Festival Foods Turkey Trots - 2018

Green Bay - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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49245 Michael Carney M60-64 363 7/40 255/812 40:41 8:09
49333 Aidan Deal M09-10 364 3/14 256/812 40:41 8:09
50380 Jeff Schmidt M55-59 365 15/55 257/812 40:44 8:09
49150 Kyle Blindauer M19-24 366 39/107 258/812 40:44 8:09
50466 Emily Smith F35-39 367 16/114 107/980 40:45 8:09
50856 Taylor Maroszek M19-24 368 40/107 259/812 40:47 8:10
49029 Dominic Anderson M13-14 369 13/34 260/812 40:47 8:10
49678 Ben Hoppe M25-29 370 32/93 261/812 40:49 8:10
50292 Olivia Raye F11-12 371 2/14 108/980 40:49 8:10
50216 Carl Petersen M50-54 372 11/44 262/812 40:50 8:10
49208 Shane Bruhnke M25-29 373 33/93 263/812 40:50 8:10
51013 Curtis Czapanskiy M30-34 374 38/93 264/812 40:51 8:11
50235 Quinten Piefer M13-14 375 14/34 265/812 40:51 8:11
49945 Austin Lipsey M13-14 376 15/34 266/812 40:52 8:11
49886 Amber Lamers F19-24 377 18/150 109/980 40:54 8:11
50167 Dennis Opelt M65-69 378 1/13 267/812 40:55 8:11
50615 Mackenzie Ullmer F15-18 379 14/94 110/980 40:57 8:12
49510 Jacob Geis M25-29 380 34/93 268/812 40:57 8:12
49060 Cassandra Baier F30-34 381 16/106 111/980 40:58 8:12
50468 Mark Smith M55-59 382 16/55 269/812 41:00 8:12
49341 Gavin Decker M15-18 383 34/69 270/812 41:00 8:12
51149 Katie Brockman F15-18 384 15/94 112/980 41:01 8:13
51148 Kamryn Brockan F15-18 385 16/94 113/980 41:02 8:13
50428 Carl Shefchik M45-49 386 20/69 271/812 41:02 8:13
50286 Mason Rather M19-24 387 41/107 272/812 41:02 8:13
49827 Scott Kohls M60-64 388 8/40 273/812 41:02 8:13
50503 Alexandria Steel F25-29 389 20/131 114/980 41:02 8:13
50936 Emma Fischer F15-18 390 17/94 115/980 41:03 8:13
50228 Beth Petruzates F50-54 391 3/72 116/980 41:04 8:13
49888 Meghan Lamers F19-24 392 19/150 117/980 41:07 8:14
49219 Rebekah Buboltz F15-18 393 18/94 118/980 41:07 8:14
49889 Peter Lamers M45-49 394 21/69 274/812 41:07 8:14
49218 Nicki Buboltz F45-49 395 9/67 119/980 41:07 8:14
50005 Abby Matuszak F13-14 396 1/22 120/980 41:08 8:14
49679 Benjamin Horkman M35-39 397 31/73 275/812 41:09 8:14
49262 Lana Christenson F30-34 398 17/106 121/980 41:09 8:14
50714 Leon Weigele M15-18 399 35/69 276/812 41:09 8:14
50470 Ryan Smith M30-34 400 39/93 277/812 41:11 8:15
49020 David Allie M25-29 401 35/93 278/812 41:11 8:15
49102 Joe Beilfuss M40-44 402 18/62 279/812 41:12 8:15

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