Air Force Marathon 2007



September 15, 2007 in Dayton, OH

Event Groups

This event belongs to the following groups:

Results By

Half-Marathon - Results

displaying: 1 - 123 of 123
number of records per page: [10] [25] [50] [100] [all]

4376 Tony D'Amato M2024 3 1/123 3/1121 1:13:21 1:13:22 5:36
5676 Jacob Bradosky M2024 6 2/123 6/1121 1:16:37 1:18:55 5:51
4653 Christopher Heaser M2024 8 3/123 8/1121 1:18:15 1:18:17 5:59
5679 Kevin Branick M2024 14 4/123 14/1121 1:22:29 1:22:31 6:18
4007 David Heichemer M2024 15 5/123 15/1121 1:22:50 1:22:52 6:20
4149 Michael Bergstrom M2024 24 6/123 21/1121 1:26:40 1:26:53 6:37
5770 Steven Durning M2024 28 7/123 24/1121 1:27:28 1:27:32 6:41
4878 Kevin Locker M2024 33 8/123 28/1121 1:28:13 1:28:17 6:44
5940 Garrett Land M2024 34 9/123 29/1121 1:28:30 1:28:49 6:46
4016 Scott Diehl M2024 39 10/123 34/1121 1:29:25 1:29:27 6:50
5766 Douglas Downs M2024 40 11/123 35/1121 1:29:44 1:29:49 6:51
6266 Michael Bauer M2024 41 12/123 36/1121 1:29:45 1:29:48 6:52
6006 Justin Newton M2024 52 13/123 45/1121 1:31:44 1:32:07 7:01
4838 Anthony Landrum M2024 53 14/123 46/1121 1:31:47 1:34:17 7:01
5886 Joshua Howard M2024 64 15/123 54/1121 1:32:32 1:35:07 7:04
4674 Zachary Hill M2024 72 16/123 62/1121 1:33:06 1:33:20 7:07
4690 Sean Hopper M2024 79 17/123 67/1121 1:33:38 1:33:42 7:09
4836 Michael La Torre M2024 91 18/123 78/1121 1:34:40 1:36:24 7:14
6283 John Aunders M2024 92 19/123 79/1121 1:34:42 1:35:33 7:14
5542 Zachary Wike M2024 96 20/123 83/1121 1:35:00 1:35:11 7:16
6012 Christopher Olson M2024 98 21/123 84/1121 1:35:12 1:35:15 7:16
4084 Craig Baker M2024 110 22/123 93/1121 1:36:02 1:37:09 7:20
4957 Matthew Meckes M2024 114 23/123 96/1121 1:36:25 1:36:40 7:22
4195 Christopher Bollinger M2024 126 24/123 105/1121 1:37:10 1:37:32 7:25
4584 Elijah Grubb M2024 129 25/123 106/1121 1:37:13 1:39:53 7:26
5235 Aron Salzman-Deis M2024 132 26/123 108/1121 1:37:24 1:37:35 7:27
6128 Devan Thompson M2024 135 27/123 110/1121 1:37:30 1:39:28 7:27
5113 Mark Peters M2024 151 28/123 126/1121 1:38:05 1:38:16 7:30
4203 Patrick Boylan M2024 165 29/123 137/1121 1:39:05 1:39:37 7:34
6053 Benjamin Rhoda M2024 174 30/123 146/1121 1:39:32 1:41:06 7:36
5759 Eric Dinnen M2024 192 31/123 161/1121 1:40:26 1:40:43 7:40
5723 Miguel Colon M2024 195 32/123 163/1121 1:40:29 1:41:13 7:41
5835 Michael Gober M2024 200 33/123 167/1121 1:40:40 1:40:51 7:42
4077 Benjamin Backes M2024 208 34/123 174/1121 1:41:08 1:41:55 7:44
5249 Joel Schanbacher M2024 230 35/123 194/1121 1:42:31 1:42:49 7:50
4189 Matthew Bohman M2024 235 36/123 198/1121 1:42:55 1:43:14 7:52
6247 Michael Scott M2024 266 37/123 222/1121 1:44:16 1:46:25 7:58
6159 Dan Welsh M2024 274 38/123 229/1121 1:44:42 1:45:42 8:00
5965 Craig Maguire M2024 289 39/123 238/1121 1:45:09 1:45:52 8:02
6055 Scott Rice M2024 296 40/123 242/1121 1:45:24 1:45:57 8:03
