2016 Boone Hospital Foundation Turkey Trax 5K



November 24, 2016 in Columbia, MO


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5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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601 Wesley Warnhoff M2529 243 22/56 175/543 26:52 8:41
692 Greta Scheidt F1519 244 7/52 69/747 26:54 8:41
3198 Riley Tripp MUN09 245 2/28 176/543 26:55 8:41
600 Steve Crowe M5559 246 6/30 177/543 26:55 8:42
3004 Randall Durk M5559 247 7/30 178/543 26:55 8:42
826 Amie Niemeyer F4549 248 6/59 70/747 26:56 8:42
3601 Jerry Grant M5559 249 8/30 179/543 26:59 8:43
3223 Sue Worsowicz F5559 250 2/45 71/747 27:00 8:43
800 Elizabeth Sherwin F1014 251 10/60 72/747 27:00 8:43
3669 David Armstrong M4044 252 17/52 180/543 27:01 8:44
3438 Hayden Preis M1519 253 30/41 181/543 27:06 8:45
3287 Ron Roberts M7074 254 1/7 182/543 27:07 8:45
3772 Arleigh Truesdale F1519 255 8/52 73/747 27:07 8:46
961 Sam Bittner M2024 256 11/28 183/543 27:09 8:46
957 Marsha Bittner F5559 257 3/45 74/747 27:09 8:46
3077 Bryan Norton M5054 258 7/35 184/543 27:11 8:47
3197 Kevin Tripp M5559 259 9/30 185/543 27:12 8:47
3650 Gentry Cross M1014 260 27/77 186/543 27:14 8:48
740 Lena Coon F1014 261 11/60 75/747 27:14 8:48
768 Charlie Jacoby M2529 262 23/56 187/543 27:14 8:48
3851 Cortney Mendenhall F3539 263 11/85 76/747 27:15 8:48
791 Alexandra Socarides F4044 264 7/77 77/747 27:17 8:49
3271 Abby Dunn F3034 265 7/90 78/747 27:18 8:49
3857 Julius Johnmeyer M6064 266 4/25 188/543 27:18 8:49
3609 Nathan Hoskins M1519 267 31/41 189/543 27:20 8:50
3832 Kelly Sabulsky F5054 268 2/53 79/747 27:21 8:50
3873 Taylor Adams M2024 269 12/28 190/543 27:23 8:51
767 Catherine Bean F2024 270 5/46 80/747 27:23 8:51
3096 Carson Moore MUN09 271 3/28 191/543 27:23 8:51
3362 Mason Ahern M1014 272 28/77 192/543 27:24 8:51
3095 Chris Moore M4044 273 18/52 193/543 27:24 8:51
3756 Amy Strother F3034 274 8/90 81/747 27:26 8:52
3847 Linda Janish F5559 275 4/45 82/747 27:27 8:52
897 Jack Okker-Edging M2024 276 13/28 194/543 27:27 8:52
3713 Michael Parsons M3539 277 18/48 195/543 27:28 8:52
3150 Charles Weatherman M3539 278 19/48 196/543 27:33 8:54
3460 Rebecca Hennessy F5054 279 3/53 83/747 27:33 8:54
3604 Peter Dyke M4549 280 16/45 197/543 27:37 8:55
3078 Tristan Welsh M2024 281 14/28 198/543 27:37 8:55
970 Ilinca Popescu F1519 282 9/52 84/747 27:43 8:57

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