Flying Pig Marathon 2012

Flying Pig 5k - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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33709 Chelsey O'Brien F 25-29 924 51/287 375/2281 32:25 10:28
30445 Courtney Burchett F 25-29 925 52/287 376/2281 32:25 10:28
32586 Tamara Koerner F 40-44 926 24/259 377/2281 32:26 10:28
30636 Kevin Dunigan M 40-44 927 47/135 550/1371 32:27 10:28
32345 Mike Garner M 40-44 928 48/135 551/1371 32:27 10:28
31339 Lindsay Phaneuf F 25-29 929 53/287 378/2281 32:28 10:29
31898 Kirsten Johnson F 10-11 930 37/148 379/2281 32:28 10:29
33720 Maria Bustamante F 30-34 931 56/283 380/2281 32:29 10:29
32658 Dale Magoteaux M 50-54 932 38/102 552/1371 32:29 10:29
32589 Krista Krallman F 35-39 933 51/248 381/2281 32:29 10:29
32715 Thomas McKinney M 45-49 934 42/116 553/1371 32:30 10:29
30825 Daniel Harder M 15-17 935 23/42 554/1371 32:30 10:29
33625 Ryan Rico M 25-29 936 63/130 555/1371 32:30 10:29
33673 Emillie Hoh F 12-14 937 31/90 382/2281 32:31 10:30
31492 Elena Sebe F 25-29 938 54/287 383/2281 32:31 10:30
30577 Sean Dailor M 40-44 939 49/135 556/1371 32:32 10:30
31277 Mark Morrow M 50-54 940 39/102 557/1371 32:32 10:30
31584 Jennifer Taber F 35-39 941 52/248 384/2281 32:33 10:30
31603 Trip Thomas M 01-09 942 32/103 558/1371 32:34 10:31
34255 Kristie Earl F 40-44 943 25/259 385/2281 32:34 10:31
33182 Kristin Whitt F 30-34 944 57/283 386/2281 32:35 10:31
33674 William Hoh M 35-39 945 59/126 559/1371 32:35 10:31
31601 Hb Thomas M 35-39 946 60/126 560/1371 32:35 10:31
31030 Karen Kershner F 45-49 947 22/171 387/2281 32:36 10:31
33048 Nathan Spetz M 01-09 948 33/103 561/1371 32:36 10:31
31347 Theresa Piroli F 50-54 949 17/151 388/2281 32:36 10:31
32570 Kona Kirkbride F 40-44 950 26/259 389/2281 32:36 10:31
33678 Brent Sabino M 18-24 951 44/78 562/1371 32:36 10:31
32073 Joseph Bonsall M 35-39 952 61/126 563/1371 32:36 10:31
33604 Howard Williams Jr M 40-44 953 50/135 564/1371 32:36 10:31
30792 Nadia Greer F 25-29 954 55/287 390/2281 32:36 10:31
33603 Mindy Ballinger F 45-49 955 23/171 391/2281 32:37 10:32
33137 Valerie Vonhandorf F 18-24 956 50/214 392/2281 32:37 10:32
33737 Amy Vonhandorf F 25-29 957 56/287 393/2281 32:38 10:32
33679 Raven Evans F 18-24 958 51/214 394/2281 32:38 10:32
31245 David Miller M 35-39 959 62/126 565/1371 32:38 10:32
33738 John Daugherty M 35-39 960 63/126 566/1371 32:40 10:33
33700 Lisa Sullivan F 45-49 961 24/171 395/2281 32:40 10:33
31562 Natalie Stohlman F 30-34 962 58/283 396/2281 32:40 10:33
32153 Tim Carrier M 55-59 963 19/69 567/1371 32:41 10:33

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