Flying Pig Marathon 2018

Tri-State Running Company 5k - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 39 of 39
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32761 Edyta Mirkos F 35-39 799 51/638 253/4317 28:01 9:03
34582 Javier Martinez M 60-64 800 12/123 547/2554 28:01 9:03
32774 Alijah Mohanna M 10-11 801 32/176 548/2554 28:01 9:03
36418 Cicily Fortin F 35-39 802 52/638 254/4317 28:01 9:03
36954 Lara Martinez F 25-29 803 30/329 255/4317 28:02 9:03
36138 Jason Cleve M 50-54 804 40/208 549/2554 28:02 9:03
37901 Zachariah Wrobel M 12-14 805 37/138 550/2554 28:04 9:03
34097 Randy Adams M 55-59 806 33/168 551/2554 28:04 9:04
34791 Erin Scott F 40-44 807 42/571 256/4317 28:05 9:04
32201 Vanessa Holtmann F 30-34 808 33/488 257/4317 28:05 9:04
32789 Richard Moore M 50-54 809 41/208 552/2554 28:05 9:04
32585 Loris D Manaresi M 12-14 810 38/138 553/2554 28:05 9:04
31302 Michelle Begnoche F 45-49 811 29/488 258/4317 28:06 9:04
36849 Caralyn Leonard F 60-64 812 4/203 259/4317 28:06 9:04
35855 Matthew Arling M 40-44 813 65/284 554/2554 28:06 9:04
35980 Tammy Bondurant F 45-49 814 30/488 260/4317 28:07 9:04
35368 Julie Smith F 50-54 815 14/385 261/4317 28:07 9:04
36668 Cathy Howard F 35-39 816 53/638 262/4317 28:07 9:05
35261 Robert Borchardt F 35-39 817 54/638 263/4317 28:07 9:05
36970 Kevin Mayleben M 30-34 818 71/256 555/2554 28:08 9:05
35986 Allison Borchardt F 35-39 819 55/638 264/4317 28:08 9:05
36697 Ted Hyle M 50-54 820 42/208 556/2554 28:09 9:05
36471 Katie Gehrand F 25-29 821 31/329 265/4317 28:09 9:05
32603 Henry Marshall M 01-09 822 12/174 557/2554 28:09 9:05
34774 Brian Schank M 40-44 823 66/284 558/2554 28:09 9:05
36600 Heather Hawkins F 35-39 824 56/638 266/4317 28:10 9:05
32992 Megan Perouty F 18-24 826 13/188 267/4317 28:10 9:06
31063 Jack Dollard M 12-14 827 39/138 560/2554 28:11 9:06
36462 Ryan Garcia M 35-39 828 81/304 561/2554 28:11 9:06
36695 Nicole Huston F 18-24 829 14/188 268/4317 28:11 9:06
32164 Suzy Hicks F 35-39 830 57/638 269/4317 28:11 9:06
36692 Megan Hunter F 30-34 831 34/488 270/4317 28:11 9:06
30863 Estella Laine F 12-14 832 12/123 271/4317 28:12 9:06
33232 Rebecca Sanders F 15-17 833 6/73 272/4317 28:12 9:06
31677 Lisa Daum F 30-34 834 35/488 273/4317 28:12 9:06
31835 Grace Faul F 12-14 835 13/123 274/4317 28:12 9:06
35105 Cameron Johnson M 10-11 836 33/176 562/2554 28:12 9:06
30882 Howard Fogle M 50-54 837 43/208 563/2554 28:13 9:06
30880 Lewis Cooney M 10-11 838 34/176 564/2554 28:13 9:06

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