Flying Pig Marathon 2016

Tri-State Running Company 5k - Results

35111 Brett Savelkoul M 25-29 1606 84/179 974/2448 31:18 10:06
33622 Sarah Brown F 30-34 1607 117/506 633/3758 31:18 10:06
36993 Liz Ponzer F 25-29 1608 71/357 634/3758 31:18 10:06
32968 Cameron Sheldon M 10-11 1609 69/167 975/2448 31:18 10:06
32734 Gregory Rains M 50-54 1610 68/176 976/2448 31:18 10:06
31080 Timothy Zwiesler M 45-49 1611 104/277 977/2448 31:18 10:06
31264 Christine Mormile F 12-14 1612 43/134 635/3758 31:18 10:06
37930 Steve Nemeth M 45-49 1613 105/277 978/2448 31:19 10:06
36095 Jessica Hubbard F 25-29 1614 72/357 636/3758 31:19 10:06
33141 Kenny Tran M 18-24 1615 72/112 979/2448 31:19 10:06
32969 Mark Sheldon M 40-44 1616 106/276 980/2448 31:19 10:06
33068 Peter Strawman M 25-29 1617 85/179 981/2448 31:19 10:06
31711 Chad Davidson M 35-39 1618 125/286 982/2448 31:20 10:07
35870 Carson Wood M 10-11 1619 70/167 983/2448 31:20 10:07
33140 Andrew Tran M 15-17 1620 40/60 984/2448 31:20 10:07
33480 Kyle Becker M 10-11 1621 71/167 985/2448 31:20 10:07
32077 Tiffany Hinton F 25-29 1622 73/357 637/3758 31:20 10:07
38338 Lindsay Vogel F 30-34 1623 118/506 638/3758 31:21 10:07
37119 Erin Bittner F 30-34 1624 119/506 639/3758 31:22 10:07
36239 Bentley Fisher F 12-14 1625 44/134 640/3758 31:22 10:07
35920 Rob Harris M 35-39 1626 126/286 986/2448 31:22 10:07
31261 Abbie Meier F 12-14 1627 45/134 641/3758 31:22 10:07
35877 Brooke York F 18-24 1628 45/208 642/3758 31:22 10:08
35757 Dan Muenzer M 50-54 1629 69/176 987/2448 31:22 10:08
33440 Daniela Balbi F 01-09 1630 16/193 643/3758 31:22 10:08
35756 Christine Muenzer F 50-54 1631 38/296 644/3758 31:22 10:08
35752 Bengy Mitchell M 40-44 1632 107/276 988/2448 31:23 10:08
36201 Charlotte Maliborski F 12-14 1633 46/134 645/3758 31:23 10:08
35169 Coy Shepard M 18-24 1634 73/112 989/2448 31:23 10:08
32816 Bradley Robbins M 25-29 1635 86/179 990/2448 31:23 10:08
31630 Michelle Clark F 35-39 1636 80/468 646/3758 31:23 10:08
33993 Jake Fontaine M 12-14 1637 70/136 991/2448 31:23 10:08
31148 Aidan Combs M 12-14 1638 71/136 992/2448 31:24 10:08
36336 Nicole Merrill F 18-24 1639 46/208 647/3758 31:24 10:08
35899 Ali Balchunas F 25-29 1640 74/357 648/3758 31:24 10:08
31118 Lexie Crawford F 12-14 1641 47/134 649/3758 31:25 10:08
35104 Michael Santoro M 30-34 1642 127/270 993/2448 31:25 10:08
34445 Lee Kersting M 30-34 1643 128/270 994/2448 31:25 10:08
34299 Doug Hordowick M 65-69 1644 11/50 995/2448 31:25 10:08
38275 Evie Thomas F 55-59 1645 25/238 650/3758 31:25 10:08
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