4925 Kyle Mattie M2024 298 41/123 244/1121 1:45:27 1:46:21 8:03
5815 Chris Fullmer M2024 311 42/123 253/1121 1:45:54 1:47:04 8:05
5600 David Yingling M2024 329 43/123 268/1121 1:46:26 1:46:51 8:08
4679 Michael Hoadley M2024 335 44/123 271/1121 1:46:46 1:47:18 8:09
5726 Ryan Conlon M2024 341 45/123 276/1121 1:47:08 1:47:50 8:11
6240 Jason Markzon M2024 350 46/123 285/1121 1:47:40 1:47:52 8:14
4535 Michael Gaspar M2024 351 47/123 286/1121 1:47:45 1:48:26 8:14
6307 Khal Miller M2024 353 48/123 288/1121 1:47:47 1:48:14 8:14
5383 Jordan Stockdale M2024 357 49/123 291/1121 1:47:57 1:48:21 8:15
5777 Chris Esquivel M2024 386 50/123 310/1121 1:49:06 1:49:25 8:20
5877 Brendan Higgins M2024 389 51/123 313/1121 1:49:14 1:49:35 8:21
5834 Richard Glover M2024 397 52/123 321/1121 1:49:25 1:53:00 8:22
6170 Clark Wolfe M2024 398 53/123 322/1121 1:49:26 1:53:00 8:22
5298 Justin Shetter M2024 409 54/123 328/1121 1:49:56 1:50:18 8:24
4370 Ernesto Curiel M2024 413 55/123 330/1121 1:49:59 1:50:46 8:24
5828 Anthony Gibson M2024 414 56/123 331/1121 1:50:00 1:51:07 8:24
4827 Mitchell Kremer M2024 436 57/123 344/1121 1:50:33 1:50:51 8:27
6120 William Suski M2024 453 58/123 356/1121 1:50:56 1:51:29 8:29
5934 John Krisman M2024 458 59/123 359/1121 1:51:02 1:52:13 8:29
4193 Jason Bolenbaugh M2024 459 60/123 360/1121 1:51:02 2:01:55 8:29
5234 Michael Salyer M2024 469 61/123 370/1121 1:51:17 1:51:37 8:30
5216 Scott Rosenbloom M2024 471 62/123 372/1121 1:51:20 1:52:13 8:30
5964 Tim Madden M2024 484 63/123 379/1121 1:51:44 1:54:26 8:32
4408 Arron Desir M2024 497 64/123 387/1121 1:52:14 1:53:36 8:34
5948 Steven Leemon M2024 498 65/123 388/1121 1:52:15 1:53:00 8:35
5884 Justin Hoppe M2024 518 66/123 400/1121 1:52:55 1:55:32 8:38
6171 Chris Woolard M2024 550 67/123 422/1121 1:54:01 1:56:05 8:43
5946 Ahren Lavallee M2024 554 68/123 423/1121 1:54:07 1:56:33 8:43
5293 Joshua Shaner M2024 562 69/123 429/1121 1:54:16 1:54:39 8:44
5687 Jared Bryant M2024 567 70/123 433/1121 1:54:22 1:54:28 8:44
5304 Alex Simpson M2024 578 71/123 443/1121 1:54:52 1:56:50 8:47
5615 Chris Adams M2024 610 72/123 460/1121 1:55:32 1:59:06 8:50
5669 Stephen Boona M2024 624 73/123 466/1121 1:55:46 1:59:20 8:51
6301 Bryan Blank M2024 635 74/123 473/1121 1:56:00 1:57:57 8:52
4512 Nicholas Franklin M2024 668 75/123 496/1121 1:56:54 1:58:44 8:56
4194 Kyley Bolles M2024 686 76/123 509/1121 1:57:32 1:58:01 8:59
6282 Albert Young M2024 689 77/123 510/1121 1:57:34 1:59:27 8:59
4652 William Heaner M2024 690 78/123 511/1121 1:57:34 1:58:38 8:59
6284 Durham Snuffin M2024 691 79/123 512/1121 1:57:35 1:59:28 8:59
5673 Emmanuel Boyd M2024 734 80/123 539/1121 1:58:35 2:00:34 9:04
4970 Ryon Migacz M2024 739 81/123 544/1121 1:58:42 1:59:20 9:04
5697 Matt Byrdy M2024 785 82/123 576/1121 1:59:54 2:01:23 9:10
