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Bay to Breakers - 2015



May 17, 2015 in San Francisco, CA


Event Groups

This event belongs to the following groups:

12K - Results

30 Isaac Mukundi Mwangi 25 M M-ELITE 1 1/29 1/13885 2:54.73 9 35:25 4:45
18 Bashir Abdi 25 M M-ELITE 2 2/29 2/13885 2:44.13 2 35:27 4:46
14 Julius Kieter 25 M M-ELITE 3 3/29 3/13885 2:50.80 5 35:30 4:46
9 Kevin Kochei 25 M M-ELITE 4 4/29 4/13885 3:02.84 20 35:47 4:48
2 Afewerki Berhane Hidru 19 M M-ELITE 5 5/29 5/13885 2:55.90 11 35:49 4:49
23 MacDonard Ondara 30 M M-ELITE 6 6/29 6/13885 2:59.49 13 35:53 4:49
6 Kimutai Cheruiyot 29 M M-ELITE 7 7/29 7/13885 2:52.57 8 35:57 4:50
40 Frezer Legesse 25 M M-ELITE 8 8/29 8/13885 2:55.66 10 36:04 4:51
7 Hillary Too 36 M M-ELITE 9 9/29 9/13885 2:59.80 14 36:13 4:52
32 Kenneth Kipyego Rotich 24 M M-ELITE 10 10/29 10/13885 2:51.16 6 36:23 4:53
10 Fernando Cabada 33 M M-ELITE 11 11/29 11/13885 3:00.13 15 36:24 4:53
39 Nick Arciniaga 25 M M-ELITE 12 12/29 12/13885 3:05.60 21 36:29 4:54
43 Danny Mercado 25 M M-ELITE 13 13/29 13/13885 3:00.20 16 36:30 4:54
28 Tesfaye Alemayehu 31 M M-ELITE 14 14/29 14/13885 3:01.08 17 36:33 4:55
21 Elisha Barno 29 M M-ELITE 15 15/29 15/13885 2:57.23 12 36:36 4:55
13 Tuemay Tsegay 25 M M-ELITE 16 16/29 16/13885 2:50.07 4 36:48 4:57
41 Nick Hilton 25 M M-ELITE 17 17/29 17/13885 2:52.27 7 36:55 4:57
38517 Jesse Cherry 28 M M2529 18 1/2182 18/13885 3:07.43 23 36:58 4:58
48 Malcolm Richards 32 M M-ELITE 19 18/29 19/13885 3:11.73 25 37:13 5:00
3 Nelson Oyugi 22 M M-ELITE 20 19/29 20/13885 2:49.61 3 37:25 5:02
31 John Muritu Wanjiku 18 M M-ELITE 21 20/29 21/13885 3:01.17 18 37:26 5:02
38509 Chris Chavez 29 M M2529 22 2/2182 22/13885 3:11.78 26 38:07 5:07
7313 Stewart Harwell 31 M M3034 23 1/2342 23/13885 3:15.30 30 38:29 5:10
34238 Rio Reina 28 M M2529 24 3/2182 24/13885 3:16.33 31 38:40 5:12
38 Daniel Wallis 25 M M-ELITE 25 21/29 25/13885 3:17.27 34 38:47 5:12
42 Forest Misenti 25 M M-ELITE 26 22/29 26/13885 3:07.76 24 38:55 5:14
53 Dave Berden 34 M M3034 27 2/2342 27/13885 3:25.64 65 39:17 5:17
22 Linus Chumba 35 M M-ELITE 28 23/29 28/13885 3:11.92 27 39:18 5:17
38502 Unknown Runner 99 M M 29 1/122 29/13885 3:24.32 63 39:29 5:18
25 John Carley 25 M M-ELITE 30 24/29 30/13885 3:16.43 33 39:34 5:19
7300 Michael Garaventa 22 M M2024 31 1/841 31/13885 3:18.34 39 39:38 5:19
7262 Brandon Nied 24 M M2024 32 2/841 32/13885 3:17.68 35 39:49 5:21
