2015 Kicks 'n Kisses - A Valentine's Themed 5K

5K Cupid Chase--Searchable Format

No matter what your relationship status reads on Facebook - single, taken, married, or it's complicated - you need to spend Valentine's with us! Runners will have a chance to either run with their crush in the Duo Dash, or run down a valentine of your own

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5K Cupid Chase--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 38 of 38
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3054 Jessie Kucera F3034 240 37/41 163/195 38:35 12:26
2935 Tara Brock F3539 242 26/27 165/195 38:58 12:33
3184 Jennifer Umana F3034 241 38/41 164/195 38:58 12:33
3052 Jennifer Kramer F4044 243 21/28 166/195 38:59 12:33
2956 Lisa Crawford F2529 244 29/31 167/195 39:07 12:36
2975 Clint Evans M3539 245 13/13 78/82 39:07 12:36
3174 Rhonda Sunken F3034 246 39/41 168/195 39:30 12:43
2910 Adrienne Ashley F3034 247 40/41 169/195 40:20 12:59
2986 Kim Fry F3034 248 41/41 170/195 40:20 12:59
2864 Abbey Frankforter F0119 249 3/6 171/195 40:32 13:03
2865 Amy Frankforter F4044 250 22/28 172/195 40:32 13:03
3034 Bob Kanne M2529 252 11/11 79/82 40:37 13:05
3035 Jenn Kanne F2529 251 30/31 173/195 40:37 13:05
2965 Danielle Dickman F4044 253 23/28 174/195 40:44 13:07
3021 Jennifer Houser F4549 254 20/21 175/195 40:44 13:07
3060 Megan Lee F2024 256 17/23 177/195 41:03 13:13
3120 Cheyenne Richards F2024 255 16/23 176/195 41:03 13:13
3168 Laura Steele F4044 257 24/28 178/195 41:16 13:17
3050 Joyce Kracht F5054 258 12/12 179/195 41:21 13:19
3073 Brenda Mann F4549 259 21/21 180/195 41:37 13:24
3094 Abby Nienhueser F2529 260 31/31 181/195 42:19 13:38
3126 Rachel Rosinski F2024 262 19/23 183/195 42:21 13:38
3166 Cassandra Spellmeyer F2024 261 18/23 182/195 42:21 13:38
2977 Lynette Exum F4044 263 25/28 184/195 42:54 13:49
3138 Karen Schmidt F4044 264 26/28 185/195 42:57 13:50
2901 Aleria Alexander F2024 265 20/23 186/195 43:19 13:57
3199 Rachell Wiley F2024 266 21/23 187/195 43:42 14:04
3163 Kari Sommerfeld F3539 268 27/27 189/195 45:01 14:30
3164 Lainey Sommerfeld F0119 267 4/6 188/195 45:01 14:30
3193 Jw Walker M3034 269 14/14 80/82 45:11 14:33
3030 Ali Johnson F0119 270 5/6 190/195 45:51 14:46
3090 Jadyn Mohr F0119 271 6/6 191/195 45:51 14:46
3181 Krista Torres F2024 272 22/23 192/195 46:14 14:53
2906 Daniel Anderson M4044 273 6/7 81/82 46:34 15:00
2905 Catherine Anderson F4044 274 27/28 193/195 46:35 15:00
3011 Martha Herrarte F2024 275 23/23 194/195 46:57 15:07
2866 Micah Fulmer M4044 276 7/7 82/82 57:32 18:32
2887 Mitzi Ritzman F4044 277 28/28 195/195 57:33 18:32

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