The Wizarding Run Springfield



May 11, 2019 in Springfield, MO


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5K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25]

1081 Kayla Derks F2529 1046 140/203 735/1033 56:10 18:08
1448 Tammy Sellers F5559 1047 16/28 736/1033 56:10 18:08
1449 Alayna Parrott F2529 1048 141/203 737/1033 56:10 18:08
1975 Jevona Killion F3539 1049 81/125 738/1033 56:12 18:08
1974 Michaella Ray F3034 1050 98/145 739/1033 56:13 18:09
58 Crystal Hess F3539 1051 82/125 740/1033 56:19 18:11
60 Jenny Uchtman F4549 1052 47/68 741/1033 56:21 18:11
744 Ilianna Hooper F12UN 1053 69/97 742/1033 56:28 18:14
66 Abbi Burleigh F12UN 1054 70/97 743/1033 56:43 18:18
61 Charles Burleigh M5054 1055 11/13 312/392 56:44 18:19
743 Tamara Gerard F3539 1056 83/125 744/1033 56:47 18:20
1095 Stephanie Willoughby F3539 1057 84/125 745/1033 56:48 18:20
1096 Randall Willoughby M3539 1058 31/37 313/392 56:49 18:20
496 McKenzie Covington F2529 1059 142/203 746/1033 56:51 18:21
375 Sadie Ferwalt F2529 1060 143/203 747/1033 56:55 18:22
38 Sam Jenkins M12UN 1061 68/91 314/392 56:56 18:23
1332 Bayleigh Hunziger F1319 1062 69/84 748/1033 56:57 18:23
37 Jennifer Jenkins F4044 1063 56/73 749/1033 56:57 18:23
1330 Kyla Hunziger F4549 1064 48/68 750/1033 56:58 18:23
237 Michelle Agee F2529 1065 144/203 751/1033 57:03 18:25
253 Liam Erickson M12UN 1066 69/91 315/392 57:03 18:25
116 Alexis Guth F2529 1067 145/203 752/1033 57:03 18:25
688 Lindsey Quinn F3034 1068 99/145 753/1033 57:04 18:25
1999 Brooke Janousek F3034 1069 100/145 754/1033 57:04 18:25
1300 Jackie Pernicek F5559 1070 17/28 755/1033 57:05 18:26
59 Kayla Hess F1319 1071 70/84 756/1033 57:07 18:26
74 Sabastian Matheson M12UN 1072 70/91 316/392 57:09 18:27
1870 Jane Mueller F5559 1073 18/28 757/1033 57:09 18:27
1830 Kassandra Payne F2529 1074 146/203 758/1033 57:12 18:28
1829 Laura Gregory F2529 1075 147/203 759/1033 57:12 18:28
71 Tamara Kohnz F4549 1076 49/68 760/1033 57:13 18:28
72 Abby Kohnz F3034 1077 101/145 761/1033 57:18 18:30
1290 Jazmin Malczewski F12UN 1078 71/97 762/1033 57:29 18:33
1282 Asheley Cunningham F3034 1079 102/145 763/1033 57:37 18:36
1283 Ricardo Cunningham M12UN 1080 71/91 317/392 57:37 18:36
1284 David Cunningham M12UN 1081 72/91 318/392 57:41 18:37
1286 Annally Vang F3539 1082 85/125 764/1033 57:41 18:37
353 Carissa Tappy F2529 1083 148/203 765/1033 57:43 18:38
18 Michelle Monks F2024 1084 117/140 766/1033 57:46 18:39
19 Waverley Thoms F2024 1085 118/140 767/1033 57:47 18:39

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