Light of the Moon 5K - 2018



September 27, 2018 in MADISON, WI


Results By

5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25]

78 Lillian Cook F15-19 214 45/117 86/282 27:12 8:46
309 Lauren Nave F20-29 215 42/159 87/282 27:13 8:46
413 Aviva Silverman F15-19 216 46/117 88/282 27:13 8:46
169 Laura Hartman F15-19 217 47/117 89/282 27:14 8:46
226 Madeline Koehn F20-29 218 43/159 90/282 27:14 8:46
227 Sophia Koehn F15-19 219 48/117 91/282 27:14 8:46
418 Julia Smadja F20-29 220 44/159 92/282 27:16 8:47
203 Elizabeth Johnson F20-29 221 45/159 93/282 27:17 8:47
315 Tessa Nicpon F15-19 222 49/117 94/282 27:21 8:48
274 David Luy M20-29 223 71/101 129/175 27:21 8:49
374 James Rohde M20-29 224 72/101 130/175 27:23 8:49
236 Benjamin Korab M20-29 225 73/101 131/175 27:24 8:49
320 Martin O'Connell M20-29 226 74/101 132/175 27:24 8:49
75 Ross Claypool M20-29 227 75/101 133/175 27:24 8:50
300 Kent Mok M20-29 228 76/101 134/175 27:25 8:50
489 Shannon Wuensch F20-29 229 46/159 95/282 27:27 8:51
191 Natasha Ignatowski F20-29 230 47/159 96/282 27:32 8:52
85 Nicole Daul F20-29 231 48/159 97/282 27:33 8:52
384 Marzio Sacchi M20-29 232 77/101 135/175 27:33 8:52
437 Fangye Sun M30-39 233 3/9 136/175 27:35 8:53
299 Ben Mohlke M15-19 234 56/64 137/175 27:38 8:54
359 Ryan Radtke M15-19 235 57/64 138/175 27:38 8:54
46 David Breiten M15-19 236 58/64 139/175 27:38 8:54
403 Leesa Sesing F15-19 237 50/117 98/282 27:41 8:55
136 Jacob Gavin M20-29 238 78/101 140/175 27:47 8:57
466 Alexandra Walters F20-29 239 49/159 99/282 27:50 8:58
419 Sophie Smith F20-29 240 50/159 100/282 27:50 8:58
185 Kirin Hong M20-29 241 79/101 141/175 27:53 8:59
120 Evan Fernandez M20-29 242 80/101 142/175 27:55 8:59
512 John Zwick M15-19 243 59/64 143/175 27:55 8:59
211 Emily Jorgenson F20-29 244 51/159 101/282 27:55 8:59
39 Joseph Blom M20-29 245 81/101 144/175 28:01 9:01
33 Therese Besser F20-29 246 52/159 102/282 28:01 9:02
409 Heather Shumaker F20-29 247 53/159 103/282 28:02 9:02
89 Madelynne Deshler F15-19 248 51/117 104/282 28:02 9:02
420 Caitlin Smyth F15-19 249 52/117 105/282 28:05 9:03
290 Dana McMorrow F20-29 250 54/159 106/282 28:08 9:04
148 Emily Green F20-29 251 55/159 107/282 28:08 9:04
421 Hannah Smyth F20-29 252 56/159 108/282 28:08 9:04
168 Mars Hao M20-29 253 82/101 145/175 28:12 9:05

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