Flying Pig Marathon 2009

Flying Pig Marathon - Results

Charts and Stats
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4166 Isaac Sarris M2529 1438 149/308 1062/2417 1:03:12 1:49:01 1:58:27 3:00:32 3:56:10 10:42 4:06:51 9:26
4140 Edward Boehmke M5054 1439 94/254 1063/2417 59:13 1:42:41 1:51:43 2:49:24 3:55:41 11:12 4:06:52 9:26
2573 Ed Meier M3539 1440 174/375 1064/2417 58:57 1:42:23 1:51:33 2:55:20 3:55:42 11:12 4:06:53 9:26
4526 Kara Johnson F3539 1441 59/261 376/1654 1:04:41 1:53:10 2:02:50 3:03:02 3:57:19 9:36 4:06:54 9:26
2494 Bob Fogg M5054 1442 95/254 1065/2417 1:06:23 1:53:50 2:03:36 3:03:01 3:56:53 10:04 4:06:57 9:26
4920 Matthew Cook M4549 1443 146/332 1066/2417 1:06:09 1:55:04 2:04:50 3:05:29 3:58:24 8:36 4:06:59 9:26
1665 Matt Reid M2529 1444 150/308 1067/2417 1:11:01 1:57:46 2:09:49 3:08:14 3:58:54 8:11 4:07:05 9:26
1712 Thane Maynard M5054 1445 96/254 1068/2417 1:04:44 1:51:35 2:01:09 3:01:36 3:57:48 9:17 4:07:05 9:26
68 Elizabeth Hilton F4549 1446 41/192 377/1654 1:05:48 1:52:36 2:02:08 3:01:51 3:56:20 10:47 4:07:07 9:26
3997 Mark Forsthoefel M5054 1447 97/254 1069/2417 1:07:43 1:59:06 2:10:09 3:07:27 3:58:21 8:48 4:07:09 9:26
3138 Stephen Clyne M3034 1448 175/341 1070/2417 55:16 1:37:20 1:45:49 2:50:47 3:56:12 11:01 4:07:13 9:27
2848 Janice Hilsinger F3539 1449 60/261 378/1654 1:04:00 1:52:42 2:02:39 3:03:35 3:57:29 9:51 4:07:19 9:27
3113 William Bonny M4549 1450 147/332 1071/2417 1:02:45 1:48:14 1:57:40 2:57:08 3:56:41 10:39 4:07:20 9:27
2231 Kathryn Harlow F1824 1451 50/193 379/1654 1:05:37 1:52:21 2:02:07 3:03:40 3:58:22 8:59 4:07:20 9:27
3892 Brian Forrester M4044 1452 187/374 1072/2417 1:03:19 1:49:21 1:58:58 3:03:06 3:57:44 9:38 4:07:22 9:27
3681 Robert White M4044 1453 188/374 1073/2417 59:43 1:42:40 1:51:38 2:56:18 3:58:21 9:03 4:07:24 9:27
1956 John Borchers M5559 1454 30/132 1074/2417 1:04:35 1:52:19 2:02:06 3:03:19 3:57:53 9:32 4:07:25 9:27
4213 Cassandra Clark F1824 1455 51/193 380/1654 57:08 1:41:04 1:50:20 2:55:58 3:57:34 9:52 4:07:26 9:27
3630 Timothy Bump M4044 1456 189/374 1075/2417 1:07:49 1:55:24 2:05:20 3:05:16 3:58:26 9:00 4:07:26 9:27
382 Stephen Heister M4044 1457 190/374 1076/2417 1:02:11 1:46:57 1:56:10 2:56:17 3:58:06 9:23 4:07:28 9:27
2173 Linda Bell F4044 1458 58/232 381/1654 1:03:06 1:50:52 2:00:47 3:03:03 3:57:49 9:40 4:07:29 9:27
2180 Lindsey Bendure F1824 1459 52/193 382/1654 1:04:46 1:53:08 2:03:10 3:05:02 3:59:22 8:08 4:07:29 9:27
4441 Scott Goodpasture M3539 1460 175/375 1077/2417 1:05:50 1:53:49 2:04:42 3:07:36 3:58:23 9:08 4:07:30 9:27
4852 Chris Huwel M3539 1461 176/375 1078/2417 55:18 1:40:38 1:50:20 2:55:06 3:56:54 10:38 4:07:32 9:27
1988 Debra Dunlap F3034 1462 70/257 383/1654 1:05:18 1:53:43 2:03:23 3:08:01 3:59:07 8:25 4:07:32 9:27
1748 Karen Hoppstock-Svab F4549 1463 42/192 384/1654 1:04:32 1:52:38 2:02:20 3:02:53 3:58:59 8:33 4:07:32 9:27
2357 Lynette Buesing F4044 1464 59/232 385/1654 1:02:01 1:48:45 1:58:32 3:00:19 3:57:37 9:57 4:07:33 9:27
3821 Jessica Rieder F2529 1465 86/337 386/1654 1:07:03 1:53:58 2:03:34 3:05:09 3:58:33 9:04 4:07:37 9:28
1613 Michael Anderson M3034 1466 176/341 1079/2417 1:07:48 1:58:06 2:08:49 3:09:07 3:58:46 8:53 4:07:39 9:28
699 Janet Weimer F5054 1467 15/109 387/1654 1:04:40 1:53:08 2:03:17 3:05:27 3:58:36 9:04 4:07:40 9:28
3441 Russell Gill M5559 1468 31/132 1080/2417 1:08:27 1:57:37 2:07:41 3:08:09 3:58:26 9:14 4:07:40 9:28
3575 Bleda Elibal M5054 1469 98/254 1081/2417 1:08:28 1:57:45 2:07:42 3:08:11 3:58:28 9:14 4:07:42 9:28
2101 Billie O'Doan F2529 1470 87/337 388/1654 1:03:00 1:46:57 1:55:52 2:53:38 3:58:04 9:39 4:07:43 9:28
3502 Melanie Vaughn F1824 1471 53/193 389/1654 1:02:38 1:48:50 1:58:37 3:02:11 3:59:23 8:23 4:07:45 9:28
2295 Kerry Garvin F1824 1472 54/193 390/1654 1:05:53 1:53:30 2:03:21 3:04:03 3:58:03 9:44 4:07:46 9:28
4228 Sarah Simon F2529 1473 88/337 391/1654 1:04:29 1:51:42 2:01:25 3:03:17 3:58:43 9:04 4:07:47 9:28
4152 Bob Eddy M4044 1474 191/374 1082/2417 1:01:19 1:44:58 1:54:08 2:57:16 3:57:32 10:16 4:07:48 9:28
4794 Jason Wingert M3034 1475 177/341 1083/2417 54:57 1:37:57 1:46:27 2:48:25 3:56:16 11:33 4:07:48 9:28
657 Vincent Conner M4549 1476 148/332 1084/2417 1:02:15 1:47:33 1:56:51 2:55:34 3:57:36 10:14 4:07:49 9:28
912 Lori Hauswirth F4549 1477 43/192 392/1654 1:04:49 1:53:01 2:02:56 3:04:14 3:58:50 9:01 4:07:50 9:28

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