Bay to Breakers - 2015



May 17, 2015 in San Francisco, CA


Event Groups

This event belongs to the following groups:

12K - Results

17451 Mela Trofimov 30 F F3034 13592 1260/2760 5734/16077 7:57.44 12549 1:33:30 12:33
18967 Unknown Runner 42 F F4044 13593 530/1739 5735/16077 8:33.26 14370 1:33:30 12:33
3217 Wascar Soriano 29 M M2529 13594 1472/2182 7857/13885 8:45.79 14960 1:33:30 12:33
2074 Kellie Joseph 38 F F3539 13595 677/1923 5736/16077 7:52.25 12245 1:33:31 12:33
3216 Chamisa Heymann 31 F F3034 13596 1261/2760 5737/16077 8:48.29 15083 1:33:31 12:33
14304 Karen Karnatz 35 F F3539 13597 678/1923 5738/16077 8:21.67 13775 1:33:31 12:33
17406 Marcos Nuno 40 M M4044 13598 843/1473 7858/13885 9:25.20 16656 1:33:31 12:33
2587 Connor McCutchen 18 M M1619 13599 221/382 7859/13885 8:18.86 13635 1:33:31 12:33
2136 Sammia Haugen 41 F F4044 13600 531/1739 5739/16077 8:24.69 13926 1:33:31 12:33
26157 Jiyeon Hwang 27 F F2529 13601 1344/2706 5740/16077 7:54.12 12354 1:33:31 12:33
3242 Robert Duffy 48 M M4549 13602 680/1246 7860/13885 8:28.22 14114 1:33:31 12:33
16461 Tony Phillips 58 M M5559 13603 457/913 7861/13885 8:30.41 14237 1:33:31 12:33
2585 Alexis McCutchen 50 F F5054 13604 335/1252 5741/16077 8:18.89 13637 1:33:31 12:33
4641 Robert Crampton 47 M M4549 13605 681/1246 7862/13885 8:18.87 13636 1:33:31 12:33
16462 Julia McLeod 50 F F5054 13606 336/1252 5742/16077 8:29.16 14175 1:33:31 12:33
4369 Robert Olstad 51 M M5054 13607 543/1046 7863/13885 - - 1:33:31 12:33
35783 Susan Philip 41 F F4044 13608 532/1739 5743/16077 8:02.05 12788 1:33:31 12:33
20443 Iliana Figueroa 42 F F4044 13609 533/1739 5744/16077 8:29.20 14178 1:33:32 12:33
26478 Jennifer Burkhardt 31 F F3034 13610 1262/2760 5745/16077 - - 1:33:32 12:33
26413 Spryte Heithecker 31 F F3034 13611 1263/2760 5746/16077 - - 1:33:32 12:33
24839 Jean Koch 40 F F4044 13612 534/1739 5747/16077 8:03.74 12883 1:33:32 12:33
2919 John Valmores 42 M M4044 13613 844/1473 7864/13885 9:54.50 17789 1:33:32 12:33
17648 Debbie Hansen 50 F F5054 13614 337/1252 5748/16077 8:29.90 14210 1:33:33 12:33
38094 Cerah Christensen 40 F F4044 13615 535/1739 5749/16077 8:29.21 14179 1:33:33 12:33
4142 Chris Warnke 45 M M4549 13616 682/1246 7865/13885 7:32.88 11188 1:33:33 12:33
22054 Todd Gifford 30 M M3034 13617 1507/2342 7866/13885 6:15.83 5974 1:33:33 12:33
24231 Zachary Jarvinen 33 M M3034 13618 1508/2342 7867/13885 6:44.69 8008 1:33:33 12:33
36823 Laura Tribuzi 30 F F3034 13619 1264/2760 5750/16077 6:44.40 7982 1:33:33 12:33
4141 Susan Warnke 39 F F3539 13620 679/1923 5751/16077 7:32.25 11158 1:33:33 12:33
3516 Adam Gray 35 M M3539 13621 1011/1652 7868/13885 6:47.46 8227 1:33:33 12:33
37690 Lois Black 63 F F6064 13622 88/564 5752/16077 8:26.14 14006 1:33:34 12:33
21376 Jessica Gifford 27 F F2529 13623 1345/2706 5753/16077 7:37.41 11449 1:33:34 12:33
1299 Bill Braden 60 M M6064 13624 239/564 7869/13885 7:56.44 12484 1:33:34 12:33
23801 Kathleen O'Brien Streets 54 F F5054 13625 338/1252 5754/16077 9:02.76 15719 1:33:34 12:33
9286 Jesse White 31 M M3034 13626 1509/2342 7870/13885 6:50.64 8449 1:33:34 12:33
15699 Jesus Avalos 25 M M2529 13627 1473/2182 7871/13885 5:40.92 3705 1:33:34 12:33
8855 Maya Patel 45 F F4549 13628 413/1512 5755/16077 8:26.12 14003 1:33:34 12:33
12096 Tim Farmer 50 M M5054 13629 544/1046 7872/13885 7:38.50 11508 1:33:34 12:33
23307 Michela Petrozzi 37 F F3539 13630 680/1923 5756/16077 8:23.03 13841 1:33:35 12:33
10776 Felicia Sue 36 F F3539 13631 681/1923 5757/16077 8:13.85 13410 1:33:35 12:33
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