2019 Harvest Moon Hustle

10K Overall--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1924 Cortney Mahony F3539 405 61/166 189/647 1:01:56 59:52 9:38
183 Cyndi Elyea F5559 406 13/44 190/647 1:01:10 59:53 9:39
3485 Derek Trutna M4044 407 40/73 217/363 1:01:49 59:54 9:39
349 Debra Gonnerman F3539 408 62/166 191/647 1:01:02 59:54 9:39
3465 David Franzen M4549 409 27/51 218/363 1:01:56 1:00:01 9:40
955 Michelle Lehan F3539 410 63/166 192/647 1:01:42 1:00:03 9:40
932 Dana Mencl F2529 411 28/78 193/647 1:02:10 1:00:06 9:41
834 Shelby Murley F2529 412 29/78 194/647 1:02:10 1:00:07 9:41
1921 Abby Buschkoetter F3034 413 32/106 195/647 1:04:17 1:00:12 9:42
512 Matthew Stelzer M3034 414 36/49 219/363 1:02:30 1:00:13 9:42
2054 Lauren Dyer F3034 415 33/106 196/647 1:03:16 1:00:17 9:43
492 Niels Dunning M4549 416 28/51 220/363 1:04:41 1:00:23 9:44
94 Sheila Mikulicz F5054 417 8/34 197/647 1:01:59 1:00:25 9:44
287 Shawn Toovey M3539 418 60/91 221/363 1:02:24 1:00:25 9:44
721 Jason Heard M3539 419 61/91 222/363 1:01:35 1:00:29 9:44
167 Arielle Hurd F2529 420 30/78 198/647 1:02:07 1:00:31 9:45
880 Dave Fletcher M5559 421 6/11 223/363 1:01:52 1:00:34 9:45
3478 Jason Weiers M3034 422 37/49 224/363 1:02:17 1:00:34 9:45
2010 Ronnie Sherard M4044 423 41/73 225/363 1:02:36 1:00:35 9:45
644 Vinnie Macklin M5054 424 14/25 226/363 1:01:55 1:00:35 9:45
289 Marcie Reed F3539 425 64/166 199/647 1:04:30 1:00:35 9:45
138 Kylee Uden F3034 426 34/106 200/647 1:03:02 1:00:36 9:46
144 Sarah Conway F3034 427 35/106 201/647 1:03:02 1:00:36 9:46
928 Maggie Brokaw F2529 428 31/78 202/647 1:02:55 1:00:38 9:46
797 Kerri Merkel F4044 429 29/105 203/647 1:02:51 1:00:42 9:46
192 Becky Unterseher F3539 430 65/166 204/647 1:02:53 1:00:43 9:47
304 Jessa Bears F3034 431 36/106 205/647 1:04:19 1:00:43 9:47
114 Sarah Johnson F3034 432 37/106 206/647 1:01:49 1:00:44 9:47
786 Mary Thielen F6599 433 2/8 207/647 1:01:29 1:00:45 9:47
954 Jamie Hestermann F4044 434 30/105 208/647 1:05:15 1:00:48 9:48
30 Rachel Benzoni F3034 435 38/106 209/647 1:01:57 1:00:52 9:48
2067 Karen Green F5559 436 14/44 210/647 1:02:28 1:00:55 9:49
2051 Becky Jefferson F3539 437 66/166 211/647 1:02:47 1:00:59 9:49
888 Leigh Heithoff F5054 438 9/34 212/647 1:03:23 1:01:00 9:49
3462 Brenda Weyers F5054 439 10/34 213/647 1:03:26 1:01:02 9:50
3488 Kelsie Aldana F3034 440 39/106 214/647 1:02:36 1:01:03 9:50
770 Dawn Petersen F5054 441 11/34 215/647 1:03:32 1:01:04 9:50
568 Justin Ellenbecker M3539 442 62/91 227/363 1:03:26 1:01:09 9:51
263 Joy Mann F6599 443 3/8 216/647 1:02:23 1:01:10 9:51
858 Mackensie Minniear F2529 444 32/78 217/647 1:04:55 1:01:13 9:51

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