4161 David Bieler M2024 795 83/123 581/1121 2:00:18 2:01:15 9:11
5169 Nicholas Randolph M2024 796 84/123 582/1121 2:00:19 2:00:30 9:12
5050 David Newell M2024 803 85/123 587/1121 2:00:35 2:01:00 9:13
4362 Scott Croskey M2024 804 86/123 588/1121 2:00:37 2:01:00 9:13
4402 Renzo Delia M2024 807 87/123 591/1121 2:00:39 2:00:53 9:13
5662 Jonathan Block M2024 863 88/123 626/1121 2:02:45 2:03:31 9:23
4900 Robert MacDermott M2024 875 89/123 632/1121 2:03:05 2:04:53 9:24
6129 John Thompson M2024 904 90/123 648/1121 2:03:59 2:04:00 9:28
4893 Alexander Luke M2024 937 91/123 667/1121 2:05:19 2:12:45 9:34
5973 John Marcum M2024 955 92/123 676/1121 2:06:01 2:08:13 9:38
4595 Jonathan Haak M2024 958 93/123 677/1121 2:06:05 2:07:11 9:38
5969 Sean Majo M2024 984 94/123 690/1121 2:06:56 2:13:54 9:42
5035 William Neal M2024 991 95/123 694/1121 2:07:08 2:07:59 9:43
4115 Aaron Beach M2024 993 96/123 696/1121 2:07:13 2:07:30 9:43
5838 Colin Gorey M2024 996 97/123 697/1121 2:07:19 2:08:20 9:44
4985 Kyle Moats M2024 1006 98/123 705/1121 2:07:37 2:08:30 9:45
6328 Dustin Smith M2024 1010 99/123 707/1121 2:07:42 2:09:41 9:45
4254 Jeremy Buxton M2024 1111 100/123 756/1121 2:10:46 2:11:43 9:59
4681 Jake Hobson M2024 1115 101/123 759/1121 2:10:47 2:11:05 9:59
5051 Eliot Niceswanger M2024 1120 102/123 763/1121 2:10:56 2:18:22 10:00
6074 Matt Santoro M2024 1135 103/123 769/1121 2:11:22 2:12:41 10:02
4822 Chris Kramer M2024 1230 104/123 812/1121 2:14:39 2:17:21 10:17
5943 Michael Langlais M2024 1248 105/123 822/1121 2:15:29 2:17:55 10:21
6031 Douglas Pierre M2024 1269 106/123 835/1121 2:16:51 2:19:43 10:27
5848 John Grimes M2024 1348 107/123 860/1121 2:20:14 2:22:02 10:43
5896 Jacob Bradford M2024 1377 108/123 875/1121 2:21:30 2:24:23 10:49
5805 Benjamin Franzosa M2024 1378 109/123 876/1121 2:21:30 2:24:22 10:49
5830 Everett Gilmore M2024 1380 110/123 878/1121 2:21:31 2:24:23 10:49
6093 John Sholtis M2024 1381 111/123 879/1121 2:21:32 2:24:23 10:49
5765 Steve Dormish M2024 1382 112/123 880/1121 2:21:32 2:24:22 10:49
4499 Trevor Fitzpatrick M2024 1394 113/123 886/1121 2:22:03 2:22:11 10:51
5031 Peter Navarro M2024 1416 114/123 900/1121 2:23:02 2:25:17 10:56
4627 Matt Harp M2024 1423 115/123 905/1121 2:23:34 2:24:07 10:58
4550 Tripp Gleason M2024 1452 116/123 916/1121 2:24:53 2:27:12 11:04
6134 Keaton Troy M2024 1579 117/123 972/1121 2:32:13 2:34:24 11:38
5885 Evan Howard M2024 1582 118/123 975/1121 2:32:14 2:34:25 11:38
5928 Scott Klingman M2024 1584 119/123 977/1121 2:32:15 2:34:26 11:38
6008 John Noveras M2024 1707 120/123 1018/1121 2:45:03 2:46:22 12:36
6346 Ryan Thompson M2024 1753 121/123 1036/1121 2:52:28 2:56:38 13:10
4913 Joel Martin M2024 1755 122/123 1037/1121 2:52:51 2:54:11 13:12
5558 Kenneth Wilson M2024 1984 123/123 1096/1121 3:32:53 3:36:31 16:16

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