2011 Advanced Radiology Turkey Trax 5K

5K Results


November 24, 2011 in Columbia, MO


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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662 Zlata Kolenikova F0110 649 13/30 353/540 39:14
664 Stas Kolenikov M3539 650 22/28 297/364 39:14
39 Gary Werkmeister M3034 651 38/41 298/364 39:14
720 Barbara Becktell F5054 652 12/30 354/540 39:15
388 Sue Adams F5559 653 9/23 355/540 39:15
700 Jenna Smith F2529 654 56/73 356/540 39:26
818 Lisbeth Hostetler F4549 655 29/49 357/540 39:31
816 Natalie Eberhard F2529 656 57/73 358/540 39:31
877 Jamie Calvert M2529 657 34/41 299/364 39:33
452 Madison Jira F0110 658 14/30 359/540 39:34
453 Cindy Jira F4044 659 42/58 360/540 39:34
484 Gayle Linsenbardt F4549 660 30/49 361/540 39:35
264 Noah Stoker M0110 661 15/26 300/364 39:44
455 Patty Cornell F5054 662 13/30 362/540 39:46
771 Gaige Larson M2529 663 35/41 301/364 39:47
770 Gabrielle Harrison F3034 664 54/68 363/540 39:49
600 Izzy Struby F0110 665 15/30 364/540 39:51
273 Maddie Wilson F1114 666 19/23 365/540 39:54
138 Sheila Chapman F4044 667 43/58 366/540 39:54
275 Deanna Wilson F3539 668 45/64 367/540 39:54
222 Jenny Karl F5054 669 14/30 368/540 39:56
415 Michelle Welsch F2529 670 58/73 369/540 39:58
414 Grayden Stitzer M1114 671 25/28 302/364 39:58
679 Jenny Norell F2529 672 59/73 370/540 39:59
263 Aaron Stoker M3539 673 23/28 303/364 40:04
598 Jahne Struby F3539 674 46/64 371/540 40:06
480 Colleen James F5559 675 10/23 372/540 40:07
534 Travis Reddick M3539 676 24/28 304/364 40:15
756 Stephanie Escott F4549 677 31/49 373/540 40:16
854 Leah Easley F1519 678 24/33 374/540 40:17
1022 Rebecca Ratt F2024 679 58/72 375/540 40:19
556 Robin Wassman F3034 680 55/68 376/540 40:21
878 Josh Calvert M2024 681 35/39 305/364 40:22
281 Daniel Prasch M3034 682 39/41 306/364 40:26
454 Darla Harmon F3539 683 47/64 377/540 40:31
517 Benjamin Smith M0110 684 16/26 307/364 40:32
519 Joshua Smith M3539 685 25/28 308/364 40:37
533 Rebecca Showinsky F3539 686 48/64 378/540 40:43
107 Julie Krause F3539 687 49/64 379/540 40:49
446 Rafael Ayala M2024 688 36/39 309/364 40:50

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