7326 Brandon Abasolo 24 M M2024 33 3/841 33/13885 3:14.43 29 39:52 5:21
7223 Paddy O'Leary 27 M M2529 34 4/2182 34/13885 3:18.19 37 39:58 5:22
35 Phillipe Rolly 42 M M-ELITE 35 25/29 35/13885 3:20.47 52 40:02 5:23
49 Nicholas Spector 23 M M-ELITE 36 26/29 36/13885 3:31.64 88 40:02 5:23
7334 Jameson Mora 32 M M3034 37 3/2342 37/13885 3:20.15 51 40:02 5:23
7335 Bauhs Scott 29 M M2529 38 5/2182 38/13885 3:20.66 54 40:03 5:23
7691 Aric Champagne 24 M M2024 39 4/841 39/13885 3:20.60 53 40:03 5:23
7344 Andy Wright 28 M M2529 41 6/2182 40/13885 3:18.12 36 40:04 5:23
7341 Martin Hernandez 28 M M2529 42 7/2182 41/13885 3:18.89 44 40:04 5:23
7333 Phil Reid 29 M M2529 43 8/2182 42/13885 3:18.64 43 40:04 5:23
7343 Derek Thomas 27 M M2529 44 9/2182 43/13885 3:18.41 41 40:04 5:23
7332 Sergio Reyes 33 M M3034 45 4/2342 44/13885 3:19.86 50 40:04 5:23
7338 Davidson Sean 24 M M2024 46 5/841 45/13885 3:18.38 40 40:04 5:23
7345 Leif Anderson 27 M M2529 47 10/2182 46/13885 3:19.60 49 40:04 5:23
7336 Sturgess Gordon 23 M M2024 48 6/841 47/13885 3:18.29 38 40:04 5:23
7337 Gonia Dan 25 M M2529 49 11/2182 48/13885 3:18.51 42 40:04 5:23
7339 Kota Reichert 32 M M3034 50 5/2342 49/13885 3:19.24 46 40:05 5:23
7347 Patrick Donnelly 27 M M2529 51 12/2182 50/13885 3:28.43 75 40:09 5:23
34901 Grant Johnson 31 M M3034 52 6/2342 51/13885 3:22.98 60 40:14 5:24
7317 Samuel Jackson 26 M M2529 53 13/2182 52/13885 3:27.04 68 40:29 5:26
7295 Justus Meyer 33 M M3034 57 7/2342 53/13885 3:23.55 61 41:03 5:31
36015 Anthony Raduazo 25 M M2529 60 14/2182 54/13885 3:26.35 67 41:08 5:31
32902 Mark McManus 41 M M4044 61 1/1473 55/13885 3:32.93 95 41:14 5:32
38506 Vincent D'Onofrio 28 M M2529 62 15/2182 56/13885 3:37.94 115 41:27 5:34
7342 Justin Potanan 35 M M3539 63 1/1652 57/13885 3:40.34 127 41:32 5:35
7230 Ryan Lok 24 M M2024 64 7/841 58/13885 3:28.87 79 41:42 5:36
20054 Mark Vinton 38 M M3539 65 2/1652 59/13885 5:28.69 3004 41:43 5:36
27 Joseph Ekeuom 41 M M-ELITE 66 27/29 60/13885 3:45.45 135 41:44 5:36
7306 Jonah Backstrom 41 M M4044 67 2/1473 61/13885 3:39.15 122 41:52 5:37
7226 Jason Lee 39 M M3539 69 3/1652 62/13885 3:35.57 101 42:07 5:39
34252 Sean Watson 29 M M2529 70 16/2182 63/13885 3:28.95 80 42:11 5:40
36013 Alex Battaglino 29 M M2529 71 17/2182 64/13885 3:25.95 66 42:12 5:40
7304 David Bondi 26 M M2529 72 18/2182 65/13885 3:29.20 83 42:13 5:40
36 Brendan Scanlon 25 M M-ELITE 73 28/29 66/13885 3:16.37 32 42:15 5:40
7315 Wade Davis 24 M M2024 74 8/841 67/13885 3:31.76 90 42:16 5:41
