Flying Pig Marathon 2009

Flying Pig Marathon - Results

Charts and Stats
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3172 Kelly Murphy F4549 219 2/192 31/1654 52:35 1:31:13 1:39:10 2:28:51 3:13:46 8:25 3:22:11 7:43
3410 Steve Trahey M3034 220 33/341 189/2417 48:32 1:25:56 1:34:04 2:24:49 3:13:29 8:43 3:22:12 7:44
4775 Ken Tegtmeyer M4044 221 28/374 190/2417 51:58 1:30:50 1:38:33 2:27:20 3:14:02 8:20 3:22:21 7:44
3162 Andrew Brasse M2529 222 37/308 191/2417 50:42 1:25:21 1:32:20 2:18:16 3:08:37 13:48 3:22:24 7:44
97 Michael Molina M3034 223 34/341 192/2417 51:41 1:30:06 1:37:59 2:27:38 3:14:59 7:26 3:22:25 7:44
2683 Jill Tranter F3539 224 7/261 32/1654 52:14 1:32:18 1:41:28 2:32:20 - - 3:22:41 7:45
3798 Steve Southwood M5054 225 16/254 193/2417 53:16 1:31:51 1:39:47 2:29:31 3:14:13 8:31 3:22:43 7:45
512 Barry Spain M3034 226 35/341 194/2417 53:20 1:32:40 1:40:45 2:30:50 3:15:21 7:35 3:22:55 7:45
5086 Adam Tucker M3034 227 36/341 195/2417 52:06 1:31:04 1:39:00 2:29:10 3:14:34 8:23 3:22:56 7:45
4469 Lois Ann Fulton F4044 228 5/232 33/1654 53:04 1:32:44 1:40:49 2:31:00 3:15:18 7:38 3:22:56 7:45
4753 Nicholas Ciaccio M4044 229 29/374 196/2417 51:38 1:30:33 1:38:39 2:28:45 3:14:52 8:20 3:23:12 7:46
4906 Charles Anderson M4549 230 19/332 197/2417 53:50 1:33:18 1:41:24 2:31:11 3:15:31 7:41 3:23:12 7:46
2163 Brian Shay M4549 231 20/332 198/2417 54:15 1:33:39 1:41:45 2:31:40 3:15:04 8:10 3:23:13 7:46
1019 Korey Chapman M3034 232 37/341 199/2417 50:57 1:30:52 1:39:10 2:29:20 3:14:53 8:23 3:23:16 7:46
2766 William Kelley M4044 233 30/374 200/2417 52:04 1:32:20 1:40:13 2:29:34 3:15:00 8:18 3:23:18 7:46
4446 Andrew Deak M2529 234 38/308 201/2417 50:47 1:28:26 1:36:06 2:24:24 3:13:18 10:03 3:23:20 7:46
3552 Adam Smith M2529 235 39/308 202/2417 53:15 1:31:34 1:39:36 2:29:58 3:15:26 7:56 3:23:21 7:46
1693 Lilia Vazquez F4549 236 3/192 34/1654 52:06 1:30:03 1:37:47 2:27:53 3:14:43 8:43 3:23:26 7:46
2392 John Goetz M4044 237 31/374 203/2417 53:12 1:31:27 1:39:31 2:29:37 3:15:06 8:21 3:23:27 7:46
4074 Joseph Stahl M2529 238 40/308 204/2417 55:05 1:35:01 1:42:51 2:31:54 3:16:23 7:13 3:23:35 7:47
303 Mike Lies M5559 239 3/132 205/2417 52:45 1:32:42 1:41:41 2:32:31 3:16:30 7:10 3:23:39 7:47
2790 Randy Naeve M4044 240 32/374 206/2417 52:40 1:33:16 1:41:17 2:31:50 3:15:59 7:55 3:23:53 7:47
2654 Ed Kuderna M4044 241 33/374 207/2417 57:08 1:36:21 1:44:15 2:32:59 3:15:53 8:02 3:23:55 7:47
789 MacGregor Hill Ii M2529 242 41/308 208/2417 51:44 1:29:38 1:37:26 2:28:14 3:16:16 7:42 3:23:58 7:48
2779 Tim Coaty M4549 243 21/332 209/2417 54:48 1:34:39 1:42:51 2:33:19 3:16:33 7:27 3:23:59 7:48
4083 David Livingston M4044 244 34/374 210/2417 55:11 1:34:48 1:42:56 2:32:48 3:16:02 7:58 3:24:00 7:48
3107 Kyle Erhardt M1824 245 23/198 211/2417 57:12 1:37:36 1:45:45 2:35:05 3:17:10 6:58 3:24:07 7:48
3827 John Zink M4549 246 22/332 212/2417 53:32 1:33:02 1:41:08 2:31:32 3:16:09 8:02 3:24:10 7:48
1075 Lee Tucker M5054 247 17/254 213/2417 54:51 1:34:46 1:43:15 2:34:03 3:16:51 7:25 3:24:16 7:48
3395 Galen Paxton M3034 248 38/341 214/2417 51:52 1:30:15 1:38:14 2:28:28 3:16:13 8:09 3:24:22 7:48
641 Saul Rugani M3539 249 37/375 215/2417 51:14 1:29:10 1:36:56 2:27:42 3:16:22 8:01 3:24:23 7:49
822 Pam Taylor F4044 250 6/232 35/1654 52:30 1:31:55 1:39:57 2:30:11 3:16:11 8:16 3:24:27 7:49
1588 Keith Hill M5054 251 18/254 216/2417 53:32 1:33:36 1:41:49 2:32:50 3:16:27 8:01 3:24:27 7:49
4508 Brian Engle M4044 252 35/374 217/2417 52:02 1:31:05 1:39:07 2:29:47 3:15:51 8:39 3:24:29 7:49
2113 Bryan Krabbe M3034 253 39/341 218/2417 49:47 1:27:11 1:34:58 2:26:46 3:15:37 9:01 3:24:37 7:49
3248 Don Kerr M4549 254 23/332 219/2417 53:13 1:32:10 1:40:07 2:29:33 3:15:38 9:02 3:24:40 7:49
4543 Jennifer Summe F4549 255 4/192 36/1654 53:11 1:31:45 1:39:46 2:30:19 3:16:22 8:23 3:24:45 7:49
1607 Adam Rathge M2529 256 42/308 220/2417 51:03 1:27:59 1:35:36 2:28:07 3:16:56 7:53 3:24:49 7:50
1158 Keith Thaxter M4549 257 24/332 221/2417 55:41 1:34:28 1:42:22 2:35:00 3:17:22 7:29 3:24:51 7:50
4597 Chip Boertlein M3034 258 40/341 222/2417 53:19 1:32:05 1:40:18 2:30:51 3:16:37 8:30 3:25:06 7:50

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