2014 Beer and Bagel Off Road

Overall--Searchable Format

Don't forget Daylight Savings Time Changes at 2 AM Race morning! Set your clocks back an hour!

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Overall--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1191 Sheila McSorley F4044 299 19/151 85/1098 47:36 46:40 10:23
555 Brent Bostwick M4549 300 19/76 214/766 52:28 46:43 10:23
671 Casey Connolly M3539 301 47/156 215/766 52:50 46:43 10:23
303 Jason Seger M2529 302 24/105 216/766 51:52 46:44 10:23
3921 Mike Wiese M4044 303 28/99 217/766 46:44 46:44 10:24
3416 Rene Orosco M5559 304 6/27 218/766 49:53 46:45 10:24
3922 Sandra Wiese F4044 305 20/151 86/1098 46:47 46:47 10:24
208 Sheila Loecker F5054 308 9/66 88/1098 50:21 46:49 10:25
1003 Maureen Halbur F5054 307 8/66 87/1098 49:56 46:49 10:25
3730 Josh Stover M3539 306 48/156 219/766 57:23 46:49 10:25
1038 Katie Henry F3539 309 9/204 89/1098 50:24 46:50 10:25
628 Ryan Carlson M3539 310 49/156 220/766 49:59 46:51 10:25
848 Summer Fahnholz F3034 311 17/230 90/1098 54:50 46:51 10:25
1171 Benedict Uappel M2529 312 25/105 221/766 48:26 46:53 10:26
1172 Michael Hermann M3539 313 50/156 222/766 48:26 46:53 10:26
814 Parker Duitsman M0114 315 4/16 223/766 46:56 46:56 10:26
3992 Sarah Ziegler F3539 314 10/204 91/1098 47:05 46:56 10:26
3961 Joe Wolff M5054 316 20/62 224/766 55:05 46:57 10:26
815 Ted Duitsman M3539 317 51/156 225/766 47:00 46:58 10:27
3834 Craig Vanis M3539 318 52/156 226/766 55:14 47:04 10:28
511 Rachel Benzoni F2529 319 19/176 92/1098 48:12 47:07 10:29
3665 Jeff Sietstra M3034 320 44/150 227/766 51:16 47:08 10:29
1169 Jamie Bolte F3034 321 18/230 93/1098 47:58 47:08 10:29
813 Dan Duitsman M3034 322 45/150 228/766 47:12 47:11 10:29
3635 Mark Schuldt M4549 324 20/76 229/766 53:15 47:12 10:30
3936 Julie Willman F3034 323 19/230 94/1098 47:45 47:12 10:30
3179 Adrian Lovato M3539 325 53/156 230/766 58:34 47:14 10:30
565 Bryan Boyce M3539 326 54/156 231/766 48:09 47:20 10:31
692 Jack Critchfield M2529 327 26/105 232/766 52:38 47:22 10:32
53 Roger Buman M6064 328 3/12 233/766 48:41 47:24 10:32
3541 Katie Risch Bakhit F3539 329 11/204 95/1098 48:23 47:25 10:33
3098 Ryan Kucera M3539 330 55/156 234/766 50:29 47:26 10:33
711 Ryan Dallan M3539 332 56/156 236/766 53:34 47:28 10:33
1150 Chris Jones M2529 331 27/105 235/766 51:24 47:28 10:33
1207 Kent Cisar M3539 333 57/156 237/766 48:12 47:29 10:34
42 Adam Brening M3034 334 46/150 238/766 51:00 47:30 10:34
1002 Eric Hakos M2529 335 28/105 239/766 48:53 47:31 10:34
3808 Tyler Trofholz M3034 336 47/150 240/766 52:43 47:31 10:34
964 Pete Graziano M4044 337 29/99 241/766 48:08 47:33 10:34
195 Steven Kuhn M6064 338 4/12 242/766 49:03 47:35 10:35

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