:12 9:02 491 28:28 9:11 441 1:58:39 9:04
10375 Alexander Tollington M 30-34 472 75/127 332/703 1:59:53 46:12 9:15 669 1:32:55 9:18 561 25:46 8:19 213 1:58:41 9:04
9698 Lennart Karlsson M 50-54 473 25/68 333/703 1:59:17 43:27 8:42 477 1:29:58 9:00 471 28:44 9:16 468 1:58:41 9:04
10519 Joe Zahm M 50-54 474 26/68 334/703 1:58:55 41:58 8:24 364 1:28:46 8:53 418 29:55 9:40 592 1:58:41 9:04
10518 Alexandra Zahm F 25-29 475 25/116 141/792 1:58:55 41:57 8:24 362 1:28:47 8:53 419 29:55 9:39 591 1:58:42 9:04
9206 Marc Buwalda M 30-34 476 76/127 335/703 1:59:26 43:29 8:42 481 1:29:54 9:00 465 28:56 9:20 491 1:58:50 9:05
9303 Jim Daily M 55-59 477 22/57 336/703 1:59:24 42:52 8:35 435 1:29:05 8:55 430 29:50 9:38 580 1:58:54 9:05
9279 David Cooper M 40-44 478 45/85 337/703 1:59:31 43:28 8:42 478 1:29:47 8:59 454 29:10 9:25 515 1:58:56 9:05
9284 Michael Cotton M 30-34 479 77/127 338/703 1:59:10 43:38 8:44 497 1:30:10 9:01 490 28:49 9:18 479 1:58:58 9:05
9117 Mark Blessing M 55-59 480 23/57 339/703 1:59:37 44:35 8:55 571 1:31:48 9:11 527 27:12 8:47 313 1:58:59 9:05
10177 Janine Saugstad F 50-54 481 5/60 142/792 1:59:21 40:31 8:07 264 1:26:55 8:42 364 32:05 10:21 756 1:59:00 9:05
9155 Tierni Brenner F 30-34 482 31/147 143/792 1:59:27 42:17 8:28 393 1:29:07 8:55 431 29:54 9:39 590 1:59:00 9:06
10083 Jay Price M 35-39 483 47/89 340/703 1:59:41 42:37 8:32 421 1:29:03 8:55 427 30:01 9:41 597 1:59:03 9:06

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