2018 Arrowhead 5K



November 2, 2018 in Kansas City, MO


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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3675 Melanie Harbaugh F3034 681 49/111 282/767 34:28 11:08
3265 Timothy Graham Jr M3539 682 48/75 400/666 34:30 11:08
3649 Brett Siegrist M2024 683 24/38 401/666 34:31 11:09
3650 Lillie Siegrist F2024 684 18/31 283/767 34:32 11:09
3930 Maia Tichenor F2529 685 38/96 284/767 34:35 11:10
3286 Jessica Hillen F2529 686 39/96 285/767 34:41 11:12
3494 Stephanie Booker F3539 687 56/102 286/767 34:41 11:12
1948 Cesslia Marquez F1519 688 12/19 287/767 34:42 11:12
4106 Becky Huxol F3539 689 57/102 288/767 34:46 11:14
4059 Cindy Devan F5559 690 14/62 289/767 34:49 11:14
4280 John Newman M2024 691 25/38 402/666 34:50 11:15
3565 Tracy Townsend F3539 692 58/102 290/767 34:52 11:16
4942 Amanda Montgomery F3034 693 50/111 291/767 34:55 11:17
3656 Clayton Smith M3034 694 65/97 403/666 34:56 11:17
3705 Josiah Moreno M2529 695 42/62 404/666 34:56 11:17
4687 Emily Mihelic F2529 696 40/96 292/767 34:58 11:17
2189 Sandra Butler F5559 697 15/62 293/767 34:59 11:18
3914 John Huth M1014 698 42/59 405/666 35:00 11:18
4021 Steve Foley M4549 699 37/58 406/666 35:02 11:19
4387 Wes Lanier M4044 700 46/65 407/666 35:04 11:19
4388 Cody Lanier M1014 701 43/59 408/666 35:04 11:19
4655 Kristen Sutton F3034 702 51/111 294/767 35:07 11:20
3054 Patricio Giani M3034 703 66/97 409/666 35:07 11:20
4656 Bayley Clutter F1014 704 15/34 295/767 35:07 11:20
3055 Nora Giani F09UN 705 2/17 296/767 35:07 11:20
4657 Dana Schulz F2024 706 19/31 297/767 35:08 11:21
4020 Amy Foley F4044 707 34/82 298/767 35:08 11:21
3228 Judy Brink F4549 708 26/79 299/767 35:09 11:21
4567 Steve Russell M6569 709 2/13 410/666 35:11 11:22
4276 Shaun Brandt M3539 710 49/75 411/666 35:13 11:22
3225 Maureen Saramosing F3539 711 59/102 300/767 35:13 11:22
3632 Katelyn Clark F3034 712 52/111 301/767 35:13 11:22
4923 Caitlin Keller F2529 713 41/96 302/767 35:13 11:22
3633 Reece Clark M3034 714 67/97 412/666 35:14 11:23
3915 Caroline Huth F1014 715 16/34 303/767 35:20 11:24
4688 Emily Emerson F3034 716 53/111 304/767 35:21 11:25
4689 Samuel Stepp M3034 717 68/97 413/666 35:21 11:25
3741 Sherry Hutchcraft F5559 718 16/62 305/767 35:21 11:25
4266 Malia Garcia F1014 719 17/34 306/767 35:21 11:25
4265 Melissa Garcia F4044 720 35/82 307/767 35:22 11:25

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