45 Paul Guevara 25 M M-ELITE 75 29/29 68/13885 3:36.25 106 42:20 5:41
7316 Brian Cole 26 M M2529 78 19/2182 69/13885 3:34.85 99 42:26 5:42
115 John Litzenberg III 45 M M4549 80 1/1246 70/13885 3:36.65 109 42:31 5:43
34240 Jonas Oppedal 38 M M3539 81 4/1652 71/13885 3:31.99 91 42:36 5:43
123 Chris Knorzer 46 M M4549 82 2/1246 72/13885 3:47.22 148 42:41 5:44
36008 Stefan Lemke 22 M M2024 83 9/841 73/13885 3:29.46 85 42:43 5:44
31047 David Urista 24 M M2024 84 10/841 74/13885 3:29.27 84 42:43 5:44
7287 Ryan Irwin 31 M M3034 85 8/2342 75/13885 3:29.84 87 42:44 5:44
31037 Jeffrey Czyz 33 M M3034 86 9/2342 76/13885 3:29.48 86 42:44 5:44
7220 Eddie Higgins 31 M M3034 87 10/2342 77/13885 3:28.82 78 42:45 5:44
7216 Brett Rivers 33 M M3034 88 11/2342 78/13885 3:39.10 120 42:46 5:45
31082 Pierre Billa 31 M M3034 89 12/2342 79/13885 3:45.17 134 42:46 5:45
31048 Edward Breen 33 M M3034 90 13/2342 80/13885 3:28.67 77 42:47 5:45
31049 Gus Gibbs 29 M M2529 91 20/2182 81/13885 3:27.91 70 42:47 5:45
31039 Matt Kane 30 M M3034 92 14/2342 82/13885 3:27.94 71 42:48 5:45
31040 Loren Newman 28 M M2529 93 21/2182 83/13885 3:28.46 76 42:48 5:45
35495 Konrad Knutsen 38 M M3539 94 5/1652 84/13885 3:28.21 74 42:48 5:45
36005 Nate Bowen 39 M M3539 96 6/1652 85/13885 3:28.14 73 42:49 5:45
31046 Jason Karbelk 28 M M2529 97 22/2182 86/13885 3:27.99 72 42:49 5:45
7274 Gurjeet Barayah 29 M M2529 98 23/2182 87/13885 3:25.40 64 42:50 5:45
7288 Alan Reynolds 51 M M5054 101 1/1046 88/13885 3:36.47 108 42:59 5:46
7219 Andrew Alexander Green 32 M M3034 102 15/2342 89/13885 3:35.69 103 43:05 5:47
7250 John Markell 41 M M4044 103 3/1473 90/13885 3:45.69 136 43:07 5:47
7289 Hermann Alpermann 37 M M3539 104 7/1652 91/13885 3:38.44 117 43:08 5:48
125 Kyle McNaught-Davis 37 M M3539 105 8/1652 92/13885 3:58.42 210 43:20 5:49
36002 Kevin Tran 25 M M2529 106 24/2182 93/13885 3:56.10 190 43:22 5:49
36007 Derek Thomas 24 M M2024 107 11/841 94/13885 2:38.98 1 43:22 5:49
34242 Timothy Watson 25 M M2529 108 25/2182 95/13885 3:46.26 139 43:33 5:51
7305 Juan Rivera 34 M M3034 109 16/2342 96/13885 3:19.51 48 43:38 5:52
7302 Brad Chvatal 43 M M4044 110 4/1473 97/13885 3:36 104 43:49 5:53
36004 Mike Evans 23 M M2024 111 12/841 98/13885 3:37.22 111 43:54 5:54
36011 Matt Weber 24 M M2024 112 13/841 99/13885 4:00.02 237 43:58 5:54
7628 Michael Allen 30 M M3034 113 17/2342 100/13885 3:27.58 69 44:00 5:54
34256 David Siegel 32 M M3034 114 18/2342 101/13885 4:02.57 256 44:06 5:55
