Bunny Rock 5K

5K Run


April 19, 2014 in Chicago, IL

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5K Run - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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20405 Danielle Schwartzman F25-29 811 133/222 548/1096 35:44 11:31
5091 Leslie Garcia F11-14 812 10/27 549/1096 35:46 11:31
22551 Helene Piehl F25-29 813 134/222 550/1096 35:48 11:32
2371 Julie Beinke F30-34 814 124/226 551/1096 35:49 11:32
2372 Josh Beinke M30-34 815 48/65 258/386 35:49 11:32
17915 Jami Oconnell F50-54 816 30/68 552/1096 35:49 11:32
15735 Jessica Mainor F30-34 817 125/226 553/1096 35:50 11:32
17921 Patricia Oleson F30-34 818 126/226 554/1096 35:50 11:32
5070 James Frankiewicz M25-29 819 45/57 259/386 35:50 11:32
2376 Catherine Bellizzi F25-29 820 135/222 555/1096 35:52 11:33
17944 Mina Patel F45-49 821 30/64 556/1096 35:59 11:35
22560 Joyce Borg F45-49 822 31/64 557/1096 36:00 11:35
2314 Lizzie Amann F15-19 823 26/42 558/1096 36:00 11:35
2313 Caroline Amann F15-19 824 27/42 559/1096 36:00 11:36
20463 Joanna Stawarz F35-39 825 54/129 560/1096 36:00 11:36
22618 Myra Velasco F25-29 826 136/222 561/1096 36:01 11:36
22394 Courtney Wilkinson F30-34 827 127/226 562/1096 36:01 11:36
15697 Maria Lewis F30-34 828 128/226 563/1096 36:02 11:36
5208 Jenny Hansen F25-29 829 137/222 564/1096 36:02 11:36
20367 James Rybarczyk M40-44 830 26/46 260/386 36:02 11:36
5023 Chuck Falda M60-64 831 5/9 261/386 36:03 11:37
5327 Jennifer Javier F35-39 832 55/129 565/1096 36:03 11:37
5168 Jayme Greenberg F25-29 833 138/222 566/1096 36:04 11:37
15650 Agnieszka Krol F35-39 834 56/129 567/1096 36:06 11:38
15822 Ej Miranda F35-39 835 57/129 568/1096 36:07 11:38
20413 Aarti Sharma F25-29 836 139/222 569/1096 36:08 11:38
22547 Jessica Van Heel F25-29 837 140/222 570/1096 36:08 11:38
15828 Stephanie Mongoven F25-29 838 141/222 571/1096 36:09 11:39
20453 Debi Sopko F50-54 839 31/68 572/1096 36:10 11:39
15814 Christen Meyer F25-29 840 142/222 573/1096 36:15 11:40
22475 Gina Ekhoff F25-29 841 143/222 574/1096 36:16 11:41
20335 Elizabeth Rodriguez F20-24 842 77/112 575/1096 36:18 11:41
5058 Joanna Fogerty F20-24 843 78/112 576/1096 36:18 11:41
5044 Thomasina Ferreira F30-34 844 129/226 577/1096 36:18 11:41
5089 Jorie Ganek F30-34 845 130/226 578/1096 36:19 11:42
22584 Jake Lepinskas M01-10 846 11/24 262/386 36:20 11:42
2413 Bridget Bollero F40-44 847 52/115 579/1096 36:20 11:42
22441 Diane Byrne F55-59 848 11/41 580/1096 36:20 11:42
22583 Cate Lepinskas F01-10 849 8/24 581/1096 36:20 11:42
15746 Nicole Malozzi F40-44 850 53/115 582/1096 36:21 11:42

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