Race Against Racism



April 20, 2019 in Rock Island, IL


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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3154 Jennifer Thomas FEMALE 11 4/134 4/134 23:29 7:34
3128 Marisa Cincola FEMALE 12 5/134 5/134 23:34 7:35
3146 Malaki Willey MALE 13 8/83 8/84 23:56 7:42
3227 Mark Cook MALE 14 9/83 9/84 24:06 7:46
3186 Emma Berger FEMALE 15 6/134 6/134 24:11 7:47
3042 Tyler Kinloch MALE 16 10/83 10/84 24:15 7:49
3076 Steve Vipond MALE 17 11/83 11/84 24:18 7:50
3148 Austin De Vilder MALE 18 12/83 12/84 24:21 7:51
3156 Cynthia Reade FEMALE 19 7/134 7/134 24:22 7:51
3259 Michael Tappero MALE 20 13/83 13/84 24:35 7:55
3157 Luke Bieber MALE 21 14/83 14/84 24:55 8:02
3159 Kathleen Evanchyk FEMALE 22 8/134 8/134 25:05 8:05
3178 Katy Strzepek FEMALE 23 9/134 9/134 25:08 8:06
3099 Pam Samuelson FEMALE 24 10/134 10/134 25:18 8:09
3092 Jonathan Grafft MALE 25 15/83 15/84 25:26 8:12
3091 Barbara Bumann FEMALE 26 11/134 11/134 25:29 8:12
3031 Kathrum Schwartz FEMALE 27 12/134 12/134 25:30 8:13
3043 Luke Kedienhon MALE 28 16/83 16/84 25:47 8:18
3192 Roy Walker MALE 29 17/83 17/84 25:51 8:20
3229 Robert Cameron MALE 30 18/83 18/84 26:07 8:25
3228 Frank Bay MALE 31 19/83 19/84 26:08 8:25
3079 Chrissie Lopez FEMALE 32 13/134 13/134 26:16 8:28
3049 Corey Ortiz MALE 33 20/83 20/84 26:34 8:33
3100 Melissa Nelson FEMALE 34 14/134 14/134 26:35 8:34
3002 Roh Woodall MALE 35 21/83 21/84 26:45 8:37
3190 Tina Rusk FEMALE 36 15/134 15/134 26:53 8:40
3221 Katherine Woody FEMALE 37 16/134 16/134 26:57 8:41
3203 Holly Sparkman FEMALE 38 17/134 17/134 27:03 8:43
3117 Glen Hummel MALE 39 22/83 22/84 27:10 8:45
3090 Alex Torres MALE 40 23/83 23/84 27:31 8:52
3089 Alma Avila FEMALE 41 18/134 18/134 27:32 8:52
3088 Beth Markovich FEMALE 42 19/134 19/134 27:38 8:54
3109 Panhli Pem FEMALE 43 20/134 20/134 27:45 8:56
3252 Isabella Macias FEMALE 44 21/134 21/134 27:56 9:00
3116 Alvaro Macias MALE 45 24/83 24/84 27:57 9:00
3037 April Uhen FEMALE 46 22/134 22/134 28:22 9:08
3054 Austin Enburg MALE 47 25/83 25/84 28:38 9:13
3145 Katrina Willey FEMALE 48 23/134 23/134 28:38 9:13
3257 Jake Crouse MALE 49 26/83 26/84 28:41 9:14
3189 Kim McCubbin MALE 50 27/83 27/84 28:59 9:20

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