Flying Pig Marathon 2009

Flying Pig Marathon - Results

Charts and Stats
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4737 Anita Cabello F4044 2744 131/232 910/1654 1:15:19 2:11:44 2:22:56 3:34:44 4:33:46 10:31 4:44:17 10:52
4025 Hank Hollander M3034 2745 268/341 1834/2417 1:10:15 2:01:30 2:12:10 3:22:29 4:31:37 12:42 4:44:19 10:52
365 Melissa Schroeter F4044 2746 132/232 911/1654 1:11:53 2:04:54 2:17:59 3:28:31 4:33:44 10:36 4:44:20 10:52
1135 Jennie Cisar Lawrence F2529 2747 213/337 912/1654 1:13:05 2:07:20 2:19:09 3:31:15 4:34:21 10:02 4:44:22 10:52
3519 Tammy Denune F4549 2748 102/192 913/1654 1:13:05 2:07:20 2:19:09 3:31:16 4:34:21 10:02 4:44:23 10:52
4662 Shannon Carr F2529 2749 214/337 914/1654 1:20:17 2:15:13 2:26:59 3:31:38 4:34:59 9:26 4:44:24 10:52
1426 Franklin Gray M4549 2750 259/332 1835/2417 1:07:06 1:59:37 2:10:39 3:22:54 4:32:36 11:50 4:44:25 10:52
3341 Sara Stickler F1824 2751 116/193 915/1654 1:04:24 1:56:39 2:07:49 3:22:28 4:32:49 11:37 4:44:25 10:52
2960 James Wright M6569 2752 9/22 1836/2417 1:07:05 2:00:07 2:11:00 3:25:23 4:34:20 10:10 4:44:29 10:52
3194 Judith Mink F4549 2753 103/192 916/1654 1:15:32 2:09:13 2:20:33 3:33:09 4:33:48 10:43 4:44:30 10:52
2732 Amie Dimalanta F3539 2754 144/261 917/1654 1:13:27 2:10:50 2:21:53 3:32:36 4:35:18 9:13 4:44:30 10:52
1004 Hollie Grilliot F2529 2755 215/337 918/1654 1:06:18 1:54:54 2:05:41 3:24:25 4:34:06 10:26 4:44:31 10:52
3012 Rebecca Stofer F2529 2756 216/337 919/1654 1:13:55 2:09:23 2:20:16 3:32:32 4:34:27 10:06 4:44:33 10:52
175 Laurie Adams F3539 2757 145/261 920/1654 1:11:17 2:03:35 2:14:11 3:25:45 4:32:12 12:22 4:44:33 10:52
4782 Colleen Darnell F2529 2758 217/337 921/1654 1:09:08 1:59:54 2:10:24 3:25:55 4:33:26 11:09 4:44:34 10:52
2549 Jeff Headdy M4044 2759 309/374 1837/2417 1:12:17 2:05:38 2:16:48 3:29:56 4:33:46 10:50 4:44:36 10:52
275 Sylvia Corral F3539 2760 146/261 922/1654 1:10:38 2:03:32 2:14:44 3:27:35 4:34:07 10:30 4:44:36 10:52
453 Kathleen Bagwell F3034 2761 155/257 923/1654 1:10:01 2:01:18 2:12:17 3:24:46 4:33:48 10:50 4:44:38 10:52
4137 Jillian Fritsch F2529 2762 218/337 924/1654 1:13:54 2:09:22 2:20:15 3:32:31 4:34:26 10:13 4:44:38 10:52
4384 Donald Biggers M4549 2763 260/332 1838/2417 1:10:54 2:03:46 2:15:41 3:24:15 4:33:20 11:19 4:44:39 10:52
4333 Mark Lafranconi M5559 2764 85/132 1839/2417 1:14:46 2:07:34 2:19:04 3:26:00 4:33:47 10:56 4:44:42 10:52
4966 Paul Wagner M2529 2765 249/308 1840/2417 58:12 1:50:35 2:00:44 3:16:37 4:30:43 14:01 4:44:43 10:53
4427 Susan Woodhouse F4044 2766 133/232 925/1654 1:11:55 2:05:08 2:16:20 3:28:53 4:32:57 11:49 4:44:45 10:53
3718 Kristin Bramlage F3034 2767 156/257 926/1654 1:10:17 2:03:13 2:15:33 3:30:01 4:35:06 9:40 4:44:46 10:53
603 Karrie Wolf F2529 2768 219/337 927/1654 1:17:33 2:15:34 2:27:20 3:36:25 4:35:35 9:12 4:44:46 10:53
1950 Dianna Shank F4044 2769 134/232 928/1654 1:11:20 2:04:23 2:15:21 3:29:16 4:34:32 10:15 4:44:46 10:53
4499 Michael Szymanski M3034 2770 269/341 1841/2417 1:05:51 1:54:35 2:04:36 3:10:25 4:34:34 10:15 4:44:49 10:53
4905 Craig Stork M3034 2771 270/341 1842/2417 1:07:42 2:00:32 2:11:10 3:24:19 4:33:29 11:21 4:44:49 10:53
1182 Pam Vincent F3539 2772 147/261 929/1654 1:10:12 2:01:42 2:12:21 3:24:26 4:32:32 12:23 4:44:55 10:53
4747 Amy Leifling-Welte F3539 2773 148/261 930/1654 1:14:19 2:09:00 2:23:26 3:36:34 4:35:07 9:51 4:44:57 10:53
4835 Kent Weden M5054 2774 174/254 1843/2417 1:13:59 2:08:44 2:20:12 3:32:03 4:35:44 9:25 4:45:09 10:53
1924 Joe Hodge M3539 2775 295/375 1844/2417 1:07:10 1:58:50 2:11:52 3:23:55 4:33:35 11:35 4:45:09 10:53
2969 Jamie Ireland F2529 2776 220/337 931/1654 1:10:54 2:01:27 2:13:26 3:22:26 4:33:44 11:26 4:45:09 10:54
4412 Carl Patterson M4549 2777 261/332 1845/2417 1:09:18 2:00:51 2:12:15 3:26:54 4:33:46 11:26 4:45:11 10:54
986 Amber Orr F2529 2778 221/337 932/1654 1:07:53 2:03:17 2:15:13 3:30:57 4:35:23 9:57 4:45:19 10:54
2995 Katherine Hsueh F3539 2779 149/261 933/1654 1:14:40 2:08:01 2:19:35 3:32:05 4:35:34 9:46 4:45:20 10:54
3112 Missy Frederick F4044 2780 135/232 934/1654 1:11:40 2:07:13 2:18:18 3:28:43 4:34:06 11:19 4:45:24 10:54
3465 Luis Allen M4549 2781 262/332 1846/2417 1:08:20 2:02:48 2:14:13 3:29:57 4:34:57 10:28 4:45:25 10:54
398 Peter Reaves M3034 2782 271/341 1847/2417 1:08:48 2:02:49 2:13:51 3:25:09 4:33:32 11:56 4:45:27 10:54
2531 Toby Merchant M3034 2783 272/341 1848/2417 1:01:30 1:45:28 1:55:20 3:09:26 4:33:52 11:37 4:45:28 10:54

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