2016 Royals Run 5k



August 27, 2016 in Kansas City, MO


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1034 Gina Lile F4044 618 22/181 236/1717 31:10 10:04
670 Eric Reyes M2529 619 49/114 383/1139 31:11 10:04
1061 Sophia Korte F13UN 620 13/136 237/1717 31:11 10:04
2756 Dan Alderman M4044 621 44/101 384/1139 31:12 10:04
1123 Kellea Neas F5054 622 15/152 238/1717 31:12 10:05
11248 Stefanie Bresette F4549 623 18/159 239/1717 31:14 10:05
2815 Paul Lichtenauer M3539 624 38/130 385/1139 31:15 10:05
1329 Abrianna Windmon F13UN 625 14/136 240/1717 31:15 10:06
788 Curt Elliott M5054 626 32/84 386/1139 31:16 10:06
2439 Jennifer Worth F4044 627 23/181 241/1717 31:17 10:06
786 Sydney Taylor F3034 628 42/253 242/1717 31:17 10:06
440 Marisa Jarboe F2024 629 35/121 243/1717 31:17 10:06
1862 Laurel Willig F3539 630 33/219 244/1717 31:18 10:06
3190 Jessica Pace F3034 631 43/253 245/1717 31:18 10:07
1210 Sara Wilcox F4044 632 24/181 246/1717 31:18 10:07
2181 Aaron Taylor M4549 633 41/109 387/1139 31:21 10:07
802 Brad Rudler M4044 634 45/101 388/1139 31:22 10:08
888 Mary Gordon F4044 635 25/181 247/1717 31:22 10:08
2492 Steven Smith M3539 636 39/130 389/1139 31:22 10:08
2404 Stephen Larson M2529 637 50/114 390/1139 31:24 10:08
12450 Brett Dunlap M13UN 638 39/168 391/1139 31:26 10:09
11247 Ryan Vivanco M3034 639 58/148 392/1139 31:27 10:10
12449 Matt Dunlop M4549 640 42/109 393/1139 31:28 10:10
12347 Darren Shanks M2529 641 51/114 394/1139 31:28 10:10
1746 Peter Olarian M3034 642 59/148 395/1139 31:30 10:10
1773 Jeannie Kenyon F3539 643 34/219 248/1717 31:30 10:10
366 Wendy Landes F4044 644 26/181 249/1717 31:31 10:11
363 Lynsey Fugate F3034 645 44/253 250/1717 31:31 10:11
2650 Jesse Maniff F3034 646 45/253 251/1717 31:31 10:11
1745 Eliana Wilson F13UN 647 15/136 252/1717 31:31 10:11
1533 Jason Morado M4044 648 46/101 396/1139 31:31 10:11
1546 Luke Pierson M3034 649 60/148 397/1139 31:33 10:11
2522 Will Tribbey M13UN 650 40/168 398/1139 31:35 10:12
211 Traci White F3539 651 35/219 253/1717 31:36 10:12
1545 Bethany Pierson F3034 652 46/253 254/1717 31:38 10:13
1498 James Hendley M3034 653 61/148 399/1139 31:39 10:13
175 Lisa Brown F3539 654 36/219 255/1717 31:40 10:14
1098 Alden Bradley M5054 655 33/84 400/1139 31:40 10:14
1129 Sean Fellows M3539 656 40/130 401/1139 31:41 10:14
12329 Steve Brown M5559 657 21/79 402/1139 31:41 10:14

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