Flying Pig Marathon 2016

Toyota 10k - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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25708 Lucas Van Krimpen M 25-29 975 89/207 615/1632 57:53 9:21
25299 Colleen Perry F 40-44 976 54/444 361/2946 57:54 9:21
26265 Erin Hamilton F 40-44 977 55/444 362/2946 57:54 9:21
27447 Keith Shockey M 55-59 978 31/109 616/1632 57:55 9:21
26684 Scott Rayburn M 50-54 979 47/158 617/1632 57:56 9:21
27674 Beth Weitzel F 50-54 980 17/283 363/2946 57:56 9:21
24345 Mark Coyle M 25-29 981 90/207 618/1632 57:57 9:21
30519 Adam Moellinger M 25-29 982 91/207 619/1632 57:57 9:21
26329 William Hudson M 45-49 983 76/194 620/1632 57:57 9:21
27393 Laurie Russo F 50-54 984 18/283 364/2946 57:57 9:21
27350 Mp Illig F 55-59 985 17/204 365/2946 57:57 9:21
29754 Brian Kuntz M 40-44 986 75/196 621/1632 57:59 9:22
29908 Mary Morgan F 55-59 987 18/204 366/2946 58:00 9:22
25097 Sam Meinerding F 25-29 988 59/348 367/2946 58:00 9:22
29241 Janet Christoff F 60-64 989 4/100 368/2946 58:00 9:22
25252 Karen Ostipow F 35-39 990 52/456 369/2946 58:02 9:22
25877 Lee Adamcik F 45-49 991 29/329 370/2946 58:02 9:22
29761 Diane Landry F 50-54 992 19/283 371/2946 58:02 9:22
25876 Joe Adamcik M 50-54 993 48/158 622/1632 58:02 9:22
30188 Matthew Smith M 30-34 994 113/242 623/1632 58:03 9:22
26046 Debbie Clerc F 45-49 995 30/329 372/2946 58:04 9:22
27413 Sean Geary M 25-29 996 92/207 624/1632 58:05 9:23
29145 Kati Bramble F 30-34 997 85/459 373/2946 58:05 9:23
25928 Alexander Beck M 25-29 998 93/207 625/1632 58:06 9:23
27044 Kristin Haack F 25-29 999 60/348 374/2946 58:06 9:23
24096 Caroline Bear F 45-49 1000 31/329 375/2946 58:07 9:23
29786 Bridget Lorenz F 35-39 1001 53/456 376/2946 58:07 9:23
25960 Amanda Blanton F 30-34 1002 86/459 377/2946 58:07 9:23
26480 Heather Mann F 40-44 1003 56/444 378/2946 58:07 9:23
29422 Janelle Finnie F 35-39 1004 54/456 379/2946 58:07 9:23
25625 Melissa Stewart F 35-39 1005 55/456 380/2946 58:08 9:23
26951 Crystal Willis F 35-39 1006 56/456 381/2946 58:08 9:23
30216 Elizabeth Steinau F 35-39 1007 57/456 382/2946 58:08 9:23
29974 Melissa Patrick F 30-34 1008 87/459 383/2946 58:08 9:23
24910 Ryan Lamb M 30-34 1009 114/242 626/1632 58:09 9:23
25293 Sheridan Pennington F 45-49 1010 32/329 384/2946 58:09 9:23
30440 Tina Young F 40-44 1011 57/444 385/2946 58:09 9:23
29635 Tony Hughes M 45-49 1012 77/194 627/1632 58:10 9:23
26000 Krista Bruns F 40-44 1013 58/444 386/2946 58:11 9:23
29307 Michael Crusham M 55-59 1014 32/109 628/1632 58:12 9:24

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