2017 Run to the Lights



November 10, 2017 in Branson, MO


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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9412 Wesley Deckard M2029 21 3/72 21/390 19:51 6:25
9105 Gavin Bailey M1519 22 17/54 22/390 19:58 6:27
9086 Garrett Bond M1519 23 18/54 23/390 20:07 6:30
9440 Luke Biggs M1519 24 19/54 24/390 20:14 6:32
9872 Jordan Albrecht M1519 25 20/54 25/390 20:19 6:34
8833 Jeff Long M4049 26 2/55 26/390 20:19 6:34
9577 Justin Gaddis M3039 27 2/70 27/390 20:25 6:36
9035 Zoey Brookes F1519 28 1/42 1/566 20:25 6:36
9571 Kristen Van Horn F3039 29 1/99 2/566 20:30 6:37
9069 Harrison Schober M1519 30 21/54 28/390 20:38 6:40
9826 Liz Cox F3039 31 2/99 3/566 20:40 6:41
9079 Christopher Simmons M1519 32 22/54 29/390 20:48 6:43
9135 Christian Long M1114 33 1/32 30/390 20:50 6:44
9052 Madeline Chistoffersen F1519 34 2/42 4/566 20:59 6:47
9065 Mickey McGuire M1519 35 23/54 31/390 21:04 6:49
9449 Thomas Hurford M2029 36 4/72 32/390 21:07 6:49
9338 Kristen Dickerson F3039 37 3/99 5/566 21:08 6:50
9510 Baron Bodine M1519 38 24/54 33/390 21:15 6:52
8763 Zeek Freed M1114 39 2/32 34/390 21:18 6:53
9567 Evan Brandsma M1114 40 3/32 35/390 21:18 6:53
8843 William Holtz M2029 41 5/72 36/390 21:21 6:54
9867 Ricky Strausbaugh M4049 42 3/55 37/390 21:28 6:56
8740 Dathan Atchison M4049 43 4/55 38/390 21:28 6:56
9116 Dylan Gott M1519 44 25/54 39/390 21:34 6:58
9922 Ron Stafford M4049 45 5/55 40/390 21:40 7:00
9247 Clay Smith M1114 46 4/32 41/390 21:40 7:00
9411 Allison Deckard F2029 47 1/163 6/566 21:43 7:01
9917 Annslee Glenn F1519 48 3/42 7/566 21:44 7:01
9946 Aaron Roach M2029 49 6/72 42/390 21:48 7:03
8624 Derek Handley M2029 50 7/72 43/390 21:49 7:03
9447 Jeremy Hurford M3039 51 3/70 44/390 21:51 7:04
9034 Brylee Wilson F1519 52 4/42 8/566 22:01 7:07
9033 Jordyn Stafford F1519 53 5/42 9/566 22:01 7:07
8823 Tyler Gregg M1114 54 5/32 45/390 22:03 7:08
8659 Shelby Stewart F2029 55 2/163 10/566 22:05 7:08
8955 Jordan Thomas F2029 56 3/163 11/566 22:12 7:10
9240 Landon Cummings M1114 57 6/32 46/390 22:14 7:11
8931 Jacob Spain M3039 58 4/70 47/390 22:17 7:12
8828 Daylon Studyvin M1114 59 7/32 48/390 22:17 7:12
8933 Ryan Goeden M3039 60 5/70 49/390 22:17 7:12

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