Flying Pig Marathon 2016

Little Kings Mile - Results

Charts and Stats
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47390 Terry Pescosolido M 56-60 444 10/65 339/854 7:37 7:37
46058 Kimberly Howell F 41-45 445 11/162 106/990 7:37 7:37
45741 Holly Barger F 31-35 446 32/176 107/990 7:37 7:37
47377 Sheelagh Omalley F 36-40 447 13/139 108/990 7:38 7:38
46548 Josh Valentine M 26-30 448 47/99 340/854 7:38 7:38
47473 Lindsey Sodemann F 26-30 449 25/148 109/990 7:38 7:38
46505 Peter Sundberg M 26-30 450 48/99 341/854 7:38 7:38
45733 Douglas Bailey M 46-50 451 44/107 342/854 7:38 7:38
47359 John Mercado Jr M 26-30 452 49/99 343/854 7:38 7:38
47470 Sandra Smith F 46-50 453 11/105 110/990 7:38 7:38
46281 Kyle Neidich M 26-30 454 50/99 344/854 7:38 7:38
46995 David Johnson M 46-50 455 45/107 345/854 7:39 7:39
47283 Evelyn Irvin F 41-45 456 12/162 111/990 7:39 7:39
46171 Chris Lombardi M 36-40 457 58/118 346/854 7:39 7:39
46074 Jenny Jackson F 31-35 458 33/176 112/990 7:39 7:39
45925 John Einberger M 46-50 459 46/107 347/854 7:39 7:39
46256 Sarah Minges F 31-35 460 34/176 113/990 7:40 7:40
45976 Laura Gerald F 46-50 461 12/105 114/990 7:41 7:41
47325 Shellie Lawson F 41-45 462 13/162 115/990 7:41 7:41
47324 Lonny Lawson M 41-45 463 48/113 348/854 7:41 7:41
46338 Michele Pfeiffer F 41-45 464 14/162 116/990 7:41 7:41
47170 Mallory Darnell F 26-30 465 26/148 117/990 7:41 7:41
46713 Joseph Rubel M 31-35 466 72/133 349/854 7:41 7:41
46933 Douglas Calvert M 46-50 467 47/107 350/854 7:42 7:42
46381 Jessica Rensing F 31-35 468 35/176 118/990 7:42 7:42
46699 John Peerzada M 11-15 469 4/9 351/854 7:42 7:42
45960 Jonathan Franklin M 41-45 470 49/113 352/854 7:42 7:42
45898 Julia Dose F 26-30 471 27/148 119/990 7:42 7:42
46728 Joel Smith M 31-35 472 73/133 353/854 7:43 7:43
46863 David Newman M 21-25 473 28/48 354/854 7:43 7:43
46138 Tim Kuderer M 41-45 474 50/113 355/854 7:43 7:43
47094 Jason Amberger M 16-20 475 3/5 356/854 7:43 7:43
45932 Michael Engler M 41-45 476 51/113 357/854 7:43 7:43
47223 Andrew Georgeff M 36-40 477 59/118 358/854 7:43 7:43
46478 Jim Staudigel M 41-45 478 52/113 359/854 7:43 7:43
47294 Amanda Jones F 41-45 479 15/162 120/990 7:44 7:44
46101 Ellen Kelly F 31-35 480 36/176 121/990 7:44 7:44
46023 Dianne Heckler F 46-50 481 13/105 122/990 7:44 7:44
47384 Melissa Patrick F 31-35 482 37/176 123/990 7:44 7:44
47411 Brian Regg M 51-55 483 29/87 360/854 7:44 7:44

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