Flying Pig Marathon 2009

Flying Pig Marathon - Results

Charts and Stats
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3241 Todd Backes M3539 2058 229/375 1449/2417 1:08:38 1:56:03 2:05:40 3:09:33 4:12:05 11:07 4:23:12 10:03
2191 Casey Reed M1824 2059 123/198 1450/2417 1:01:58 1:47:21 1:57:06 3:02:59 4:12:15 10:59 4:23:13 10:03
3869 Stacie Tumlin F3539 2060 95/261 609/1654 1:10:02 2:01:04 2:11:54 3:18:14 4:12:50 10:28 4:23:18 10:03
4615 Ray Polakowski M5054 2061 136/254 1451/2417 56:37 1:41:26 1:51:03 2:59:47 4:11:31 11:50 4:23:20 10:04
3545 Thomas Sherwood M4044 2062 258/374 1452/2417 1:07:28 1:57:03 2:07:22 3:14:01 4:11:08 12:14 4:23:22 10:04
2431 Erin Wertalik F2529 2063 145/337 610/1654 57:59 1:46:43 1:56:51 3:09:09 4:11:58 11:24 4:23:22 10:04
3025 Corey Rodney M1824 2064 124/198 1453/2417 1:11:03 2:00:30 2:10:42 3:16:53 4:13:47 9:36 4:23:22 10:04
3489 Bryan Kerstell M3034 2065 211/341 1454/2417 1:03:24 1:49:53 1:59:13 3:02:48 4:14:34 8:57 4:23:30 10:04
4894 Perry Atkins M3034 2066 212/341 1455/2417 1:10:34 2:00:36 2:10:49 3:16:57 4:13:53 9:38 4:23:31 10:04
4860 John Renner M4549 2067 205/332 1456/2417 1:07:44 1:56:49 2:07:22 3:10:41 4:13:21 10:13 4:23:33 10:04
4336 Dawn Downs F4044 2068 93/232 611/1654 1:05:58 1:55:50 2:06:38 3:12:22 4:12:49 10:49 4:23:38 10:04
4803 William Berger M2529 2069 203/308 1457/2417 1:04:51 1:53:44 2:03:56 3:09:19 4:13:32 10:07 4:23:39 10:04
4108 Elizabeth Blackburn F3539 2070 96/261 612/1654 1:08:42 2:00:54 2:11:43 3:18:39 4:14:24 9:17 4:23:40 10:04
938 Kristen Hellweg F4044 2071 94/232 613/1654 1:10:38 2:03:32 2:14:44 3:19:44 4:14:06 9:36 4:23:41 10:04
285 Brooke Breeding F3539 2072 97/261 614/1654 1:12:30 2:00:49 2:10:51 3:15:21 4:13:25 10:17 4:23:42 10:04
2822 Marshall Lochridge M3539 2073 230/375 1458/2417 1:13:48 2:07:41 2:17:56 3:21:20 4:14:20 9:23 4:23:43 10:04
2933 Ken Eling M4549 2074 206/332 1459/2417 1:00:37 1:45:00 1:54:05 3:01:58 4:10:24 13:21 4:23:44 10:04
4676 Scott Rudy M4549 2075 207/332 1460/2417 1:02:28 1:50:06 1:59:36 3:11:30 4:13:09 10:36 4:23:45 10:04
4288 Paul Collins M4549 2076 208/332 1461/2417 1:09:11 2:00:12 2:10:33 3:16:48 4:15:08 8:39 4:23:46 10:05
1094 Lisa Pickering F3539 2077 98/261 615/1654 1:10:16 2:01:22 2:11:23 3:18:38 4:14:19 9:30 4:23:49 10:05
320 Christine Kokoczka F3034 2078 106/257 616/1654 1:10:53 2:00:56 2:11:08 3:17:17 4:14:13 9:37 4:23:49 10:05
1093 Dj Pickering M3539 2079 231/375 1462/2417 1:10:16 2:01:23 2:11:23 3:18:39 4:14:20 9:31 4:23:50 10:05
813 Cheryl O'Bryan F2529 2080 146/337 617/1654 1:04:26 1:57:29 2:08:40 3:17:00 4:13:53 9:58 4:23:50 10:05
1049 Melissa Linville F2529 2081 147/337 618/1654 1:04:56 1:58:03 2:07:57 3:13:57 4:13:44 10:10 4:23:53 10:05
2324 Sara Nicholson F3034 2082 107/257 619/1654 1:11:00 2:01:00 2:11:13 3:17:22 4:14:19 9:37 4:23:55 10:05
4037 Victoria Lee F1824 2083 82/193 620/1654 1:08:11 1:56:20 2:07:58 3:13:35 4:12:53 11:03 4:23:55 10:05
4194 Catherine Shackson F4549 2084 62/192 621/1654 1:04:30 1:53:07 2:03:13 3:09:25 4:12:28 11:29 4:23:56 10:05
905 Pam Okrucky F5054 2085 25/109 622/1654 1:04:10 1:52:51 2:03:02 3:09:31 4:13:37 10:20 4:23:57 10:05
3222 Brad Lawson M3539 2086 232/375 1463/2417 1:12:38 2:04:28 2:14:47 3:18:25 4:14:05 9:53 4:23:58 10:05
3193 Gary Mink M5054 2087 137/254 1464/2417 1:11:01 2:01:04 2:11:16 3:17:25 4:14:21 9:39 4:23:59 10:05
209 Kirsten Godleski F4044 2088 95/232 623/1654 1:11:13 2:03:54 2:14:46 3:20:20 4:14:59 9:06 4:24:05 10:05
208 Jill Loach F4044 2089 96/232 624/1654 1:11:14 2:03:54 2:14:47 3:20:20 4:14:59 9:06 4:24:05 10:05
1694 Robert Zimmermann M5054 2090 138/254 1465/2417 1:08:55 1:57:04 2:07:12 3:11:32 4:13:42 10:25 4:24:06 10:05
2705 James Sutter M5054 2091 139/254 1466/2417 1:07:13 1:55:59 2:06:07 3:10:39 4:13:19 10:49 4:24:07 10:05
5034 Daniel Allaire M3034 2092 213/341 1467/2417 - - - - - - 4:24:07 10:05
851 Lichu Sloan F6064 2093 4/23 625/1654 1:10:57 2:01:37 2:11:55 3:17:21 4:14:21 9:50 4:24:10 10:05
1031 David Haywood M5559 2094 57/132 1468/2417 1:01:39 1:47:21 1:56:44 2:56:52 4:10:48 13:24 4:24:11 10:05
2578 Kevin Holder M1824 2095 125/198 1469/2417 1:03:06 1:49:08 1:59:34 3:02:39 4:12:10 12:02 4:24:11 10:05
763 Emma Boaz F1824 2096 83/193 626/1654 1:01:23 1:47:18 1:56:57 3:00:49 4:14:58 9:14 4:24:11 10:05
3850 Lisa Evans F4044 2097 97/232 627/1654 1:08:11 1:56:19 2:07:57 3:13:34 4:13:58 10:14 4:24:12 10:06

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