Flying Pig Marathon 2016

Toyota 10k - Results

Charts and Stats
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24743 Yaoyue Huang F 18-24 927 33/198 335/2946 57:29 9:17
27495 Brian Bonner M 30-34 928 110/242 593/1632 57:29 9:17
30551 Wayne Wheeler M 75-79 929 1/2 594/1632 57:29 9:17
26091 Jessica Daniel F 25-29 930 53/348 336/2946 57:30 9:17
30117 Elizabeth Schmidt F 30-34 931 77/459 337/2946 57:30 9:17
25196 Jason Naylor M 35-39 932 94/227 595/1632 57:30 9:17
25197 Stephanie Naylor F 35-39 933 50/456 338/2946 57:30 9:17
27012 Lindsey Carter F 30-34 934 78/459 339/2946 57:30 9:17
30457 Tim Bath M 35-39 935 95/227 596/1632 57:31 9:17
26617 Joe Palencik Jr M 60-64 936 15/76 597/1632 57:31 9:17
26843 Todd Stitz M 18-24 937 44/85 598/1632 57:31 9:17
30103 Nealy Sarver F 30-34 938 79/459 340/2946 57:32 9:17
26790 Zoe Sibalich F 18-24 939 34/198 341/2946 57:33 9:17
26038 Chandler Clark F 18-24 940 35/198 342/2946 57:33 9:17
26323 Hilary Hopkins F 40-44 941 51/444 343/2946 57:34 9:18
29568 Amber Hartzler F 25-29 942 54/348 344/2946 57:34 9:18
29279 Brad Corcoran M 40-44 943 72/196 599/1632 57:34 9:18
29903 Leslie Moore F 55-59 944 15/204 345/2946 57:36 9:18
25118 Christa Miller F 30-34 945 80/459 346/2946 57:37 9:18
25493 Ben Schlagheck M 40-44 946 73/196 600/1632 57:37 9:18
30157 Jennifer Siears F 35-39 947 51/456 347/2946 57:37 9:18
30484 Phillip Harmon M 35-39 948 96/227 601/1632 57:37 9:18
29280 Mary Beth Corcoran F 45-49 949 28/329 348/2946 57:37 9:18
24449 Julie Evans F 30-34 950 81/459 349/2946 57:39 9:18
30178 Charles Slusser M 25-29 951 85/207 602/1632 57:39 9:18
27127 Laura Schutte F 30-34 952 82/459 350/2946 57:39 9:18
29466 Bret Furtwengler M 55-59 953 29/109 603/1632 57:40 9:18
29740 Kelly Klosak F 30-34 954 83/459 351/2946 57:40 9:18
26507 Terry McIntosh M 50-54 955 45/158 604/1632 57:40 9:19
29328 Tara Deegan F 40-44 956 52/444 352/2946 57:40 9:19
25996 Matthew Brown M 35-39 957 97/227 605/1632 57:42 9:19
27454 Alison Stagg F 18-24 958 36/198 353/2946 57:43 9:19
29458 Greg Fugett M 55-59 959 30/109 606/1632 57:43 9:19
29544 Robert Hall M 45-49 960 75/194 607/1632 57:43 9:19
29674 Will Johnson M 30-34 961 111/242 608/1632 57:43 9:19
29379 Caroline Dunn F 25-29 962 55/348 354/2946 57:43 9:19
30492 Becky Hill F 30-34 963 84/459 355/2946 57:43 9:19
27251 Kristen Darst F 25-29 964 56/348 356/2946 57:45 9:19
26036 Jeremy Christman M 30-34 965 112/242 609/1632 57:45 9:19
27249 Matt Curtin M 25-29 966 86/207 610/1632 57:46 9:19

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