128 Benny Willers 24 M M2024 115 14/841 102/13885 3:47.17 147 44:09 5:56
7633 Max Kam 29 M M2529 116 26/2182 103/13885 3:37.13 110 44:14 5:56
7291 Anthony Katz 32 M M3034 117 19/2342 104/13885 3:51.43 162 44:20 5:57
36010 Ivan Lieben 45 M M4549 119 3/1246 105/13885 3:46.93 144 44:22 5:57
23585 Dimitry Kislyuk 40 M M4044 120 5/1473 106/13885 3:39.10 121 44:22 5:57
7222 Adam Cohen 27 M M2529 121 27/2182 107/13885 3:46.32 141 44:29 5:58
7464 Benjamin Arbaugh 19 M M1619 122 1/382 108/13885 3:33.66 97 44:35 5:59
7255 Cory Wallace 35 M M3539 123 9/1652 109/13885 3:32.17 93 44:36 5:59
7299 Daniel Hamilton 24 M M2024 124 15/841 110/13885 3:46.94 145 44:38 6:00
7221 Simo Leone 26 M M2529 126 28/2182 111/13885 3:37.56 113 44:41 6:00
7447 Travis Neal 35 M M3539 127 10/1652 112/13885 3:50.55 161 44:42 6:00
38505 Zach Bibeault 18 M M1619 128 2/382 113/13885 4:00.17 239 44:46 6:01
7268 Kailen Swain 18 M M1619 129 3/382 114/13885 3:47.86 152 44:49 6:01
7364 Michael Chromik 28 M M2529 130 29/2182 115/13885 3:57.54 200 44:51 6:01
36001 Blake Arnold 26 M M2529 131 30/2182 116/13885 3:57.79 203 44:53 6:02
7614 Isaac Blum 27 M M2529 132 31/2182 117/13885 3:44.70 133 44:55 6:02
129 David Underhill 30 M M3034 133 20/2342 118/13885 3:38.79 119 44:56 6:02
7325 Eric Sullivan 43 M M4044 134 6/1473 119/13885 3:51.96 168 44:57 6:02
806 Brad Aagaard 42 M M4044 135 7/1473 120/13885 3:57.89 207 44:57 6:02
7318 Sean Sketch 25 M M2529 136 32/2182 121/13885 3:21.77 57 45:01 6:03
10141 Darrell Galli 35 M M3539 137 11/1652 122/13885 3:32.98 96 45:02 6:03
7259 Ken Allen 47 M M4549 138 4/1246 123/13885 3:34.94 100 45:04 6:03
36034 Chris Maxwell 21 M M2024 139 16/841 124/13885 3:40.37 128 45:06 6:03
5676 Robert Hill 62 M M6064 140 1/564 125/13885 3:36.24 105 45:08 6:04
7210 Greg King 31 M M3034 141 21/2342 126/13885 3:59.82 235 45:10 6:04
7298 John Pankey 51 M M5054 142 2/1046 127/13885 3:51.58 164 45:14 6:04
34906 Nick Magel 33 M M3034 143 22/2342 128/13885 3:38.19 116 45:14 6:04
38504 James Nielson 35 M M3539 144 12/1652 129/13885 4:03.63 266 45:27 6:06
7232 Peter Kruse 27 M M2529 145 33/2182 130/13885 3:51.59 165 45:27 6:06
7512 Austin Mitchell 26 M M2529 146 34/2182 131/13885 3:57.84 204 45:36 6:07
7231 Galen Johnson 28 M M2529 147 35/2182 132/13885 3:58.63 212 45:36 6:07
31068 Alex Hancock 26 M M2529 148 36/2182 133/13885 3:50.31 158 45:38 6:08
7309 Chad Slammer 25 M M2529 149 37/2182 134/13885 4:00.45 241 45:40 6:08
7552 Su-Yang Liu 32 M M3034 150 23/2342 135/13885 3:53.86 176 45:41 6:08
