


September 28, 2019 in Fort Wayne, IN

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5544 Devin Brock M 15-19 305 9/22 187/521 59:59 29:54 9:39 388 29:25 9:30 236 59:19 9:34
4432 Lori Groger F 35-39 306 32/152 119/952 59:42 29:05 9:23 315 30:14 9:46 292 59:19 9:34
4808 Mark Moon M 30-34 307 40/76 188/521 59:56 29:55 9:39 391 29:28 9:31 241 59:23 9:35
4985 Mark Rose M 25-29 308 19/49 189/521 59:49 28:41 9:15 288 30:45 9:55 335 59:25 9:35
7884 Tayler Schortgen F 25-29 309 17/118 120/952 59:52 29:08 9:24 319 30:18 9:47 304 59:26 9:36
5054 Emily Simmons F 40-44 310 17/100 121/952 1:00:08 29:46 9:36 377 29:43 9:35 258 59:28 9:36
4941 Kevin Rasp M 35-39 311 32/70 190/521 59:53 28:38 9:14 282 30:54 9:58 347 59:31 9:36
4940 Lesley Raskin F 35-39 312 33/152 122/952 59:53 28:36 9:14 279 30:56 9:59 349 59:31 9:36
5629 Michael Davis M 55-59 313 14/54 191/521 1:00:00 28:53 9:19 301 30:39 9:54 326 59:31 9:36
5136 Manuel Talamantes M 30-34 314 41/76 192/521 1:00:27 29:02 9:22 310 30:30 9:51 315 59:31 9:36
4377 Katie Freese F 25-29 315 18/118 123/952 1:00:57 27:48 8:59 221 31:50 10:17 406 59:38 9:38
4349 Katie Fellman F 50-54 316 6/82 124/952 59:58 29:13 9:26 324 30:27 9:50 314 59:40 9:38
5300 Jay Rozelle M 40-44 317 25/61 193/521 1:00:28 29:32 9:32 351 30:13 9:45 289 59:44 9:38
5365 Katie Rozelle F 35-39 318 34/152 125/952 1:00:29 29:32 9:32 352 30:14 9:45 291 59:45 9:39
5602 Ryan Rupp M 35-39 319 33/70 194/521 1:00:08 29:42 9:35 372 30:06 9:43 286 59:47 9:39
5181 Alec Vanness M 15-19 320 10/22 195/521 59:53 27:03 8:44 176 32:46 10:35 463 59:49 9:39
4192 Juan Carrillo M 35-39 321 34/70 196/521 59:52 28:24 9:10 260 31:26 10:09 382 59:49 9:39
4739 Mari Martin F 40-44 322 18/100 126/952 1:00:16 29:14 9:26 327 30:37 9:53 322 59:50 9:39
5059 Mike Sinish M 40-44 323 26/61 197/521 59:58 27:36 8:54 210 32:16 10:25 431 59:51 9:40
4197 Kaylee Casper F 25-29 324 19/118 127/952 1:00:17 29:07 9:24 318 30:45 9:56 338 59:52 9:40
4673 Ron Lee M 55-59 325 15/54 198/521 1:00:44 29:39 9:34 368 30:17 9:46 298 59:55 9:40
4672 Megan Lee F 25-29 326 20/118 128/952 1:00:44 29:40 9:35 370 30:16 9:46 294 59:56 9:40
5698 Ray Byers M 30-34 327 42/76 199/521 1:00:36 29:00 9:22 308 30:57 9:59 352 59:57 9:41
5271 Hillary Zeid F 25-29 328 21/118 129/952 1:00:38 29:14 9:26 328 30:44 9:55 334 59:57 9:41
4022 Steve Anderson M 50-54 329 17/47 200/521 1:00:18 28:47 9:18 296 31:11 10:04 372 59:58 9:41
4415 Jorge Gonzalez M 55-59 330 16/54 201/521 1:00:39 30:06 9:43 405 29:54 9:39 273 59:59 9:41
4176 Brett Campbell M 40-44 331 27/61 202/521 1:00:35 29:51 9:38 385 30:08 9:44 287 59:59 9:41
4542 Carey Jacquay F 45-49 332 9/92 130/952 1:00:29 29:24 9:29 337 30:36 9:53 321 59:59 9:41
4056 Katie Barnard F 55-59 333 3/80 131/952 1:00:18 28:30 9:12 273 31:31 10:10 388 1:00:01 9:41
5013 Shannon Schneider F 35-39 334 35/152 132/952 1:00:15 29:05 9:23 313 30:57 9:59 350 1:00:02 9:41
4023 Erica Anderson-Senter F 35-39 335 36/152 133/952 1:00:40 29:26 9:30 341 30:38 9:53 323 1:00:03 9:42
5392 Laura Green F 45-49 336 10/92 134/952 1:00:23 28:28 9:11 268 31:40 10:13 397 1:00:07 9:42
5389 Kellie Hadi F 40-44 337 19/100 135/952 1:00:27 29:28 9:31 347 30:39 9:54 328 1:00:07 9:42
5628 Alisha Furlong F 35-39 338 37/152 136/952 1:00:38 29:51 9:38 381 30:17 9:47 302 1:00:08 9:42
5383 Jennifer Strack F 40-44 339 20/100 137/952 1:00:54 29:27 9:30 344 30:46 9:56 341 1:00:12 9:43
4789 Amy Miller F 40-44 340 21/100 138/952 1:00:31 29:11 9:25 322 31:07 10:02 367 1:00:17 9:44
5158 Rachel Trouten F 20-24 341 10/45 139/952 1:02:19 28:55 9:20 303 31:30 10:10 385 1:00:24 9:45
4307 Jessica Eastom F 30-34 342 28/162 140/952 1:00:50 29:06 9:24 316 31:21 10:07 378 1:00:26 9:45
5043 Liz Sheibley F 35-39 343 38/152 141/952 1:01:17 29:38 9:34 365 30:49 9:57 344 1:00:27 9:45
4671 Kristie Lee F 40-44 344 22/100 142/952 1:00:34 28:52 9:19 300 31:36 10:12 392 1:00:27 9:45

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