Flying Pig Marathon 2018

Tri-State Running Company 5k - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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37124 Brett Nolan M 35-39 54 6/304 47/2554 20:11 6:31
32898 Ramzi Nuseibeh M 40-44 55 3/284 48/2554 20:12 6:31
37022 Winston Mei M 45-49 56 5/261 49/2554 20:12 6:31
31121 Chase Staderman M 10-11 57 4/176 50/2554 20:14 6:32
37611 Todd Thomas M 30-34 58 7/256 51/2554 20:16 6:33
37474 Taylor Singleton M 35-39 59 7/304 52/2554 20:16 6:33
37531 Theodore Stazak M 25-29 60 4/189 53/2554 20:20 6:34
32980 Jason Pedicini M 40-44 61 4/284 54/2554 20:20 6:34
37338 Edward Ronau M 30-34 62 8/256 55/2554 20:22 6:35
36329 Brian Elliott M 40-44 63 5/284 56/2554 20:25 6:35
35038 Maddie Edmondson F 12-14 64 1/123 8/4317 20:25 6:36
35269 Charlie Cooper M 12-14 65 8/138 57/2554 20:26 6:36
34443 Juilet Horenziak F 12-14 66 2/123 9/4317 20:29 6:37
33063 Gabriel Pytel M 35-39 67 8/304 58/2554 20:29 6:37
37908 Josh Bartler M 15-17 68 4/51 59/2554 20:29 6:37
30886 Tristan Hand M 15-17 69 5/51 60/2554 20:30 6:37
35532 Maurice Thompson M 35-39 70 9/304 61/2554 20:32 6:38
37234 Brandon Polley M 35-39 71 10/304 62/2554 20:36 6:39
34882 Connie Ventura F 40-44 72 2/571 10/4317 20:36 6:39
32967 James Patton M 60-64 73 1/123 63/2554 20:38 6:40
36336 Patrick Emans M 30-34 74 9/256 64/2554 20:39 6:40
32870 Emily Nickles F 30-34 75 2/488 11/4317 20:41 6:41
31601 Joseph Consolino M 50-54 76 4/208 65/2554 20:41 6:41
31201 Laury Arkus F 40-44 77 3/571 12/4317 20:42 6:41
35492 Chris Propst M 50-54 78 5/208 66/2554 20:46 6:42
35545 Matt Wooten M 45-49 79 6/261 67/2554 20:46 6:42
37127 William Noland M 18-24 80 8/92 68/2554 20:48 6:43
33583 Rogers Tuwei M 35-39 81 11/304 69/2554 20:50 6:44
35305 Steven Horenziak M 40-44 82 6/284 70/2554 20:51 6:44
34316 Landen Fernandez M 10-11 83 5/176 71/2554 20:51 6:44
33351 Bailey Smedley M 18-24 84 9/92 72/2554 20:52 6:44
35598 Tyler McGraw M 18-24 85 10/92 73/2554 20:53 6:45
35872 Gary Auffart M 40-44 86 7/284 74/2554 20:54 6:45
36823 Ryan Lafollette M 30-34 87 10/256 75/2554 20:55 6:45
33439 Sydney Stegeman F 15-17 88 2/73 13/4317 20:55 6:45
30917 Garrison Martin M 10-11 89 6/176 76/2554 20:57 6:46
32922 Gerald Olivari M 40-44 90 8/284 77/2554 20:58 6:46
33124 Tom Rhoades M 45-49 91 7/261 78/2554 21:00 6:47
36475 Aaron Geiser M 35-39 92 12/304 79/2554 21:02 6:48
36206 Phil Dammarell M 50-54 93 6/208 80/2554 21:03 6:48

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