Flying Pig Marathon 2009

Flying Pig Marathon - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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718 John Hatjopoulos M2529 1059 113/308 821/2417 56:55 1:40:24 1:49:24 2:48:39 3:47:25 8:49 3:56:14 9:01
4177 Lauren Ourednik F3034 1060 40/257 239/1654 1:03:55 1:50:59 2:00:30 2:58:11 3:47:25 8:49 3:56:14 9:01
388 Bradley Stelflug M4044 1061 144/374 822/2417 1:04:27 1:49:35 1:59:01 2:56:35 3:47:17 9:01 3:56:17 9:02
2081 Annie Sheets F3034 1062 41/257 240/1654 1:01:07 1:47:03 1:56:27 2:54:24 3:47:12 9:10 3:56:22 9:02
2080 Mathew Sheets M3034 1063 142/341 823/2417 1:01:07 1:47:04 1:56:27 2:54:20 3:47:12 9:10 3:56:22 9:02
4475 Joan Owen F4044 1064 38/232 241/1654 1:02:14 1:48:20 1:57:51 2:56:47 3:47:32 8:52 3:56:24 9:02
3283 Alicia Dabe F2529 1065 61/337 242/1654 1:03:43 1:49:35 1:58:52 2:57:12 3:47:33 8:52 3:56:24 9:02
4164 Jeffrey Christ M4549 1066 118/332 824/2417 1:01:32 1:47:01 1:56:28 2:55:01 3:46:33 9:53 3:56:25 9:02
795 James Duggan M3539 1067 133/375 825/2417 59:58 1:44:46 1:53:49 2:51:16 3:46:39 9:47 3:56:26 9:02
540 Debbie Basham F3034 1068 42/257 243/1654 1:02:28 1:48:39 1:58:26 2:57:50 3:47:49 8:39 3:56:28 9:02
3084 Todd Smith M4044 1069 145/374 826/2417 55:23 1:39:33 1:48:37 2:50:51 3:47:06 9:23 3:56:29 9:02
3428 John Marten M4549 1070 119/332 827/2417 1:02:38 1:47:09 1:56:17 2:54:21 3:47:12 9:18 3:56:30 9:02
2877 Suzanne Baird F5054 1071 9/109 244/1654 59:27 1:47:27 1:57:30 2:57:56 3:48:05 8:28 3:56:32 9:02
3664 Andrew Eckerle M3539 1072 134/375 828/2417 58:08 1:42:06 1:51:21 2:50:29 3:47:00 9:33 3:56:33 9:02
4735 Denise Holmes F3034 1073 43/257 245/1654 1:03:29 1:48:58 1:58:45 2:58:08 3:48:04 8:29 3:56:33 9:02
4666 Christopher Deinlein M2529 1074 114/308 829/2417 1:05:39 1:50:49 2:00:07 2:58:40 3:48:41 7:56 3:56:37 9:02
3653 Jeff Pence M4549 1075 120/332 830/2417 1:00:57 1:46:19 1:55:39 2:54:50 3:47:36 9:02 3:56:38 9:02
1185 Kylie Waller F3034 1076 44/257 246/1654 1:02:12 1:47:41 1:56:59 2:56:27 3:47:43 8:56 3:56:39 9:02
2824 Nick Reist M2529 1077 115/308 831/2417 55:49 1:39:11 1:48:12 2:47:26 3:47:17 9:25 3:56:41 9:03
2626 Joseph Schwab M4044 1078 146/374 832/2417 59:01 1:42:43 1:51:53 2:49:44 3:46:04 10:39 3:56:42 9:03
2233 Gina Chiancone F1824 1079 30/193 247/1654 1:00:17 1:45:34 1:54:44 2:51:36 3:46:51 9:57 3:56:47 9:03
3320 Leah Palmer F4044 1080 39/232 248/1654 1:01:40 1:46:54 1:56:37 2:54:42 3:47:28 9:21 3:56:48 9:03
2905 Tom Kirby M5559 1081 19/132 833/2417 1:00:40 1:45:06 1:54:28 2:51:47 3:47:36 9:13 3:56:48 9:03
4542 Jennifer Ives F3034 1082 45/257 249/1654 1:03:25 1:49:20 1:58:47 2:57:56 3:48:07 8:41 3:56:48 9:03
1905 Matt Rahrig M2529 1083 116/308 834/2417 1:01:20 1:44:59 1:54:01 2:52:21 3:47:19 9:31 3:56:49 9:03
3990 Stacy Burnett F2529 1084 62/337 250/1654 1:01:57 1:47:33 1:57:00 2:55:44 3:47:51 8:59 3:56:50 9:03
757 Francis Pianki M3034 1085 143/341 835/2417 1:09:00 1:55:47 2:05:21 3:02:38 3:48:25 8:26 3:56:50 9:03
4871 Krista Best F3539 1086 40/261 251/1654 58:29 1:42:56 1:52:20 2:52:06 3:47:16 9:36 3:56:52 9:03
2799 Greg Lammeier M5559 1087 20/132 836/2417 59:02 1:42:10 1:51:03 2:47:11 3:46:24 10:29 3:56:52 9:03
2107 Keith Scarborough M5559 1088 21/132 837/2417 1:01:49 1:46:40 1:56:04 2:54:41 3:47:44 9:10 3:56:53 9:03
1650 Steve Stein M4044 1089 147/374 838/2417 1:05:22 1:51:27 2:01:38 2:57:59 3:47:36 9:18 3:56:53 9:03
1391 Logan Samson M4549 1090 121/332 839/2417 59:09 1:42:54 1:52:06 2:51:10 3:47:02 9:53 3:56:55 9:03
4090 James Daniel M3539 1091 135/375 840/2417 55:14 1:36:54 1:46:06 2:46:50 3:46:51 10:05 3:56:55 9:03
3333 Jamie Armanini M3539 1092 136/375 841/2417 1:01:51 1:47:34 1:57:11 2:56:45 3:47:54 9:02 3:56:56 9:03
4963 Mary O'Brien F1824 1093 31/193 252/1654 1:00:43 1:45:29 1:54:39 2:52:12 3:46:25 10:32 3:56:57 9:03
3875 Kay Vongsakhampouy F4044 1094 40/232 253/1654 1:01:46 1:46:22 1:55:30 2:53:32 3:47:14 9:45 3:56:59 9:03
1526 Michael Bates M4044 1095 148/374 842/2417 1:00:23 1:45:05 1:54:28 2:51:56 3:47:21 9:39 3:57:00 9:03
5097 Stefan Densmore M3539 1096 137/375 843/2417 57:16 1:42:20 1:53:24 2:55:08 3:48:43 8:18 3:57:01 9:03
1369 Dana Gary F3539 1097 41/261 254/1654 1:02:35 1:48:45 1:58:32 2:57:57 3:48:28 8:36 3:57:04 9:03
3628 Kevin Powers M4044 1098 149/374 844/2417 1:07:21 1:54:27 2:03:43 3:01:37 3:48:55 8:12 3:57:06 9:03

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