Flying Pig Marathon 2009

Flying Pig Marathon - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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3213 Trevor Brown M2529 1348 140/308 1011/2417 1:00:06 1:43:59 1:53:00 2:53:00 3:52:47 11:02 4:03:48 9:19
4978 Shawna Kent F3034 1349 62/257 337/1654 1:05:56 1:53:54 2:04:20 3:04:05 3:55:40 8:11 4:03:51 9:19
4277 Dan Lauderback F4044 1350 53/232 338/1654 1:00:21 1:45:02 1:54:30 2:55:03 3:52:54 11:03 4:03:56 9:19
770 Mark Sackett M6064 1351 12/61 1012/2417 1:00:09 1:44:56 1:54:49 2:56:30 3:52:16 11:44 4:03:59 9:19
1335 Alison Hammersla F3539 1352 53/261 339/1654 1:05:17 1:51:19 2:00:52 3:01:23 3:55:00 9:01 4:04:01 9:19
3557 Judy Schletker F5054 1353 13/109 340/1654 59:05 1:43:37 1:52:49 2:54:32 3:54:25 9:37 4:04:02 9:19
5071 Tim Cochran M3539 1354 169/375 1013/2417 1:03:23 1:49:53 1:59:37 2:59:33 3:54:27 9:37 4:04:04 9:19
12294 Joseph Hovanec M3034 1355 168/341 1014/2417 1:07:35 1:55:41 2:05:24 3:04:46 3:55:24 8:46 4:04:10 9:20
4382 Crystal Evans F3539 1356 54/261 341/1654 1:07:35 1:55:41 2:05:24 3:04:46 3:55:24 8:47 4:04:10 9:20
3000 Luke Takahashi M4044 1357 176/374 1015/2417 1:04:23 1:52:07 2:01:59 3:01:48 3:55:02 9:09 4:04:11 9:20
1643 Elizabeth Heritage F2529 1358 76/337 342/1654 1:02:54 1:48:05 1:57:29 2:56:53 3:54:13 10:00 4:04:12 9:20
3476 John Sinclair M4549 1359 141/332 1016/2417 1:01:31 1:46:17 1:55:26 2:58:26 3:54:37 9:35 4:04:12 9:20
3727 Tony Schultz M1824 1360 91/198 1017/2417 54:54 1:36:36 1:46:56 2:52:00 3:54:47 9:26 4:04:12 9:20
2289 Nancy Bride F3539 1361 55/261 343/1654 1:00:57 1:46:44 1:55:58 2:58:26 3:54:57 9:17 4:04:14 9:20
421 Mark Hacker M3034 1362 169/341 1018/2417 58:50 1:43:29 1:52:53 2:54:03 3:53:38 10:37 4:04:14 9:20
645 Marc McGrew M4044 1363 177/374 1019/2417 1:02:31 1:49:03 1:59:01 3:00:36 3:54:45 9:32 4:04:16 9:20
4677 Stephan Malott M4044 1364 178/374 1020/2417 - 1:50:42 2:00:04 3:01:40 3:55:05 9:12 4:04:17 9:20
2109 Hanne Loken Larsen F3539 1365 56/261 344/1654 1:02:28 1:48:13 1:57:37 2:58:00 3:54:35 9:43 4:04:17 9:20
2419 Heidi Radaszewski F3034 1366 63/257 345/1654 1:03:11 1:48:13 1:57:53 2:57:28 3:54:52 9:30 4:04:22 9:20
3913 Julianne Lynch F2529 1367 77/337 346/1654 55:23 1:37:39 1:46:35 2:51:56 3:54:42 9:48 4:04:30 9:20
1467 John Petrov M4044 1368 179/374 1021/2417 1:01:54 1:47:18 1:57:27 2:57:43 3:54:32 9:59 4:04:31 9:20
4365 Patricia Reynolds F3034 1369 64/257 347/1654 1:05:36 1:53:08 2:02:54 3:03:05 3:55:13 9:22 4:04:35 9:21
1214 Timothy Sovereign M5054 1370 90/254 1022/2417 1:01:25 1:46:23 1:55:44 2:56:54 3:54:32 10:04 4:04:35 9:21
4138 Jeff Giles M4044 1371 180/374 1023/2417 1:02:12 1:46:58 1:56:11 2:56:00 3:53:53 10:45 4:04:37 9:21
3029 Brian Meeker M3034 1372 170/341 1024/2417 1:03:54 1:49:31 1:58:51 2:58:52 3:54:07 10:30 4:04:37 9:21
4201 Lydia Whittington F1824 1373 46/193 348/1654 57:45 1:42:25 1:51:47 2:56:24 3:54:54 9:45 4:04:38 9:21
903 Allison Kruessel F2529 1374 78/337 349/1654 1:05:35 1:53:20 2:02:53 3:05:24 3:56:29 8:11 4:04:39 9:21
2576 Roger Vance M4044 1375 181/374 1025/2417 1:00:09 1:46:50 1:56:39 2:58:46 3:53:37 11:07 4:04:43 9:21
3043 Rebecca Ammerman F3539 1376 57/261 350/1654 1:00:55 1:45:47 1:55:21 2:57:54 3:54:27 10:19 4:04:45 9:21
2512 Phillip Westhoff M2529 1377 141/308 1026/2417 1:04:32 1:51:37 2:01:30 3:02:16 3:54:57 9:49 4:04:45 9:21
4550 Christian Boyles M3539 1378 170/375 1027/2417 1:05:07 1:53:04 2:02:53 3:04:07 3:56:13 8:34 4:04:47 9:21
2525 Karen Whitaker F4044 1379 54/232 351/1654 1:03:24 1:49:35 1:59:22 3:00:13 3:55:22 9:25 4:04:47 9:21
2185 Kevin Holley M4044 1380 182/374 1028/2417 1:05:18 1:51:26 2:01:38 2:57:58 3:54:35 10:17 4:04:51 9:21
630 Patrick Gerak M3539 1381 171/375 1029/2417 1:03:40 1:47:30 1:56:33 2:57:59 3:55:44 9:09 4:04:53 9:21
113 Jacqueline Glaser F1824 1382 47/193 352/1654 1:00:21 1:45:37 1:55:07 3:01:27 3:55:19 9:35 4:04:54 9:21
1358 Robert Besier M1824 1383 92/198 1030/2417 1:00:11 1:44:57 1:54:16 2:53:41 3:55:55 9:02 4:04:57 9:21
781 Mike Wheeler M5559 1384 29/132 1031/2417 56:26 1:41:41 1:51:11 2:52:51 3:54:24 10:37 4:05:01 9:22
3297 Gina Meyers F2529 1385 79/337 353/1654 1:02:06 1:47:56 1:57:39 2:59:14 3:55:25 9:39 4:05:04 9:22
2319 Lisa O'Neill F2529 1386 80/337 354/1654 1:02:28 1:48:39 1:58:27 2:57:55 3:55:22 9:44 4:05:06 9:22
1032 Michele Emerson F4044 1387 55/232 355/1654 1:01:39 1:47:21 1:56:44 2:55:49 3:52:44 12:23 4:05:06 9:22

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