2018 Harvest Moon Hustle

10K Overall--Searchable Format


September 14, 2018 in Elmwood, NE

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10K Overall--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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856 Stephanie Huddle F3539 216 26/190 82/725 57:49 55:57 9:01
2218 Ryan Stungis M2024 217 8/10 135/359 56:46 56:01 9:01
2048 Emily Sheets F2529 218 10/83 83/725 57:29 56:04 9:02
889 Deanna Ebmeier F3539 219 27/190 84/725 56:32 56:07 9:02
2294 Tj Mills M3034 220 26/72 136/359 57:31 56:07 9:02
406 Tim Shomaker M5559 221 5/16 137/359 57:40 56:09 9:03
576 Kelby Nitz M3539 222 39/85 138/359 57:10 56:14 9:03
136 Regina Roebke F2529 223 11/83 85/725 57:11 56:14 9:03
709 Chad McKown M4044 224 23/63 139/359 58:05 56:20 9:04
624 Jeff Sietstra M3539 225 40/85 140/359 57:49 56:21 9:05
810 Jillian Volnek F3034 226 16/119 86/725 57:58 56:23 9:05
475 Trevor Bohling M3539 227 41/85 141/359 57:20 56:25 9:05
818 Nicole Addison F3539 228 28/190 87/725 1:00:38 56:27 9:06
809 Katie Schomer F3034 229 17/119 88/725 57:50 56:33 9:07
2339 Jacque Lee F4549 230 6/63 89/725 57:57 56:35 9:07
2035 Sue Aliano F4044 231 16/140 90/725 57:15 56:39 9:07
2404 Lance Davis M4044 232 24/63 142/359 57:27 56:40 9:08
691 Lee Jameson M5054 233 5/18 143/359 57:19 56:41 9:08
284 Angie Jameson F5054 234 2/37 91/725 57:19 56:41 9:08
524 Steven Howser M3539 235 42/85 144/359 58:09 56:42 9:08
255 Jennifer Gramlich F2529 236 12/83 92/725 57:31 56:51 9:09
225 Gail Dishman F3034 237 18/119 93/725 58:13 56:51 9:09
460 Brodie Aden M2529 238 14/31 145/359 58:01 56:52 9:10
2293 Matthew Will M3539 239 43/85 146/359 58:35 56:55 9:10
2116 Becky Nelson F3539 240 29/190 94/725 58:52 56:55 9:10
519 Daniel Hoesing M4549 241 17/44 147/359 58:33 56:59 9:11
2229 Deanna Herman F2529 242 13/83 95/725 58:25 57:00 9:11
2074 Ryan Buck M4044 243 25/63 148/359 59:59 57:02 9:11
328 Heather McNear F4044 244 17/140 96/725 58:52 57:03 9:11
2212 Cathy Callan F5559 245 5/43 97/725 59:06 57:06 9:12
600 Brandon Reeves M2529 246 15/31 149/359 58:39 57:08 9:12
508 Jassiel Garcia M3539 247 44/85 150/359 57:23 57:08 9:12
379 Laci Reinke F4044 248 18/140 98/725 1:00:02 57:10 9:12
562 Ritchie Meyer M4044 249 26/63 151/359 57:58 57:12 9:13
633 Vincent Strudl M0119 250 1/4 152/359 58:22 57:13 9:13
322 Brett Mayo M3034 251 27/72 153/359 58:42 57:19 9:14
354 Catherine Nixon F4044 252 19/140 99/725 58:21 57:22 9:14
2295 Matt Meierdierks M3034 253 28/72 154/359 58:32 57:24 9:15
578 Kaleb Nixon M3539 254 45/85 155/359 1:02:30 57:25 9:15
254 Erin Golden F3034 255 19/119 100/725 58:57 57:30 9:16

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