Flying Pig Marathon 2009

Flying Pig Marathon - Results

Charts and Stats
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2617 Robert Anderson M4044 1524 197/374 1107/2417 1:04:32 1:52:36 2:02:19 3:02:52 3:58:58 9:53 4:08:51 9:30
2792 Elizabeth Devos F2529 1525 94/337 417/1654 1:07:50 1:53:55 2:03:31 3:02:33 3:59:27 9:27 4:08:54 9:30
3433 Kim Channell F4549 1526 44/192 418/1654 1:05:46 1:53:03 2:02:45 3:04:37 3:59:24 9:31 4:08:54 9:30
587 Helen Garen F4044 1527 62/232 419/1654 1:01:39 1:49:11 1:59:01 3:02:58 3:59:30 9:24 4:08:54 9:30
3191 John Hodgson M3539 1528 180/375 1108/2417 1:04:33 1:53:14 2:03:27 3:07:00 3:59:22 9:33 4:08:55 9:31
1173 Leslie Moore F5054 1529 18/109 420/1654 1:04:02 1:51:31 2:02:17 3:04:53 3:59:29 9:27 4:08:56 9:31
2671 Joe Bucalo M5054 1530 100/254 1109/2417 58:40 1:43:32 1:53:32 2:55:08 3:59:27 9:30 4:08:57 9:31
1586 Jean Schmidt F5559 1531 2/45 421/1654 1:02:17 1:50:50 2:00:46 3:03:49 3:59:48 9:10 4:08:58 9:31
1387 Derek Jones M3539 1532 181/375 1110/2417 48:21 1:28:15 1:40:40 2:51:55 3:50:22 18:39 4:09:00 9:31
1163 Patrick Smith M2529 1533 155/308 1111/2417 56:10 1:38:31 1:47:33 2:50:18 3:57:46 11:16 4:09:01 9:31
3072 Gary Schwartz M4044 1534 198/374 1112/2417 1:01:09 1:45:39 1:54:57 2:52:20 3:58:23 10:48 4:09:10 9:31
2249 Jon Minzner M3539 1535 182/375 1113/2417 1:03:15 1:49:27 1:58:56 3:00:03 3:58:52 10:20 4:09:11 9:31
4842 Jack Arney M6064 1536 14/61 1114/2417 1:04:29 1:50:59 2:00:26 3:01:13 3:59:50 9:22 4:09:12 9:31
1885 Jeffrey Hirsch M5054 1537 101/254 1115/2417 1:03:56 1:52:03 2:02:04 3:05:02 3:59:45 9:30 4:09:15 9:31
1888 Sarah Reichard F3539 1538 66/261 422/1654 1:06:24 1:53:49 2:04:28 3:06:25 3:59:58 9:20 4:09:17 9:31
997 David Broman M4549 1539 153/332 1116/2417 1:04:24 1:51:02 2:00:25 2:59:33 3:59:33 9:49 4:09:21 9:32
683 Joe Kuczwara M4549 1540 154/332 1117/2417 1:04:10 1:52:25 2:02:37 3:06:13 3:59:49 9:35 4:09:24 9:32
561 Troy Doza M4044 1541 199/374 1118/2417 1:05:59 1:53:26 2:03:15 3:05:00 4:00:02 9:23 4:09:25 9:32
172 Robert Little M4044 1542 200/374 1119/2417 1:02:39 1:48:50 1:58:39 2:58:02 3:59:32 9:54 4:09:25 9:32
2039 Marlene Schum F4549 1543 45/192 423/1654 1:01:30 1:48:51 1:58:43 3:01:00 3:59:36 9:51 4:09:27 9:32
2277 Sarah Borders F1824 1544 58/193 424/1654 1:04:46 1:53:08 2:03:10 3:05:02 3:59:22 10:08 4:09:30 9:32
5058 Cindylee Torres F4549 1545 46/192 425/1654 59:00 1:45:55 1:55:42 2:58:59 3:58:35 10:56 4:09:31 9:32
1273 Thanh Clark F4044 1546 63/232 426/1654 55:56 1:39:14 1:48:32 2:54:44 3:59:53 9:42 4:09:34 9:32
966 Jonathan Blazejewski M2529 1547 156/308 1120/2417 1:00:42 1:45:25 1:54:47 2:56:32 3:59:46 9:49 4:09:34 9:32
5057 David Stempel M2529 1548 157/308 1121/2417 1:04:46 1:52:17 2:01:47 3:02:20 4:00:23 9:14 4:09:36 9:32
3841 Michelle Bauer F3539 1549 67/261 427/1654 1:05:20 1:51:54 2:01:21 3:00:13 3:59:31 10:09 4:09:39 9:32
3840 Todd Bauer M3539 1550 183/375 1122/2417 1:05:20 1:51:53 2:01:22 3:00:13 3:59:30 10:09 4:09:39 9:32
3619 Jennifer Bilyou F4044 1551 64/232 428/1654 1:05:14 1:50:45 2:00:28 3:02:28 3:59:54 9:46 4:09:39 9:32
3239 Thomas Kusnierz M4549 1552 155/332 1123/2417 1:02:33 1:50:48 2:00:42 3:03:28 4:00:14 9:26 4:09:40 9:32
2082 Brian Keas M3539 1553 184/375 1124/2417 1:06:42 1:53:50 2:03:29 3:03:10 3:59:18 10:22 4:09:40 9:32
389 Duane Matthews M3539 1554 185/375 1125/2417 1:01:47 1:45:06 1:54:21 2:57:02 3:59:39 10:02 4:09:40 9:32
1199 Michael Sutton F3034 1555 78/257 429/1654 1:05:15 1:54:02 2:03:15 3:04:48 4:00:31 9:12 4:09:43 9:32
3739 Larry Lowery M4549 1556 156/332 1126/2417 1:00:46 1:46:54 1:56:49 2:59:46 3:59:43 10:02 4:09:45 9:32
4150 Andy Picciano M2529 1557 158/308 1127/2417 1:02:03 1:48:30 1:58:17 3:01:21 4:00:49 8:57 4:09:45 9:32
4970 Nicole Shea F1824 1558 59/193 430/1654 57:15 1:41:03 1:50:32 2:53:26 3:59:44 10:02 4:09:46 9:32
3052 Rob Beckman M4549 1559 157/332 1128/2417 1:06:24 1:54:28 2:04:24 3:06:33 4:00:25 9:22 4:09:46 9:32
1424 Paul Broxterman M4549 1560 158/332 1129/2417 1:06:24 1:54:28 2:04:24 3:06:21 4:00:25 9:22 4:09:47 9:32
674 Douglas Studer M3034 1561 180/341 1130/2417 1:01:11 1:45:56 1:55:17 2:52:39 3:56:12 13:39 4:09:50 9:33
5000 Ted Talley M3539 1562 186/375 1131/2417 1:02:13 1:48:25 1:58:10 2:57:50 3:59:31 10:20 4:09:50 9:33
3781 Mau-Yi Wu M3034 1563 181/341 1132/2417 59:03 1:42:47 1:51:54 2:52:14 3:58:42 11:12 4:09:53 9:33

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