Bandits Race to Home 5K - 2018



April 21, 2018 in Davenport, IA


Results By

5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25]

361 Jennifer Peterson F4044 332 14/24 159/302 37:42 12:10
176 Dwight Holladay M3539 333 30/31 174/220 37:50 12:13
219 Sue Kelly F6064 334 7/17 160/302 37:57 12:15
342 Kelly Oberhardt F3034 335 35/49 161/302 38:00 12:16
263 Meghan Ludin F3034 336 36/49 162/302 38:00 12:16
235 Joe Kroeger M4044 337 21/28 175/220 38:06 12:18
592 Scot Nelson M4044 338 22/28 176/220 38:10 12:19
322 Jessica Morath F2529 339 26/47 163/302 38:10 12:19
202 Anna Jennings F2529 340 27/47 164/302 38:11 12:19
153 Hernan Guerrero M0119 341 21/29 177/220 38:14 12:20
391 Dillon Rhodes M0119 342 22/29 178/220 38:15 12:21
269 Marisa Mansfield F3034 343 37/49 165/302 38:21 12:22
302 Alex Miller M2529 344 16/19 179/220 38:29 12:25
518 Michael Wright M6064 345 10/13 180/220 38:37 12:28
152 Catalyna Guerrero F2529 346 28/47 166/302 38:57 12:34
71 Melissa Connell F3034 347 38/49 167/302 39:08 12:38
450 Seth Springman M2024 348 2/2 181/220 39:11 12:39
347 Preston Olson M0119 349 23/29 182/220 39:54 12:53
324 Kate Morrissey F0119 350 7/18 168/302 39:54 12:53
568 Madison Mangels F0119 351 8/18 169/302 40:06 12:57
575 Madi Dohrmund F0119 352 9/18 170/302 40:07 12:57
296 Drew Metcalf M0119 353 24/29 183/220 40:12 12:58
576 Elizabeth Dalsing F2529 354 29/47 171/302 40:27 13:03
465 Stacey Struck F4044 355 15/24 172/302 40:28 13:03
459 Tera Stopoulos F3034 356 39/49 173/302 40:29 13:04
237 Hisae Krogman F4549 357 18/32 174/302 40:32 13:05
362 Kathy Peterson F5054 358 8/24 175/302 40:36 13:06
285 Laura McCreery F3539 359 31/44 176/302 40:37 13:07
284 Kaylee McCreery F0119 360 10/18 177/302 40:38 13:07
6 Anna Albright F3539 361 32/44 178/302 40:43 13:08
244 Dale Lanning M6569 362 9/12 184/220 41:06 13:16
108 Jan Ebert F6064 363 8/17 179/302 41:11 13:17
270 Angie Marcov F4044 364 16/24 180/302 41:16 13:19
133 Sarah Foley F3539 365 33/44 181/302 41:16 13:19
435 Connie Shaw F6569 366 5/10 182/302 41:18 13:20
45 Stephanie Bruck F4549 367 19/32 183/302 41:19 13:20
354 Andrea Parker F4549 368 20/32 184/302 41:22 13:21
185 Michelle Houy F5054 369 9/24 185/302 41:34 13:25
17 Kristen Antolik F0119 370 11/18 186/302 41:35 13:25
59 Avery Catour F0119 371 12/18 187/302 41:37 13:26

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