8626 Alex Boches 26 M M2529 151 38/2182 136/13885 3:49.72 157 45:43 6:08
38642 Barry Fischer 30 M M3034 152 24/2342 137/13885 3:43.44 131 45:47 6:09
7266 Craig Dunn 41 M M4044 153 8/1473 138/13885 3:59.14 222 45:49 6:09
102 Jonathan Slater 46 M M4549 154 5/1246 139/13885 3:58.68 215 45:49 6:09
7417 Gary Fox 31 M M3034 155 25/2342 140/13885 3:55.45 186 45:52 6:09
31045 Jeffrey Herman 31 M M3034 156 26/2342 141/13885 4:05.38 282 45:52 6:09
31044 Kyle Lackner 24 M M2024 157 17/841 142/13885 3:55.70 188 45:55 6:10
111 Ernesto Aristeo 36 M M3539 158 13/1652 143/13885 4:01.56 248 45:55 6:10
34905 Baker Lyon 31 M M3034 159 27/2342 144/13885 3:53.57 175 45:57 6:10
7639 Peter Mage 25 M M2529 161 39/2182 145/13885 3:50.36 159 46:01 6:11
7576 John O'Hollaren 26 M M2529 163 40/2182 146/13885 3:39.47 123 46:02 6:11
31038 Edward Randolph 45 M M4549 164 6/1246 147/13885 4:06.41 295 46:03 6:11
7251 Matthew Kaea 45 M M4549 166 7/1246 148/13885 3:59.94 236 46:06 6:11
34903 Peter Battaglino 31 M M3034 167 28/2342 149/13885 3:55.28 184 46:06 6:11
7664 Van Patterson 40 M M4044 169 9/1473 150/13885 4:03.88 267 46:10 6:12
9596 Justin Heckford 29 M M2529 170 41/2182 151/13885 3:45.80 137 46:13 6:12
36216 Ludek Cigler 31 M M3034 171 29/2342 152/13885 3:58.09 208 46:17 6:13
7413 Steven Wengrovitz 31 M M3034 172 30/2342 153/13885 4:04.70 276 46:20 6:13
7217 Geoffrey Rhizor 30 M M3034 173 31/2342 154/13885 4:01.41 247 46:20 6:13
7640 Tyler Gardner 25 M M2529 174 42/2182 155/13885 3:50.46 160 46:24 6:14
7292 Jason Yen 20 M M2024 175 18/841 156/13885 3:53.56 174 46:25 6:14
34902 Jake Natalini 28 M M2529 176 43/2182 157/13885 3:52.74 172 46:25 6:14
198 Lance Doherty 38 M M3539 177 14/1652 158/13885 4:17.21 441 46:27 6:14
7233 William Wheeler 45 M M4549 178 8/1246 159/13885 3:59.76 233 46:29 6:14
7520 Erik Donohue 29 M M2529 179 44/2182 160/13885 3:46.32 142 46:30 6:15
124 Erik Gregory 25 M M2529 180 45/2182 161/13885 3:57.86 205 46:30 6:15
108 Kerry Easthope 47 M M4549 181 9/1246 162/13885 4:03.53 265 46:31 6:15
10276 Eric Moore 25 M M2529 182 46/2182 163/13885 3:47.89 153 46:40 6:16
38507 Unknown Runner 99 M M 183 2/122 164/13885 4:05.86 287 46:44 6:16
36051 Brian Reese 40 M M4044 184 10/1473 165/13885 3:47.84 151 46:49 6:17
38514 Unknown Runner 99 M M 185 3/122 166/13885 4:06.18 294 46:49 6:17
921 Casey Chambers 14 M M1215 186 1/271 167/13885 4:05.17 280 46:50 6:17
36042 Steven Szabados 26 M M2529 187 47/2182 168/13885 3:59.37 226 46:53 6:18
