2019 Wizarding Run Kansas City


Grab your wand, hop on your broom, and join us for the Wizarding Run. Take a magical journey through town with wizardly sights and sounds along the way. Distances include a 5K and a 1 Mile Fun Run. Costumes are highly encouraged!


June 29, 2019 in Kansas City, MO


Results By

5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25]

3041 Shawn Bjorgaard M3539 151 14/51 96/466 29:27.47 9:31
3162 Sondra Combs F2024 152 11/88 56/1042 29:29.61 9:31
2876 Chad Cummings M3539 153 15/51 97/466 29:29.65 9:31
2516 Diane Brakeley F2529 154 19/200 57/1042 29:31.78 9:32
2046 Holly Lane F3034 155 10/176 58/1042 29:32.09 9:32
2774 Sean Dougherty M2024 156 9/27 98/466 29:32.28 9:32
2739 Nguyen Tran F3539 157 4/144 59/1042 29:32.52 9:32
2125 Brian Schwenneker M2529 158 21/84 99/466 29:32.91 9:32
2124 Erica Schwenneker F3034 159 11/176 60/1042 29:33.11 9:32
2418 Andrew Egerton M3034 160 12/65 100/466 29:33.18 9:32
3089 Jack Hale M1319 161 20/41 101/466 29:33.55 9:33
2706 Heidi Allison F3034 162 12/176 61/1042 29:35.30 9:33
822 Craig Kempcke M3539 163 16/51 102/466 29:35.49 9:33
2735 Michael Ver Meer M4044 164 8/45 103/466 29:36.42 9:34
995 Ashly Matzek F2024 165 12/88 62/1042 29:36.97 9:34
2969 Matthew Tucker M4044 166 9/45 104/466 29:38.35 9:34
2381 Jessica Houlton F3034 167 13/176 63/1042 29:39.18 9:34
2612 Matt Turner M3034 168 13/65 105/466 29:44.42 9:36
2952 Tyler Herrig M3034 169 14/65 106/466 29:45.64 9:37
2227 Rachel Corkill F2529 170 20/200 64/1042 29:49.69 9:38
2475 Julian Dunlap M12UN 171 6/84 107/466 29:52.04 9:39
1559 Lacey Duffin F3539 172 5/144 65/1042 29:59.05 9:41
2674 Ellen Reynolds F2529 173 21/200 66/1042 30:01.04 9:41
2065 Sarah Treas F3034 174 14/176 67/1042 30:03.22 9:42
2839 Anthony Diers M3034 175 15/65 108/466 30:10.74 9:45
2411 Kal Salzman F2024 176 13/88 68/1042 30:13.53 9:46
2911 Christopher Rebancos M3539 177 17/51 109/466 30:15.98 9:46
1199 Allisyn Carnahan F2024 178 14/88 69/1042 30:19.84 9:48
3125 Landon Haberman M12UN 179 7/84 110/466 30:21.59 9:48
2329 Candice Morris F3539 180 6/144 70/1042 30:23.53 9:49
2602 Kimberly Pridgeon F3034 181 15/176 71/1042 30:24.06 9:49
3050 Joshua Mulanax M3034 182 16/65 111/466 30:25.07 9:49
2286 Joshua Herbert M3539 183 18/51 112/466 30:27.76 9:50
2926 Allison Riley F12UN 184 4/105 72/1042 30:28.22 9:50
2929 Andrea Riley F1319 185 4/79 73/1042 30:28.73 9:50
2712 Alex Higgins M2529 186 22/84 113/466 30:29.62 9:51
2285 Amber Mills F3539 187 7/144 74/1042 30:29.71 9:51
1193 Hunter Crawford M1319 188 21/41 114/466 30:30.14 9:51
1543 Karen Stricker F4549 189 5/64 75/1042 30:30.94 9:51
2711 Robin Higgins F2529 190 22/200 76/1042 30:31.06 9:51

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