Flying Pig Marathon 2016

Toyota 10k - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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29869 Leigh Merten F 30-34 874 70/459 303/2946 57:03 9:13
27479 Brendon Weygandt M 40-44 875 67/196 572/1632 57:03 9:13
30464 Michael Cardarelli M 35-39 876 90/227 573/1632 57:04 9:13
29638 Amber Hunter F 30-34 877 71/459 304/2946 57:04 9:13
24838 Michael Kelley M 60-64 878 13/76 574/1632 57:04 9:13
26478 Ben Mann M 40-44 879 68/196 575/1632 57:04 9:13
25881 Bradley Adkins M 12-17 880 24/54 576/1632 57:05 9:13
30368 Janet Watkins F 55-59 881 14/204 305/2946 57:05 9:13
27455 Ryan Stagg M 25-29 882 83/207 577/1632 57:05 9:13
26931 Jacqueline Welp F 25-29 883 47/348 306/2946 57:05 9:13
27430 Heather Christensen F 30-34 884 72/459 307/2946 57:07 9:13
27427 Lisa Myers F 50-54 885 15/283 308/2946 57:07 9:13
30229 Wade Stone M 40-44 886 69/196 578/1632 57:08 9:13
27376 Heather Lawson F 25-29 887 48/348 309/2946 57:09 9:13
26139 Dusten Dussex M 18-24 888 42/85 579/1632 57:10 9:14
25192 Taylor Myszka F 18-24 889 31/198 310/2946 57:10 9:14
29625 Robin Hornberger F 40-44 890 43/444 311/2946 57:11 9:14
24865 Kyle Klas M 45-49 891 73/194 580/1632 57:11 9:14
24403 Sarah Dowell F 30-34 892 73/459 312/2946 57:11 9:14
26681 Lavanya Rao F 01-11 893 3/11 313/2946 57:14 9:14
30237 Brooke Stuber F 40-44 894 44/444 314/2946 57:14 9:14
25884 Hannah Albert F 18-24 895 32/198 315/2946 57:15 9:14
26231 Sam Glover M 18-24 896 43/85 581/1632 57:15 9:14
25995 Kelly Brown F 40-44 897 45/444 316/2946 57:15 9:14
26027 Shannon Carney F 30-34 898 74/459 317/2946 57:15 9:14
29769 Katie Lear F 35-39 899 47/456 318/2946 57:16 9:15
29888 Corinne Miller F 25-29 900 49/348 319/2946 57:16 9:15
26427 Jeffrey Lampe Jr. M 30-34 901 108/242 582/1632 57:17 9:15
25124 Kathleen Miller F 50-54 902 16/283 320/2946 57:17 9:15
27313 Nathan Kennard M 40-44 903 70/196 583/1632 57:17 9:15
29747 Susan Kossen F 40-44 904 46/444 321/2946 57:17 9:15
30150 Roy Shepherd M 35-39 905 91/227 584/1632 57:18 9:15
30082 Gregery Romshe M 40-44 906 71/196 585/1632 57:20 9:15
29524 Cody Grooms M 25-29 907 84/207 586/1632 57:20 9:15
29646 Evelyn Irvin F 40-44 908 47/444 322/2946 57:20 9:15
24307 Kirstin Coleson F 45-49 909 26/329 323/2946 57:20 9:15
26389 Kristine Kim F 30-34 910 75/459 324/2946 57:21 9:15
26417 Rose Kramer F 25-29 911 50/348 325/2946 57:21 9:15
25509 Kelly Schoultz F 35-39 912 48/456 326/2946 57:22 9:15
26412 Kelly Kowalski F 25-29 913 51/348 327/2946 57:22 9:16

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