36145 Bryan Eastes 23 M M2024 188 19/841 169/13885 4:00.31 240 46:53 6:18
7553 Dylan Sutton 41 M M4044 190 11/1473 170/13885 3:54.52 181 46:57 6:18
36049 Jonathan Kalkstein 41 M M4044 191 12/1473 171/13885 4:02.83 258 46:58 6:18
7275 Stephen Porter 35 M M3539 192 15/1652 172/13885 4:06.78 299 46:58 6:18
31067 Caleb Lander 31 M M3034 193 32/2342 173/13885 3:59.02 220 46:59 6:19
36040 John Van Hoff 29 M M2529 194 48/2182 174/13885 3:59.42 227 47:01 6:19
32900 Nizar Sweileh 15 M M1215 195 2/271 175/13885 4:04.55 273 47:02 6:19
7441 Jared Fischer 30 M M3034 196 33/2342 176/13885 3:40.12 125 47:02 6:19
7409 Samuel Weeks 26 M M2529 197 49/2182 177/13885 3:49.14 155 47:03 6:19
10036 Justin Ferraro 14 M M1215 198 3/271 178/13885 3:36.43 107 47:04 6:19
35502 John Nickerson 32 M M3034 199 34/2342 179/13885 4:02.48 254 47:04 6:19
31158 Alec Boyd 25 M M2529 200 50/2182 180/13885 3:42.57 130 47:05 6:19
7682 Cedric Bozonnat 23 M M2024 201 20/841 181/13885 4:08.59 325 47:08 6:20
7383 Sameed Musvee 26 M M2529 202 51/2182 182/13885 3:47.26 149 47:14 6:20
7472 Joshua Makaron 31 M M3034 203 35/2342 183/13885 3:56.90 194 47:14 6:20
36046 Bryan Hansen 44 M M4044 205 13/1473 184/13885 3:58.79 218 47:19 6:21
208 Bernard Durham 32 M M3034 206 36/2342 185/13885 3:58.63 213 47:19 6:21
7652 Shaun Malligan 29 M M2529 207 52/2182 186/13885 3:57.72 201 47:20 6:21
7263 Kenn Brown 45 M M4549 208 10/1246 187/13885 4:04.67 274 47:22 6:22
10374 Michael Zhang 23 M M2024 209 21/841 188/13885 3:59.44 228 47:24 6:22
162 Derrick Peterman 47 M M4549 210 11/1246 189/13885 4:04.69 275 47:26 6:22
36036 Chris Castleman 28 M M2529 211 53/2182 190/13885 3:13.59 28 47:26 6:22
38503 John West 53 M M5054 212 3/1046 191/13885 4:06.76 298 47:28 6:22
143 Simon Azriel 47 M M4549 213 12/1246 192/13885 4:15.78 422 47:29 6:23
7702 Terry Stephens 33 M M3034 214 37/2342 193/13885 4:02.81 257 47:29 6:23
7548 Ben Flamm 27 M M2529 215 54/2182 194/13885 3:55.08 182 47:30 6:23
10428 Nelson Osacky 22 M M2024 216 22/841 195/13885 4:09.75 342 47:34 6:23
7521 Miles Neisser 38 M M3539 217 16/1652 196/13885 4:08.80 329 47:34 6:23
36358 John Foye 24 M M2024 218 23/841 197/13885 3:46.28 140 47:39 6:24
7478 William Sauer 31 M M3034 220 38/2342 198/13885 4:01.35 246 47:49 6:25
7615 John Maxey 34 M M3034 221 39/2342 199/13885 4:02.28 252 47:49 6:25
34328 Ryan Lund 16 M M1619 222 4/382 200/13885 4:07.12 302 47:54 6:26
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