Bay to Breakers - 2015



May 17, 2015 in San Francisco, CA


Event Groups

This event belongs to the following groups:

12K - Results

20455 Robalyn Stone 34 F F3034 22705 2176/2760 11355/16077 - - 2:20:09 18:48
5401 Jameson Thornton 29 M M2529 22706 1899/2182 11346/13885 12:01.69 21952 2:20:10 18:48
5402 Stephanie Link 34 F F3034 22707 2177/2760 11356/16077 12:00.98 21939 2:20:11 18:48
5549 Phillip Mahoney 67 M M6569 22708 247/378 11347/13885 12:09.51 22141 2:20:13 18:49
3296 Carlos Silva 34 M M3034 22709 2005/2342 11348/13885 11:14.87 20616 2:20:13 18:49
3295 Dalila Tapia 42 F F4044 22710 1228/1739 11357/16077 11:14.66 20608 2:20:15 18:49
8578 Derek Chinn 32 M M3034 22711 2006/2342 11349/13885 18:31.27 27529 2:20:16 18:49
8589 Preciosura Leon 32 F F3034 22712 2178/2760 11358/16077 18:27.25 27511 2:20:16 18:49
17645 Elliott Isenberg 69 M M6569 22713 248/378 11350/13885 10:37.14 19397 2:20:17 18:49
2104 Leigh Ann Van Cleave 37 F F3539 22714 1384/1923 11359/16077 9:50.89 17649 2:20:17 18:49
14458 Nick Lusson 37 M M3539 22715 1383/1652 11351/13885 9:52.30 17713 2:20:18 18:49
25634 Samantha Watts 23 F F2024 22716 1002/1267 11360/16077 12:50.98 23084 2:20:19 18:50
25633 Cassidy Watts 21 F F2024 22717 1003/1267 11361/16077 12:51.57 23098 2:20:19 18:50
33739 Hannah Plunkett 20 F F2024 22718 1004/1267 11362/16077 12:51.56 23097 2:20:19 18:50
16539 Jeannine Nobriga 54 F F5054 22719 785/1252 11363/16077 11:59.80 21916 2:20:19 18:50
5669 Michelle Patterson 61 F F6064 22720 281/564 11364/16077 13:21.87 23748 2:20:19 18:50
16881 Penny Conroy 53 F F5054 22721 786/1252 11365/16077 12:01.79 21953 2:20:19 18:50
5217 Yuling Kuo 29 F F2529 22722 2188/2706 11366/16077 13:03.26 23320 2:20:19 18:50
23069 Victoria Dea 27 F F2529 22723 2189/2706 11367/16077 12:13.74 22245 2:20:22 18:50
5668 Edgar Patterson 65 M M6569 22724 249/378 11352/13885 13:20.65 23717 2:20:23 18:50
27312 Xu Zhang 30 F F3034 22725 2179/2760 11368/16077 13:58.31 24410 2:20:25 18:50
6928 Stephanie Raley 45 F F4549 22726 986/1512 11369/16077 11:18.54 20758 2:20:25 18:50
24944 Geri Millard 55 F F5559 22727 491/880 11370/16077 13:09.52 23454 2:20:25 18:50
6927 Scott Raley 47 M M4549 22728 1019/1246 11353/13885 11:18.20 20743 2:20:25 18:50
38054 Wyatt Jones 43 M M4044 22729 1211/1473 11354/13885 12:53.37 23138 2:20:26 18:50
5158 David Solomon 23 M M2024 22730 698/841 11355/13885 14:04.73 24510 2:20:26 18:50
38055 Jenifer Jones 43 F F4044 22731 1229/1739 11371/16077 12:52.40 23119 2:20:26 18:50
11548 Van Dang 55 M M5559 22732 713/913 11356/13885 12:22.39 22436 2:20:28 18:51
32513 Michelle Garcia 47 F F4549 22733 987/1512 11372/16077 12:55.21 23174 2:20:28 18:51
227 Chris Kelly 30 M M3034 22734 2007/2342 11357/13885 11:01.53 20198 2:20:29 18:51
28876 Angeline Fuentez 40 F F4044 22735 1230/1739 11373/16077 - - 2:20:29 18:51
34666 Cyndy Crocker 31 F F3034 22736 2180/2760 11374/16077 8:55.70 15419 2:20:29 18:51
3669 Sandy Kelly 31 F F3034 22737 2181/2760 11375/16077 11:01.18 20182 2:20:29 18:51
2567 Robert Silverman 58 M M5559 22738 714/913 11358/13885 11:29.06 21078 2:20:29 18:51
34584 Lindsey Rhinebolt 29 F F2529 22739 2190/2706 11376/16077 8:55.63 15416 2:20:29 18:51
4505 Ronald Hughes 51 M M5054 22740 838/1046 11359/13885 9:50.56 17641 2:20:30 18:51
3641 Rebecca Silverman 17 F F1619 22741 363/528 11377/16077 11:29.11 21081 2:20:31 18:51
12803 Orson Ku 30 M M3034 22742 2008/2342 11360/13885 10:48.35 19759 2:20:31 18:51
12802 Yezi Jin 28 F F2529 22743 2191/2706 11378/16077 10:45.98 19696 2:20:32 18:51
8889 Sheena.Com Le 32 F F3034 22744 2182/2760 11379/16077 7:26.46 10822 2:20:32 18:51
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